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Grand Theft Auto V [PS3][Xbox 360]


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Καταπληκτικά trailers! Πρώτη φορά ενθουσιάζομαι τόσο με GTA. Τα γραφικά δείχνουν in-game και είναι υπέροχα για open world και για τα δεδομένα των τωρινών κονσολών. Σίγουρα πρόκειται για παιχνίδαρα. Αυτό και το Beyond θα είναι κατά πως φαίνεται τα μόνα παιχνίδια που θα παίξω κατά τη διάρκεια της 3ης λυκείου.

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The biggest compliment I can pay GTA 5 having seen it in action is that it looks to be exactly what I expected. Which is to say the funniest, deepest and most engaging open-world game of this or any console generation. In GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar delivered a pair of perpetually lifelike, unendingly playable sandbox experiences to PS3. With its newest effort, it looks set to complete the hat-trick in style.


We pass a tattoo parlour – along with new hairstyles, one of many means of customising any of the three characters. Then an ATM, which can be robbed via a mini-game if we so please. Next to a bus stop, we’re offered a guided tour around Vinewood for two bucks – just leap on and you’ll be driven round the entire town, picking up nuggets of info along the way. Thing is: we really want to investigate that question mark…


Back on the ground with Franklin, it’s noticeable that the targeting has changed from GTA 4: by default your crosshead is white, but it turns red when positioned over an enemy. And the circular display which showed how much life they had left is gone completely – instead, an ‘X’ flashes over a target when mortally wounded. As for aiming, the default method is ‘soft lock’ – giving you freedom of movement, but also enabling you to switch between multiple targets. ‘Free aim’ and ‘hard lock’ also feature as options, and are self-explanatory.


For now the weapons at hand are fairly traditional, but our Rockstar rep explains that there are numerous ways in which you can personalise guns, such as adding silencers, scopes, extended mags, and laser sights. I don’t see any of these, but do note as Franklin charges between cover that running and gunning is much smoother, aiming from the hip while retaining complete control of the target reticule.


Ah yes, the attributes system. Likely to be the most controversial inclusion in the new game, each character has ratings in nine different skill categories: stamina, shooting, strength, stealth, special, flying, driving, mechanic, and lung capacity. Trevor starts out with a high ‘flying’ stat on account of his past as a military pilot. Franklin’s love of fast cars makes him a whizz at the wheel. But the idea is that over time, you shape these characters to be what you want them to be. You are them.

If that’s caused you to swear at the screen (hey, don’t F-word the messenger), wait until you hear what the ‘special’ attribute does. Each character has a single, completely unique, ability, and the more you improve this field, the longer said trait lasts after clicking L3. Michael can activate Max Payne-like bullet time during shootouts; Franklin is able to trigger a similar slo-mo effect within races, helping you to nail tricky corners or risky overtaking manoeuvres; and Trevor does double damage during fights, while only taking half the amount he would usually. It’s perhaps the most ‘arcade’ feature in a GTA game ever, but it certainly should add to the distinctiveness of each protagonist.



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