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Splinter Cell Critical Error!


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Ksekinw to splinter cell kai mou bgazei to parakatw mhnyma " General protection fault!


History: FD3DTexture::Cache <- UD3DRenderDevice::CacheTexture <- UD3DRenderDevice::PrimeResources <- UD3DRenderDevice::SetRes <- UWindowsViewport::TryRenderDevice <- UWindowsViewport::OpenWindow <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine"


Kserei kaneis ti prepei na kanw?


Bale to teleutaio patch tou game (1.2 nomizw).Bale tous teleutaious drivers gia thn karta grafikwn sou.Apenergopoihse to antialiasing kai dokimase kai ayto: edit the .ini files SplinterCellUser.ini and SplinterCellSettings.ini, in the game's SYSTEM folder, at the lines with "Resolution=480x640" and change the "640x480" to "800x600".

Pes mas kai ti systhma exeis.To Splinter einai poly apaithtiko game kai mborei na mhn plhreis tis proypo8eseis na to trexeis.


exw windows Xp Pro kai egw exw ena provlima me afto to game otan to kanw install se kapoia stigmh mou bgazei ena mhnhma oti o tomos tou cd exei sfalma eno o kollhtos mou se windows xp pro pali to ekane install xwris kanena provlhma ti trexei telika me to game?



Pedia epeidi exo ki egw ena provlimataki me to paixnidi mipos mporei kapios me tin Full i iso version tou paixnidiou na mou grapsei ta registry keys tou parakato fakelou me ola ta periexomena tou ..h na mou to steilei se pm.Einai kapos epeigon thanks!




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