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To neo mou pc! AMD... Overclackable?!


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..........! 60+fpa exei! asto... trela lefta!!! 8a paw na tsakisw ena volcano 11! prepei na brw kanenan na mou to agorasei k na mou to steilei twra.. loipon thnx!:)

btw, thn ram den thn sxoliase kaneis! samsung..... kalytera apo kingston. autos mou leei epwnymh k etsi.... poso kalh einai? metraei ka8olou? 8a shkwsei k kana o/c!? k kati akoma..... (polles apories bre paidaki mou.....)

otan leme 2700 ennooume sta 333 k 3200 sta 400! why?!

  • Απαντ. 42
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To exei h checkmate alla allou einai to problhma mou.H samsung pou anafereis egw thn thewrw poly xeiroterh apo kingston akoma kai thn 333.Einai allwste CL3 to 90% twn periptwsewn!!!!


mmmmm! me mperdeuete.... kai me ksenerwnete:( re alh8eia einai xeiroterh h samsung?! isws prolaba aurio prwi na tou pw na balei kingston, alla 8elw plz egkyra pragmata;p (exoume k apaithseis... tsk tsk tsk)

epishs.... to CL3 ti einai?

k allh mia teleutaia erwthsh.... ksana...

"otan leme 2700 ennooume sta 333 k 3200 sta 400! why?!"



To exei h checkmate alla allou einai to problhma mou.H samsung pou anafereis egw thn thewrw poly xeiroterh apo kingston akoma kai thn 333.Einai allwste CL3 to 90% twn periptwsewn!!!!


Από το site της Checkmate: 'ΤΙΜΗ ΛΙΑΝΙΚΗ (Χωρίς Φ.Π.Α 18%) Out of stock. Διάθεση 30 Μαΐου * '



An einai aftes me ta 50-60 to kommati den lene kai polla, einai CL3


To CL einai to Cas Latency, den kserw analytika, alla as poume pws einai to "keno" pou kanei

h mnhmh sou (pls na ekshghsei kapoios <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> )

Egw molis ema8a alla den eimai kai gia na ekshgw <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />



To 2,5 einai to standar. To 2 einai top

Egw exw aftes tis fthnes Samsung kai sta 410 (205 fsb) thn exw me timings 6-3-3-2,5 me 2,77V

Poly xali to kserw alla den eixa lefta kai h8ela opwsdhpote 2x256 kai katef8eian



kati pou brhka sto tweak town! http://www.tweaktown.com/document.php?dType=article&dId=329&dPage=2


"Here we see the two modules tagged with their respective labels and specification ratings. Geil uses a 2.5CL with a 3-3-6 2T system rating. Samsung gives a CL rating of 3 but a 2-2-5 1T system rating. While running at a much lower CAS latency, the extra power by the RAS to CAS delay and the Precharge delay should make up for this in theory, we will have to see how well it works in practice."


ap oti lene, den einai asxhmh idea h samsung, k as exei cas latency 3! btw, decon, diabasa auto peri cl, kai den mpanisa mia:P


edit: eida to conclusion tou benchmark k lew na paw se samsung telika, na to riskarw..... http://www.tweaktown.com/document.php?dType=article&dId=329&dPage=7


Oute egw katalaba ta panta, alla katatopisthka arketa!

Sigoura an to googlareis 8a breis arketa ar8ra panw sto 8ema

Try this


Aftes file omws oi f8hnes den einai 2-2-5 1T basei SPD ("apo mama" as poume)

Sta 400 afth eimai teleiws mapa (8-4-4-2T) an 8ymamai kala.

Kai poulaei kai tis xalia me th mourh twn "kalwn".

Egw den kynhgaga kales mnhmes opote me bolepsane, tous edwsa to revma tous kai trexoun ,as poume, aksioprepws

kai mou'r8an kai f8hna


Alla de nomizw oti 8a tis proteina, eimai ligo apogohtevmenos (to CL3 sto xartaki panw sth mnhmh htan megaalo politismiko shock <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> )



ante 8elw na parw to gamw pc prin pe8anw.... isws exw SARS:PPPP


Mouhahaha <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />


xaxaxa re exw dekata pyretous ponaw se olo mou to swma......! k ase pou 8a prepei na perimenw to cooleraki na r8ei pempth bradi, na to paw paraskeuh prwi ston Comp Alfa k na to parw to meshmeri to pc! h blakeia 8a einai na ferei to pc tetarth kserw gw... k na perimenw 2 meres cooleraki:(

anyway, decon pali allazw gnwmh.... ehhehe! den kserw re gmt, 8elw na akousw ki alles gnwmes plz! peiste me.... an 8elete!:P


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