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The [Old] Official Off Topic Thread IV

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

  • Απαντ. 42,3k
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

  • athlios


  • leftermann


  • gang


  • YiN





Βαλαμε το πρωι αγγελια για το δωματιο που θα εχουμε τελος του μηνα

Εγραψα οτι πρεπει να γραψουν κατι για τον εαυτο τους κλπ κλπ

email απο εναν:

Hi!! I just see your announcement of a single room and I am interested. Im a spanish boy and Im 27 years old. I would like to see the room.

Best regards!!





I've just seen your ad and am really interested and would love to come to see the room and meet you! I'm a 30 year old primary teacher, very friendly and easy going. My parents are Italian but I have lived in England most of my life, apart from the last 3 years that I spend in Rome. I'm now back in London and teaching as a special needs teacher in a primary school in royal oak. I'm also studying for a postgraduate diploma in special needs.

I enjoy dancing salsa and tango and going out for drinks with friends or going to the theatre or different events that are happening around London. I also like relaxing at home and being able to chill, which is why I'd hope to get along with flat mates so we could share a comfortable and relaxed home. I love the area around the heath and have lived happily around there for a while. When I get the chance I also like travelling and trekking in different places.

Please let me know if we can arrange a time for me to come to view the flat and meet you.

Hope to hear back from you,




Αυτο ειναι σοβαρο email. Αντε ατηλιε, αν μεινει μαζι μου θα εχεις και επαγγελματικη βοηθεια.



I've just seen your ad and am really interested and would love to come to see the room and meet you! I'm a 30 year old primary teacher, very friendly and easy going. My parents are Italian but I have lived in England most of my life, apart from the last 3 years that I spend in Rome. I'm now back in London and teaching as a special needs teacher in a primary school in royal oak. I'm also studying for a postgraduate diploma in special needs.

I enjoy dancing salsa and tango and going out for drinks with friends or going to the theatre or different events that are happening around London. I also like relaxing at home and being able to chill, which is why I'd hope to get along with flat mates so we could share a comfortable and relaxed home. I love the area around the heath and have lived happily around there for a while. When I get the chance I also like travelling and trekking in different places.

Please let me know if we can arrange a time for me to come to view the flat and meet you.

Hope to hear back from you,




Αυτο ειναι σοβαρο email ΓΚΟΜΕΝΑΚΙ!!!!!!!!!1.


Μιλησαμε ηδη στο τηλεφωνο 2 φορες για να κανονισουμε για το σαββατο. Νομιζω οτι ειμαι σε σχεση τωρα.


Σχεδόν γάμησες. Και δεν αναφέρει και τίποτα για μπόηφρε. Και χορεύει σάλσα και ταγκό ε. Και κάνει και τρέκινγκ. Πρέπει να έχει ΠΟΔΑΡΕΣ και ΚΩΛΑΡΑ. Και ξυδιάζεται κιόλας. Αντε μωρή κουφάλα.


αφου μαναρι μου θα κανω 1μμ χωριστρα για σενα ειπαμε.

να τρωμε και το γουρουνοπουλο


Σχεδόν γάμησες. Και δεν αναφέρει και τίποτα για μπόηφρε. Και χορεύει σάλσα και ταγκό ε. Και κάνει και τρέκινγκ. Πρέπει να έχει ΠΟΔΑΡΕΣ και ΚΩΛΑΡΑ. Και ξυδιάζεται κιόλας. Αντε μωρή κουφάλα.


Ναι αλλα θα τον βάζει να χορευει σαλσα.. :-(


Hi potential housemates!

I just saw that you want to rent out a room in your house and I would love to view the property!

Since I just moved to London recently I'm still looking for a nice place - rather a home than 'just' a place to sleep - with sociable and nice people to share.

I'm originally from Berlin and moved here to study for my Master Degree at London College of Fashion. Back home I already worked as a freelance journalist after I graduated from my Bachelor studies and I'm planning on keeping that track here once I head the chance to get a little more settled. I'm sociable, easygoing, friendly and respectful and I love to go out and meet friends but I'm not too much of a party animal.

I'm looking forward hearing from you soon so that we may can arrange a date and time for the viewing.





Hi there,

My name is Jasmina and I'm interested in the room. I am 26 years old and come from Sweden. I work currently for a media company in the city of London.

I am into acting and like watching films and going to theatre. I also like music and going to gigs, photographing, writing, reading, hanging out at cute coffee-houses, looking for second-hand stores etc etc

if that sounds good, please drop me an email or give me a ring and we can arrange a viewing.

I would also like to ask how much the total costs are approximately per month?







Challengers appear


Στηρίζω Ιταλίδα τούφα. Η Γερμανέζα θα έχει πολύ διάβασμα (μαστερού γαρ) και δεν είναι και παρτούζαι άνιμαλ, και η Σουηδέζα είναι ξενέρωτη κουλτουριάρα χιπστερού.


Το προγραμμα εχει ως εξης παντως:



Sat 12 Nov 2011 14:00 – 14:30

rose This event has reminders.

14:30 – 14:45

Jasmina This event has reminders.

14:45 – 15:00

agnes This event has reminders.

15:30 – 15:45

Ben This event has reminders.

16:30 – 17:00

Sofia This event has reminders.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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