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ANIME stin Ellada!


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Fozzy,έχω το Evangelion σε Rom για N64. <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Αν σε ξαναδώ θα στο δώσω,πριν λίγο το κατέβασα... <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

  • Απαντ. 124
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  • Τελ. απάντηση

jolie??? mono sto tomb raider thn thelo, poly megala *matia* poly gemmata mpoutia, gamata xeilia...

coca cola light eipame <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

ena prob mono, h corona den bgainei se koutaki!!! ti tha peinei tote??? bud??? (bud sucks)


gia rei... mila jovovic (mhn varate, ena asteio eipa... alla to ennoo <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />)


(xmen kai usual suspects einai apo ton idio???? goustarooooo alla tha protimiso to usual suspects, makran oti kalhtero exo dei mexri tora!)



Woozy... to evangelion to exw k egw re... (N64) kai prepei na sto eixa grapsei se ena apo ekeina ta cds me roms


Α εντάξει..

Δεν το έγραψες εσύ... <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />

Απλά το κατέβασα... <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />



paides egw exw se divX ta ekshs:

kabamaru (oi ti seira)

jumaru (sanshiro plawres) 1,2,3,4

thundersub 2,3

macross: do you remember love?

locke the superman

andromeda stories


an endiaferetai kaneis gia trade....


Tanto1982,des to profile mou sto Home Page,exei listes..

Katebase tes kai pes mou ti theleis,endiaferomai gia to Kabamaru..

Dhmhtrhs. <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Παιδιά είδα το AKIRA! Το έφερε το βίντεο κλαμπ της περιοχής μου! Είναι συγκλονιστική ταινία! Δεν έχω δει πολλά anime, αλλά πιστεύω πως αυτό το έργο πρέπει να το δουν ΟΛΟΙ (τουλάχιστον οι οπαδοί της επιστημονικής φαντασίας).

Όσο για τους anime fans που δεν το έχουν δει, δεν το συζητώ! Είναι αδικαιολόγητοι.


E kala....

To Akira prosopika de mou arese kai TOOOOSO poly...

File _Cool_ tha sou sinistousa an vreis na deis oposdhpote th seira Neon Genesis Evangelion (kserw-kserw... exei arxisei k ginetai psomotyri to eva...alla oxi adikws)


Re seis eida to Evangellion (episodes 25,26 mono) kai den katalaba kai polla. Alla to 26 mou fanike MEGALH m@l@ki@!

To 25 itan wraio alla otan arxisan oi filosofies sto 26 ksenerwsa.

To Ghost in the shell paramenei MONO sta rafia tou dvdcool.gr afou kanena video club den to exei. gia Akira oute logos. Arxisa na to katevazw apo kazaa kai eimai sta 70mb....opoios to exei idi as sfyriksei!


pseira perimeneis na katalaveis tipota apo ta teleftaia episodia kai mono? kai na poume oti to 25 kai 26 exoune ksanaginei 2 fores.. stin tv san death and rebirth of evangelion kai sto cinema san end of evangelion




Vasika Toufas to Death and Rebirth kai to End of Evangelion den exoun tosh amesh sxesh


To death and rebirth einai mia tainia pou apoteleitai apo 2 merh (death kai rebirth antistoixa) to prwto meros exei periliptika ta epeisodia ths seiras (26 sinolika) kai to deftero meros exei apospasmata apo to End Of Evangelion...


To End of Evangelion apotelei tainia/enallaktiko telos ths seiras....

apoteleitai apo 2 megala se diarkeia epeisodia

Episode 25: Air

Episode 26: My purest Heart for you


Ta antistoixa original epeisodia sth seira (afta pou profanos eide o pseiras) einai ta ekshs:

Episode 25: The End Of The World

Episode 26: The Beast That Shouted "I" At The Heart Of The World


@Pseira... Ekanes megalh patata pou eides ta 2 teleftaia epeisodia... xaneis olh th mageia ths seiras (ase pou den katalavaineis tipota)

Pali kala pou yparxei to End Of Evangelion pou kata pollous (kai kata ton Hideaki Ano writer/director ths seiras) apotelei to PRAGMATIKO telos tou Evangelion

Sou protinw na deis olh th seira... kai meta to End of Evangelion...

Oso gia to akira... to exw (dubbed in english, no subs)


Tote eides to The end of Evangelion kai ekanes th megalyterh malakia ths zwhs sou <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

Gt re gmt???

Ksereis ti gamw pou tha htan na eixes dei ta epeisodia prwta?

...Twra KAI den katalaves tipota KAI sou fanike malakia KAI tha xenerwseis mathainontas thn olh istoria apo to 1o episode (de tha einai to idio...)


Giati re gamwto vlepete oti peftei sta xeria sas xwris na kserete!!! dld etsi k epefte mia tainia px "Bla Bla Bla No2" tha thn evlepes xwris na exeis dei to No1?


Kala milame... exw nevriasei... dld.. skeftomai ton eafto mou sth thesh sou file pseira... kai tsatizomai...

Pantws an akoma thes... vres ta epeisodia tou Evangelion kai des ta.... kai meta des kai to End of Evangelion ksana.... kai tha me thimitheis...


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