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Yo MY8O$ τώρα με μπέρδεψες:


H Kyro2, se xamhlo cpu htan ligo pio argh apo gef2 gts kai se grhgoro ligo pio grhgorh (den eixe hardware t&l opote vasizotane sto cpu gia auta).


H Kyro 2 ston athlona mou ownare gts se antistoixo mhxanhma...mono se 3dm01 eixe kapoia probs logo bug tou 3dm. A, na mhn xexasw oti einai dx6 karta (ths leipei to t&l).


Στα benchies που βρήκα επιβεβαιώνεται η πρώτη σου παρατήρηση... τελικά τι ισχύει κατά τη γνώμη σου; Μακάρι να είχα μια 3D Prophet 4500 για να βγάλω συμπεράσματα...

btw δεν είμαι ούτε fanATIc ούτε nVidiot. Τα έχω ξεπεράσει αυτά τα εφηβικά κόμπλεξ του τύπου "mine is best", στα 5 συνολικά PC που έχω εν λειτουργία τα 2 έχουν nVidia, το 1 ATi, το 1 3dfx και το τελευταίο Matrox κάρτες και τις γουστάρω όλες εξίσου, διότι κάνουν τη δουλεία τους μια χαρά. Είπα IMHO θα αλλάξει η κατάσταση, μπορεί και να έχω άδικο.



nakostyphoon: Αφού θα την πάρεις με παραγγελία, θα πρότεινα μια Radeon 9500 από το e-shop:




Τελικά ο μόνος αξιόπιστος τρόπος να δούμε ποιά κάρτα είναι καλύτερη είναι να έχουμε ένα benchmark που να τις δοκιμάζει σε ίσες συνθήκες. Ο Kyle του HardOCP φαίνεται το κατάλαβε αυτό και πιέζει τις nVidia και ATi να φτιάξουν από κοινού ένα benchmark που δεν θα αφήνει αμφιβολία για την ποιότητα και ταχύτητα κάθε κάρτας. Copy/Paste από το www.hardocp.com:


3DMark Invalid?

Two days after Extremetech was not given the opportunity to benchmark DOOM3, they come out swinging heavy charges of NVIDIA intentionally inflating benchmark scores in 3DMark03. What is interesting here is that Extremetech uses tools not at NVIDIA's disposal to uncover the reason behind the score inflations. These tools are not "given" to NVIDIA anymore as the will not pay the tens of thousands of dollars required to be on the "beta program" for 3DMark "membership".



nVidia believes that the GeForceFX 5900 Ultra is trying to do intelligent culling and clipping to reduce its rendering workload, but that the code may be performing some incorrect operations. Because nVidia is not currently a member of FutureMark's beta program, it does not have access to the developer version of 3DMark2003 that we used to uncover these issues.


I am pretty sure you will see many uninformed sites jumping on the news reporting bandwagon today with "NVIDIA Cheating" headlines. Give me a moment to hit this from a different angle.


First off it is heavily rumored that Extremetech is very upset with NVIDIA at the moment as they were excluded from the DOOM3 benchmarks on Monday and that a bit of angst might have precipitated the article at ET, as I was told about their research a while ago. They have made this statement:



We believe nVidia may be unfairly reducing the benchmark workload to increase its score on 3DMark2003. nVidia, as we've stated above, is attributing what we found to a bug in their driver.


Finding a driver bug is one thing, but concluding motive is another.


Conversely, our own Brent Justice found a NVIDIA driver bug last week using our UT2K3 benchmark that slanted the scores heavily towards ATI. Are we to conclude that NVIDIA was unfairly increasing the workload to decrease its UT2K3 score? I have a feeling that Et has some motives of their own that might make a good story.


Please don't misunderstand me. Et has done some good work here. I am not in a position to conclude motive in their actions, but one thing is for sure.


3DMark03 scores generated by the game demos are far from valid in our opinion. Our reviewers have now been instructed to not use any of the 3DMark03 game demos in card evaluations, as those are the section of the test that would be focused on for optimizations. I think this just goes a bit further showing how worthless the 3DMark bulk score really is.


The first thing that came to mind when I heard about this, was to wonder if NVIDIA was not doing it on purpose to invalidate the 3DMark03 scores by showing how the it could be easily manipulated.


Thanks for reading our thoughts; I wanted to share with you a bit different angle than all those guys that will be sharing with you their in-depth "NVIDIA CHEATING" posts. While our thoughts on this will surely upset some of you, especially the fanATIics, I hope that it will at least let you possibly look at a clouded issue through from a different perspective.


Further on the topics of benchmarks, we addressed them earlier this year, which you might find to be an interesting read.


We have also shared the following documentation with ATI and NVIDIA while working with both of them to hopefully start getting better and more in-game benchmarking tools. Please feel free to take the documentation below and use it as you see fit. If you need a Word document, please drop me a mail and let me know what you are trying to do please.


Benchmarking Benefiting Gamers


Objective: To gain reliable benchmarking and image quality tools placed in upcoming retail games and demos, thus allowing for more valuable hardware analysis. This in turn should impact the games sales through free publicity that will reach millions of advanced computer owners. Also better driver performance, hardware performance, and compatibility should be realized through this, as the major GPU/VPU companies will give games and demos with benchmarks more technical attention.


Please see our editorial at this link for more perspective on how we should be benchmarking right.


The Basics: id Software has outlined the Benchmarking Must Haves in their previous tools very well. Their tool set has everything hardware analysts absolutely need but none of the things that "normal" gamers need in order to easily use the tool set. Making this tool set easy to use with a GUI interface has been successful for many companies in getting their games noticed, although a GUI is not needed.


I have tried to convey my thoughts as quickly as possible so as to not make this a novel. Please do not hesitate to send any questions to: [email protected].



Benchmark Must Haves:


1. A "timedemo" scenario running a built in demo (not using bots of other non-static AI) that gives us an average Frames Per Second score.


2. The ability to change AA, AF, Resolution and any other Quality Settings important to the particular gaming experience. I think it is important that we be able to set different levels of AA and Anisotropic Filtering forced by the game as the drivers are getting a bit ambiguous as to what they do now days. This helps facilitate "apples to apples" benchmarking across different mfg's cards.


3. The ability to turn off or override any video card autodetection done by the gaming engine that sets image quality levels on the fly. Case in point: Serious Sam requires us to run custom scripts to set filtering levels as it detects the video card being used and auto-initiates settings that best fit the users system. This makes it difficult for end users to get comparable scores from gamer to gamer.


4. Ability to take screen shots from identical frames in the demo in .tif or .bmp formats. This would allow for much more proficient evaluation of image quality as this would remove many variables and points of failure when having to take screen shots manually.


5. Ability to toggle sound on and sound off.


Benchmark Wants:


There are certainly some items here that are specific to the content developers and others to the engine programmers. I would think of some of these could be much easier implemented by the content creator if a bit of forethought by the programmer was applied. (Asterisk indicates more importance)


1. ** GUI control for all benchmarking options. This of course is a big draw as ease of use will facilitate more people using your technology and downloading it for their own use in evaluating their current hardware.


2. A setting to either drastically increase/decrease polygons to illustrate any fill-rate handicap on card and how it might affect overall system performance in the engine. Possibly the ability to turn LOD off?


3. ** Ability to force Pixel Shader to a lower subset. (I am not sure this is possible, but it seems that most GaveDevs would be coding for this to give them a larger install base.)


4. Demos specific to Lighting techniques, PS and VS instructions.


5. ** Detailed Frame Rate Reports. Ideally the engine would generate a .txt log of average frames per second on a per second interval. This gives us the ability to look at highs and lows as well as median scores.


6. Detailed Reports for polygons drawn, textures sizes, and PS/VSs being used. It would be great to be able to see per second data on this as well.


7. Ability to record our own demos to be used for benchmarking.


8. ** Filtering identification tools like "r_colormiplevels" in Quake3 and Sam. (like shown here):



Thanks for your time and reviewing our thoughts on better benchmarking. Surely these tools could help out the hardware evaluation community. Bottom line is that we want gamers to have the best experience possible and that means for them to be able to reach a high level of immersion in the virtual worlds you create.


A gaming experience that delivers more impact will be good for the gaming and hardware industries as a whole. We think tools of this nature will help us help the gamers have an overall better experience.


Έχει γράψει και στο παρελθόν ένα πολύ καλό άρθρο για αξιοκρατικά benchmarks, αξίζει να του ρίξετε μια ματιά:

Benchmarking Right



To diavasa to arthro tis extremetech...to thema einai oti ektws apo to o x reviewer na paizei px to game monos tou kai na anaferei ta fps monos tou, o monos tropos na xefygoume apo to "cheating" einai na exoume ena bench pou na xrhsimopoiei teliws random senaria enw taytoxrona sygrinei kai to image ths kathe kartas me ton reference rasterizer....alla einai kapws dyskolo na ginei auto...


Είναι ταχύτερη, το αν είναι καλύτερη βγαίνει και από άλλους παράγοντες, όπως η ποιότητα απεικόνισης. Έχε υπόψιν επίσης πως η 9500 είναι DX9 και η 4800 DX8.

Κάτω από 200 βρίσκεις μόνο την 4800SE, προσωπικά θα έπαιρνα την δεύτερη:







Στο ίδιο ακριβώς δήλιμα ήμουν και εγώ πριν από 2 μέρες, τελικά προτίμησα την ATi 9500 και δεν απογοητεύτικα.

Όλα τα παιχνίδια που έχω τρέχουν στο full detail άψογα σε 1024χ768 (full AA και ΑF) πολλά ακόμα και σε 1280χ1024.


Δεν έχω βάλει ακόμα τους catalyst 3.4 και δεν έχω κάνει to mod από 9500>9700.


Η κάρτα είναι η Club 3d.


Τα games που δοκίμασα είναι τα εξής:

Fifa 2003 - 1024χ768 full detail (στο 1280χ1024 παρουσίαζε μικρά σπασίματα)

GTA 3 - 1024x768 με ΑΑ 4Χ και AF 8X (στο 1280χ1024 και Full detail "έσπαγε" αλλά το GT3 είναι γνωστό για τις παράλογες απαιτήσεις του)

Devastation - 1280x1024 full detail

Collin McRae II - 1280x1024 full detail

BloodRayne - 1280x1024 full detail


Αυτά δοκίμασα χτες.

Ακόμα δεν έχω καταλήξει στη σωστή ρύθμιση των λεπτομερειών απεικόνησης.

Θα βάλω μερικά ακόμα FPS για να δω τι παίζει.

Θα δοκιμάσω και το mod σήμερα...


Σε γενικές γραμμές είναι πολύ καλή κάρτα (βέβαια είχα GeForce 2 MX 400 πριν...)


Το σύστημα συνοδεύεται από Athlon 1400 και 512 Ram στα 333Μhz.


Δεν θα τη συνιστούσα, είναι αγνώστου προελεύσεως, ΟΕΜ και στοιχίζει ακριβότερα από την MSI που υπέδειξα παραπάνω.

Όταν λες σαν αγορά σε βάθος χρόνου εννοείς αν θα χάσει την αξία της σύντομα; Αν εννοείς αυτό τότε να ξέρεις ότι σε 6-8 μήνες θα πωλούνται μεταχειρισμένες στη μισή τιμή από όσο κάνουν τώρα, στην μεσαία κατηγορία τιμής αυτό ισχύει στο 80-90% των περιπτώσεων.

Αν πάλι θες βα μάθεις πόσο καιρό θα παίζεις ικανοποιητικά τα παιχνίδια με αυτήν, τότε... θα έλεγα γύρω στους 12-14 μήνες. Όπως ανέφερα η Ti4800 είναι DirectX 8 κάρτα, ενώ τα καινούργια παιχνίδια υπστηρίζουν DirectX 9.



Στο ίδιο ακριβώς δήλιμα ήμουν και εγώ πριν από 2 μέρες, τελικά προτίμησα την ATi 9500 και δεν απογοητεύτικα.

Όλα τα παιχνίδια που έχω τρέχουν στο full detail άψογα σε 1024χ768 (full AA και ΑF) πολλά ακόμα και σε 1280χ1024.


Δεν έχω βάλει ακόμα τους catalyst 3.4 και δεν έχω κάνει to mod από 9500>9700.


Η κάρτα είναι η Club 3d.


Τα games που δοκίμασα είναι τα εξής:

Fifa 2003 - 1024χ768 full detail (στο 1280χ1024 παρουσίαζε μικρά σπασίματα)

GTA 3 - 1024x768 με ΑΑ 4Χ και AF 8X (στο 1280χ1024 και Full detail "έσπαγε" αλλά το GT3 είναι γνωστό για τις παράλογες απαιτήσεις του)

Devastation - 1280x1024 full detail

Collin McRae II - 1280x1024 full detail

BloodRayne - 1280x1024 full detail


Αυτά δοκίμασα χτες.

Ακόμα δεν έχω καταλήξει στη σωστή ρύθμιση των λεπτομερειών απεικόνησης.

Θα βάλω μερικά ακόμα FPS για να δω τι παίζει.

Θα δοκιμάσω και το mod σήμερα...


Σε γενικές γραμμές είναι πολύ καλή κάρτα (βέβαια είχα GeForce 2 MX 400 πριν...)


Το σύστημα συνοδεύεται από Athlon 1400 και 512 Ram στα 333Μhz.

Gia dokimase to mod kai postare results.Ki egw club 3d apo eshop.gr exo kai mou petixe to softmod..


Pedes se 1 mina tha parw neo pc ke exo xasi xronia (2-logo panelinion-AVRIO GRAFW....ahhh) ekseliksis oson afora to hardware ke idieteros stis kartes grafikon...


Ap oti eriksa merikes proxires maties afto pu me simferi na parw se timi ws 350-380 evropula ine mia ATI 9700. Parapanw lefta den dino me kanena tropo gia karta grafikon. Akusa oti mporun aftes i kartes na metatrapun se 9800pro, isxii? Episis ine poly simadiko gia mena na parw kati pu tha adeksi sto xrono(na katalavete poso sixna alazo kartes exo akoma mia voodoo2). Afu i karta ine dx9 pistevo aksizi. Episis theoro APARETITO na mporo na pekso se 1024x768 Doom3 ke Half-Life2/Counter-Strike2. Pistevo i karta tha adexi aneta e?


Afto pu me anisixi ine pos i karta exi idi 6+mines panw tis nomizw... Iparxi tpt neotero pu na aksizi??


Efxaristo opion apadisi..




Kala kouragia John!


H 9700 einai teleia, para tous (ligous) mhnes ths!

Parapanw lefta me tpt,

ki afta pou dineis pali polla einai...


Oxi mono 8a sou paizei se 1024x768,

alla an boh8aei kai to ypoloipo systhma 8a paizei ekei kai me AA kai AF anoixta!


Oso gia ta dillhmata Ti4800/ATi9500, den to syzhtw kan oti pate gia 9500!

Se DX8 pane panw katw sta idia, alla 8a xtypate to kefali sas

ston toixo otan 8a 8elete anaba8mish gia na paiksete DOOM III aksioprepws

epeidh h Ti4800 den einai DX9 karta



Θα ήθελα πρόταση για επιλογή επώνυμης κάρτας μεταξύ MSI ,Asus ,QDI (νεα στην αγορά) ή οποιαδήποτε άλλη γνωρίζετε σαν αξιόπιστη απο κατασκευή hardware+ επιδόσεις για GF4 Ti/FX ή και συγκριμένο μοντέλο,μέχρι 250ευρώ με ΦΠΑ (εννοέιται να βρίσκει κανείς και συνεχή υποστήριξη με νέους drivers για το μοντέλο κλπ όχι τους γενικούς Detonator.....) .Μνήμη 64ή126ή256ΜΒ/τιμή?


Προορίζεται για γενική χρήση υπολογιστή (λίγο απ'όλα ...και με χρήση ΤFT monitor να βγάζει και καλά χρώματα ,όχι σαν προυπόθεση τυχόν DVI σύνδεση μόνο...)


Αντίστοιχα και σε ΑΤΙ gpu- τι φίρμα "παίζει"ή αξίζει σε σχέση απόδοσης/τιμής/μοντέλου/μνήμης ,με υποστήριξη κλπ (γνωρίζω λιγότερα....)







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