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PlanetSide 2

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Ποια "θα δούμε στην πράξη", εγώ τα βλέπω ήδη και προβλέπω ΚΑΨΙΜΟ !!!





Παντού πόλεμος, παντού μάχες, αεροπορία + έδαφος (ειδικά στο τέλος), φανταστείτε τι θα γίνεται όταν μπούνε όλες οι clans/outfits και στηθούνε τα High Commands.




Αν μπορέσεις να κάνεις κάτι μόνος σου δλδ, γιατί εδώ μιλάμε για χιλιάδες παίχτες και με commanders και οργανωμένα outfits. Δηλαδή ΣΙΓΟΥΡΑ θα υπάρχουν black ops πίσω από την 1η γράμμη, άλλα και σίγουρα θα γίνεται μάχη γιατί κάποιος θα σε πάρει πρέφα - δεν γίνεται, ειδικά τώρα που όλοι έχουν ένα iPhone :D . Εκτός αυτού, στο PS1 (επομένως και εδώ) υπάρχουν forums/sites σαν "High Commands" που συντονίζουν όλα τα outfits ενός server. Επομένως υπάρχει μια πολύ καλή ιεραρχία σε επίπεδο faction και όχι μόνο σε επίπεδο outfit. Και προφανώς υπάρχει ένας σχεδιασμός γιατί κάθε faction θέλει "πλήρη κυριαρχία" (να και αδύνατον 100% λόγω uncap capital bases).


Αυτά δεν έχουν ενεργοποιηθεί ακόμα οπότε δεν μπορώ να εκφέρω γνώμη. Αλλά αν γίνει πράγματι έτσι το παιχνίδι θα είναι πολύ καλύτερο σε επίπεδο οργάνωσης.


Ένα άλλο αρνητικό στο PS1 ήταν ότι δεν υπήρχε το σύστημα με territory control. Δηλαδή άπαξ και πηδούσες σε μια βάση πίσω από το μέτωπο, την έπαιρνες όπως μια κανονική βάση. Και αυτά τα "μπρος - πίσω" έσπαγαν αρκετά νεύρα αφού χαλούσαν το οργανωμένο παιχνίδι. Αυτό φαίνεται όμως να φτιάχτηκε με το νέο σύστημα.


Εδώ με μπέρδεψες λίγο. Δεν έχω παίξει το PS1 αλλά στο φόρουμ κάποιος έλεγε πως στο PS1 μπορούσες να κάνεις επίθεση μόνο στα γειτονικά εξάγωνα και δεν μπορούσες να πας πίσω από τον αντίπαλο και να καταλάβεις βάσεις , ενώ στο PS2 αυτό μπορεί να γίνει και για αυτό έχουμε το πέρα-δώθε. Αυτό συμβαίνει ώστε να μην μαζευτούν και οι 3 φατρίες σε μια περιοχή και δεν αντέξει το σύστημα (server και client).


Γενικά γίνονται αλλαγές συνέχεια οπότε πολλά θα αλλάξουν μέχρι τέλους.


Έχω καεί στο youtube :P


μάλλον τελευταίος θα μπω, άλλα εντάξει, εξετάσεις έχω οπότε np :)


για κλείδι τις περισσότερες πιθανότητες τις έχετε μέσω Twitter


Δεν έχω παίξει το PS1 αλλά στο φόρουμ κάποιος έλεγε πως στο PS1 μπορούσες να κάνεις επίθεση μόνο στα γειτονικά εξάγωνα και δεν μπορούσες να πας πίσω από τον αντίπαλο και να καταλάβεις βάσεις , ενώ στο PS2 αυτό μπορεί να γίνει και για αυτό έχουμε το πέρα-δώθε. Αυτό συμβαίνει ώστε να μην μαζευτούν και οι 3 φατρίες σε μια περιοχή και δεν αντέξει το σύστημα (server και client).



Το PS1 δεν είχε εξάγωνα, αλλά βάσεις με συνδέσεις.

Δεν μπορούσες να πιάσεις βάση στην οποία δεν είχες γειτονική φίλια βάση συνδεδεμένη. Και οι διασυνδέσεις περνούσαν από τα πλανητικά portal. Επίσης υπήρχε planet lockdown όταν, ένα faction έλεγχε όλα τις βάσεις ενός πλανήτη, και τις βάσεις που ήταν συνεδεμένες στους επόμενους πλανήτες μέσω του portal.


Γι αυτό έβλεπες clans με 200-300 άτομα να κάνουν επίθεση σε δύο βάσεις ταυτόχρονα πάνω στο ίδιο link path, ώστε να υποχρεώσουν τους αμυνόμενους για μοιράσουν δυνάμεις και να πέσουν και οι δύο βάσεις ταυτόχρονα. Βέβαια πολλές μάχες έφταναν να κρατάνε ώρες και εκατοντάδες παίκτες ανά πλευρά.


Edit: Πωπω kamikaze ο τύπος...

Ναι όντως, μάλλον τα credits είναι πολλά ή το respawn delay μικρό... ή απλά δεν του καίγεται καρφί :D


Πάντως και το γιοφύρι στην αρχή φαίνεται strategic point. Είπανε άλλωστε ότι οι μάχες δεν θα γίνονται μόνο στις βάσεις, άλλα κάθε μέρος σε ένα κουτάκι θα έχει κάτι να προσφέρει (γέφυρες, φαράγγια, δάση κτλ).



@Apoll, Newlynx: Οπότε εγώ δεν κατάλαβα σωστά ή μπέρδεψα PS1 με PS2. Sorry!


Πιθανά σχέδια για PvE στο μέλλον: https://twitter.com/mad4planetside2/status/233550654952583169




1) λίγη άγρια πανίδα δεν θα ήταν άσχημη


2) επιθέσεις από εξωγήινες ορδές και να κάνεις άμυνα επίσης δεν θα ήταν άσχημο κατά διαστήματα, αρκεί να γίνεται με καλό σχεδιασμό από το studio


γενικά είμαι θετικός σε κάτι τέτοιο ΑΝ βέβαια γίνει σωστά + στο μέλλον (όχι από την αρχή)


Από την παρακολούθηση του φόρουμ του παιχνιδιού, φαίνεται ότι η SOE θέλει - μέχρι αποδείξεως του αντιθέτου- να ακούσει την κοινότητα. Το θέμα με τα squad είχε τεθεί από την αρχή και είναι ευχάριστο ότι γίνονται αλλαγές. Γενικά - όπως έχω ξαναπεί - το παιχνίδι θέλει αρκετή δουλειά ακόμα και μακάρι να μην βιαστούν να το βγάλουν αλλά να επιμείνουν στη beta για να λυθούν προβλήματα και να προστεθούν χαρακτηριστικά.


At present we have infantry, land vehicles and air vehicles all playing in the same environment. Down the line we plan on adding water based vehicles.


This system is a combination of the deep skills in a game like Eve Online combined with runes and masteries in League of Legends combined with unlocks in more traditional FPS games. The simple goal here was to make Planetside 2 insanely deep. We want people that play with different play styles to really be able to go crazy with their character's depth. We want literally years worth of certifications. I do want to make clear though that this is still a skill based game. A person with years of certs trained can still be shot down quickly by a noob that's a better shot.


In fact being a leader doesn't even mean you're the best player. A person who wants to specialize in leadership could spend a year leveling up a bunch of certs that give him the ability to level up his squad or platoon mates and give them a buff. Or the ability to drop a squad spawn beacon. Or the ability to promote people within his outfit.. or allow special chat abilities or voice abilities.. or having special chat channels that are set up by rank. We designed Planetside 2 to have the largest scale organized operations of any FPS ever made... We've put a lot of emphasis into high quality voice features (you literally could be addressing your entire 500 person outfit via voice).


One of our biggest long term goals is to add weather to the planet that materially impacts gameplay. Imagine a sandstorm that grounds aircraft or blinds infantry or sweeps over the desert plain making visibility really bad.


(σσ. για τον newlynx, κάτι αντίστοιχο αυτού που είχα γράψει άλλα εκτενέστερο ;)) The game doesn't have an end - This is a massive difference between Planetside 2 and every FPS out there. It isn't round based. There isn't a winner and a loser. It truly never ends. you could log out at night after the NC have taken over an entire continent and log back in the next morning and the Vanu have fought back and beaten the NC back to their warp gate. I have been asked an awful lot about this one point - some people see this as a bad thing. People say "what's the point?". Please think carefully about that. What is the point of playing a round of BF3 or MW3? There is a winning team and a losing team. Then it starts all over. That gives people the satisfaction of knowing they accomplished something. Planetside 2 has that exact same thing.. just on an enormous scale. You can fight over a base for 3 hours… and succeed in taking it over. People from the original Planetside still talk about taking over certain bases and the amazing feeling of accomplishing an organized strike that took 2 days to take over a base. We have leader boards.. and stat advancement just like those other games. Planetside 2 is different in that the world is persistent. That doesn't mean it's static. It changes based on player actions. It changes based on YOUR actions. What you and your team does matters in Planetside 2. You do get that same feeling of accomplishment over "winning" a match. in this case it's just taking over one small part of the map. This never ending thing really confuses some people that have only ever played round based FPS games. I understand why, but once they play for a while it's the kind of thing you quickly realize adds an amazing dimension to an FPS. In Planetside 2 you're fighting for your Empire and you're fighting for your outfit.. or your squad. And when you log out for dinner and then log back in, that same fight you were a part of could still be raging.


Owning territory in Planetside 2 gives your empire physical resources. Those resources have a material impact on the game. If your empire doesn't own very many Polymers and Polymers are a major component of grenades or Galaxies.. your empire may not be able to spawn those things. This gives you a major reason to fight.. and to fight over particular territory.


We...allow you to purchase weapons with in-game currency called Auraxium. You can literally buy the exact same guns without ever spending a dime if you put the time investment in. We aren't going crazy with making you spend a month to buy a gun. In some cases it may be as low as 3-4 hours to buy the cheaper guns and for the expensive stuff it might be 10-15 hours. We're still working all that out so those numbers are just examples. We want to make money but we want players to feel like they can play without paying. Our theory is simple - people that don't pay are still providing content for the people that do.(σσ. εδώ πραγματικά έπαθα πλάκα, γιατί ποτέ ως τώρα δεν είχα σκεφτεί έτσι για το μοντέλο του F2P!) We also don't want to charge for things like new continents or new planets (in the future). We don't want to split the player base up. My opinion is this is bad for games like MW3 and BF3. It splits the player base up.




What are your plans for the future?

I want to be crystal clear and say that these are NOT promises these are ideas.. some of which may be canned. That thinking can change. It can even change fast. I just want you to understand we are looking to support this game for a very long time and add a lot of features to it.


1) Player Owned bases - we plan on releasing continents that are empty or partially empty where players can build their own bases. These are open world bases so others will be able to attack them. We're also planning on having these continents heavily resource based with new resource types that will be very rare..and lots of cool new stuff that can be built out of these new resources.


2) Harvestable resources - imagine SC II style resource harvesting with physical vehicles doing the mining or the harvesting.


3) Water between continents - seamlessly - this is really hard tech, but our goal is to make the whole planet seamless and allow water based vehicles.


4) Lots more vehicles and weapons - just what it sounds like. Many of these will take very rare resources to make.


5) NPC enemies - I don't want to call this PVE. That's not exactly what we have in mind. More like a global invasion that goes after everybody. This isn't a bunch of quest givers saying "go kill 10 rats" - this is bad ass aliens that want to gut you.


6) NPC armies - imagine as the commander of a base sending an NPC army towards another base MOBA style except it's in the middle of the Planetside 2. This isn't another game mode. It's all part of the same game.


7) Esports support - we plan on doing this pretty soon after launch. We plan on making this a big big thing and putting a lot of our resources behind it.


8) Weather


9) Mac version (soon after launch).




Πηγή (προφανώς πήρα το resume :))

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"epic tank battle"


Ill re-post this from the beta forums:


for those who weren't there man (in a American accent)


The most epic thing I've seen so far, The TR were pushed out of the Bio labs just north of our warp gate, the VS had decided to move what seemed like an entire Armour division into it, the TR response was an equally large armored column that slowly advanced to the bottom of the hill, for about 20 minutes heavy fire was exchanged both sides taking heavy losses but being all the time reinforced, the stalemate was broken by the NC showing up with a large Tank force of their own, We (the TR) were now getting shelled from the mountain and Zurvan where the NC had set up. with no choice we pulled back and let the VS and NC engage each other for a while so we could regroup. a desperate charge involving sunderers lightnings and many many prowlers up the road to the bio labs our infantry finally managed to get into the VS base and began to take it. this took the time for the game to go from daylight to midnight and back to daylight again.


As epic as that was everyone was taking huge fps hit, but as it was tanks and is generally slower paced it didn't really effect it that much until the infantry combat began, air was useless due to the sheer number of scatter-maxes (nerf please) defending the bio lab. even galaxy's were getting ripped to shred within seconds.


i look forward to more battles like this in the future with even more people

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