javaneze Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2003 Phra ena dimmaki 512 MB sta 333 MHz. Ek twn ysterwn anakalypsa pws o P4 synergazetai mono me dimms mexri ta 266. epishs oute to motherboard mou yposthrizei ayth thn taxythta kai thn rixnei sta 266... kai na fantasteis oti einai sxetika kainoyrio. asus p4g8x deluxe me to intel E7205 grannite bay to chipaki. Kserei kaneis pws kai etsi? ennww giati bgazoun mnhmes me toso megales syxnothtes otan den yparxei epeksergasths pou na mporei na tis aksiopoihsei? kai to pio shmantiko, ektos tou oti to systhma den aksiopoiei ta 333 kai ta geiwnei sta 266, yparxei kanena allo meion? paizei na ginei kamia kompla sto systhma? to motherboard yposthrizei thn dual channel memory texnologia. an thelo na balv 2o dimmaki prepei na parw akribws to idio? dhladh 512 sta 333? kai an nai tha eksakolouthei na ta douleuei san 266aria dimmakia h' mhpws na "skotwsw" thn 333 kai na agorasw 512MB sta 266? pls help
PeiramatoZwo Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2003 Eisai sigouros gi auto? Exo entyposi oti synergazontai kanonika.
DeCoN Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2003 Kserei kaneis pws kai etsi? ennww giati bgazoun mnhmes me toso megales syxnothtes otan den yparxei epeksergasths pou na mporei na tis aksiopoihsei? Pws den yparxei? AMD + ta kainourgia Canterwood chipset gia Intel. Gia to DualDDR, sigoura kserw pws 8elei to idio mege8os mnhmwn, twra gia taxythta, an doulevei 8a tis bazei sthn idia taxythta (afth ths argoterhs) PS. Pws kai phres GB? Den parakolou8eis to forum mou fainetai.... <img src="" alt="" />
BrwmogazoS Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2003 javaneze said: Phra ena dimmaki 512 MB sta 333 MHz. Ek twn ysterwn anakalypsa pws o P4 synergazetai mono me dimms mexri ta 266. epishs oute to motherboard mou yposthrizei ayth thn taxythta kai thn rixnei sta 266... kai na fantasteis oti einai sxetika kainoyrio. asus p4g8x deluxe me to intel E7205 grannite bay to chipaki. Kserei kaneis pws kai etsi? ennww giati bgazoun mnhmes me toso megales syxnothtes otan den yparxei epeksergasths pou na mporei na tis aksiopoihsei? kai to pio shmantiko, ektos tou oti to systhma den aksiopoiei ta 333 kai ta geiwnei sta 266, yparxei kanena allo meion? paizei na ginei kamia kompla sto systhma? to motherboard yposthrizei thn dual channel memory texnologia. an thelo na balv 2o dimmaki prepei na parw akribws to idio? dhladh 512 sta 333? kai an nai tha eksakolouthei na ta douleuei san 266aria dimmakia h' mhpws na "skotwsw" thn 333 kai na agorasw 512MB sta 266? pls help O P4 synergazeitai me oti mnhmes 8elei...Exei bus sta 133 Quad pumped=533 otan milame gia "B" P4 ... 100 quad pumped=400 otan milame gia NW "A" kai 200fsb Quad pumped =800 gia tous kainourious "C" P4 Northwood... H cpu synergazetai me oti mnhmh 8es. To 8ema einai to chipset ths motherboard sou an sou epitrepei na trexeis thn ram synchronous (sta idia fsb dhladh) h asynchronous ( dividers wste h ram na trexei se xamhoterh-idia h kai pshloterh taxythta bus apo afth tou epeksergasth) To Granite Bay chipset pou exeis 7205 YPOSTHRIZEI MONO SYNCHRONOUS leitourgia ths mnhmhs me thn cpu.Ara mia mnhmh me 133fsb cpu h 533 8a trexei sta 133x2=266 x 8 = PC 2100 speeds... an arxhseis kai clockareis thn cpu sou sto sygekrimeno board pou exeis 8a anevazeis taftoxrona kai to speed sthn mnhmh sou.Clockarontas loipon thn cpu sou me thn proypo8esh oti exeis 533fsb NW "B" P4 cpu, sta 166fsb tote h ram sou 8a trexei sta 166x2=333 (oso einai rated to speed ths ram sou) x8 =PC2700 DDR <img src="" alt="" /> Sta DUAL DDR Chipsets opws afta sta Granite Bay boards an exeis 2 memory kai trexeis se Dual Channel mode tote to memory bandwith sou den sygrinetai me tipota se sxesh me afto pou mporei na dwsei ena stickaki mono tou se opoiodhpote allo mh Dual DDR board. Me liga logia exeis board Dual DDR kai den xrhshmopoieis TIPOTA apo to kyrio feature tou pou einai h DUAL DDR leitourgia stis mnhmes prosferontas trello mem bandwith malista se epipedo twn Canterwood chipsets pou h cpu den mporei na aksiopoihseis to "perissevoumeno" bandwith. Ekanes ena "la8os"(8ewrhtika panta giati ta Canterwood molis vghkan kai prosferoun DDR 400 support enw ta GB mono DDR 266...) kai phres Granite bay pantws xwris na exeis 2 stickakia kai xwris na clockareis estw ypo8etw. Mhn rixneis ftaiksimo loipon sto systhma sou.To systhma sou me ena stickaki akoma idias mnhmhs 8a petaei an to 8eseis se Dual Channel DDR mode.H texnologia sta kainouria afta chipsets einai poly mprosta apoti nomizeis <img src="" alt="" /> Dont worry <img src="" alt="" />
javaneze Δημοσ. 7 Μαΐου 2003 Μέλος Δημοσ. 7 Μαΐου 2003 file brwmogaze kane ligo kratei giati mou dimiourgises perissoteres apories apo oti eixa. otan les na clokarw thn cpu pairnw dedomeno oti ennoeis na kanw overclock. epeidi den eimai kai poly mpasmenos se ayta ta kolpa pes mou 2-3 pragmata parapanw gia ayto. Me ayta ta "A", "B" kai "C" pou egrapses parapanw ligo me exases. cpu exw p4 sta 2,53 GB sta 533fsb h' 19x 133fsb an protimas. Eidi xathika giati nomiza oti ena einai to fsb... Empasi periptwsh, apo oti katalava me symbouleyeis na allaksw sto bios to 133 kai na to kanw 19x 166 Mhz kai an katalaba kala me ayton ton tropo tha doulepsei kai h mnhmh sta 333... - An htheles pes mou kata poso epikyndino tha einai ayto gia to systhma.(mpesa omws. xwris symboules typou: kalo tha htan na baleis ena akoma cooleraki). - plhroforiaka to tower periexei ena fan sto trofodotiko, ena h cpu , ena h VGA, kai ena sto plai ths kasas (bidomeno pano sto plaino ftero) - Epishs afou to GBay prosferei mono 266, overclokarontas to tha prosferei 333? thanx gia to endiaferon ... <img src="" alt="" />
paravatis Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2003 Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2003 mporeis na to kaneis 15 i 15.5 X 166 gi na meineis sta idia mhz(kai logika na exeis kai kalyteres epidoseis <img src="" alt="" /> ). epeidi omos exo athlon, kalo tha itan na milisei kai o gaz pou einai kai pio empeiros se themata p4. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
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