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Προβλημα με ati 5770 gigabyte


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Παιδια την βοηθεια σας παρακαλω...

Εχω την ati 5770 gigabyte και η οθονη οταν παει να μπει στα windows δε δειχνει τιποτα!!! βαζω αλλη vga και δουλευει κανονικα ο υπολογιστης. κανω ενα φορματ ολοκληρωτικο,δουλευει κανονικα ο υπολογιστης και με το που περναω τους drivers της ati παλι τα ιδια. εχετε καμια ιδεα τι γινεται?


για ριξε μια ματια στο τι λεει αυτος




It seems that i am writing a similar solution that worked for me. I had the same problem as you did but on three cards. they will not display anything even a post screen. My monitors would just stay sleep where my card blows air.




I posted this solution a couple of minutes ago on a couple other threads. I hope this could work for you. What i did was grabbed an old 945 intel Chipset and chucked the card in. there was no Boot and same problem. I then decided to use a DVI to VGA adapater and KABOOM bro.. it finally displayed somthing on screen! i then took the card out and teested them out on my systems on an M4A79T and an M3A79T!! they all functioned perfect and well with display ports and dvi all working as normal on windows 7 and vista using drivers from last month i think.


I hope this solution can work for you as it did for me. I did almost 6 weeks of trial and error and i am Happy this worked!!!



το ζουμι ειναι οτι με ανταπτορακι dvi to vga επαιξε.


Κάποιες ερωτήσεις:

- Καινούρια είναι η κάρτα?

- Τι chipset έχεις στο ΜΒ? Σε nforce4 (αλλά και άλλα nforce) υπάρχει ασυμβατότητα με την σειρά 5xxx της ΑΤΙ. Ένα παράδειγμα Link

- Την δοκίμασες σε άλλο PC?


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