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PlanetSide 2

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


hacker, όχι cheater :D


πάντως ρε παιδί μου, νόμιζα ότι αυτό το "είσαι cheater/hacker" το είχαμε μόνο εμείς σαν Έλληνες, άλλα από ότι φαίνεται είναι παγκόσμιο φαινόμενο


τώρα θυμήθηκα δύο warping που πέτυχα χθες, ένα scythes και liberator, μια το έβλεπες μπροστά σου, πήγαινες να πατήσεις τη σκανδάλη, το έβλεπες 10 μέτρα μακριά, μετά πάλι κοντά σου κ.ο.κ . Η αλήθεια είναι ότι πέρασε από το μυαλό μου το cheat, άλλα μετά θυμήθηκα... LagMAX :X


εντάξει παίδες, θα πέσει πολύ τάλαρο στα cosmetics... :D


μόλις είδα Tiger Fins (450 SC), επίσης να βάλουμε και κανένα μουράτο cockpit glass... αν βγάλουν και κανένα shark design και καμιά σειρήνα τύπου Stukas


και για οχήματα βλέπω εμβλήματα όπως είχαν οι παλιές οι Mersedes, neon lights και δεν συμμαζεύεται :D

  • Moderators

Καλά, εκτός από νέον φώτα από κάτω, στο τέλος θα χοροπηδάνε κιόλας με τις αναρτήσεις. :P

Τέλος πάντων, σήμερα δεν έπαιξα γιατί κόλλαγε ο server και λόγω μεγάλης μέρας το κεφάλι μου ζαλίστηκε, θα δούμε αύριο.


Σημερινές αλλαγές από Higby



Hey all -


Based on a lot of feedback on the current weapon cert prices being too high from a time investment point of view, we're going to be making some adjustments to both cert gain rate and cert costs for weapon unlocks. This will affect both vehicle and infantry weapons.


Some notes:

1 - Our goal here is to reduce the overall time investment for weapons by about 30% on the top end weapon unlocks.

2 - StationCash prices are remaining exactly where they are.


We're doing two things to accomplish this change.


First, we'll be changing the XP:Cert ratio to 250:1. So you'll be earning cert points twice as fast as the current build.


Second, we'll be adjusting many of the cert prices to compensate for this increase, most certs for things like class abilities,attachments, etc. will be doubling to maintain the same overall time investment as current, but weapon certs will be increasing by a smaller amount or in some cases staying the same, effectively reducing the total time investment for unlocking items. The new weapon cert costs will be:


SC Cost | Old Cert Cost | New Cert Cost | Overall time investment delta

----250 --|--------- 50--------|---------100--- ----|---------0%

----500 --|---------250------| ---------250-------| ---------50%

----700 --|---------375------| ---------500-------| ---------33%

----700 --|---------550------| ---------750-------| ---------32%

----700 --|---------725------| --------1000-- ---| ---------31%


At launch all weapons will fall into one of those 5 price categories. As you can see, these prices combined with doubling the cert gain rate effectively cuts the total time investment for the top end weapons down by 30+% for all players.


As always, thanks for your continued feedback about the game. And remember, that doesn't end when the beta does, we want to keep hearing from you throughout the life of the game.

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Προφανώς έχετε καταλάβει ότι το καλύτερο θα είναι τουλάχιστον τον 1ο μήνα να μην ξοδεύσετε ούτε 1 SC, μέχρι να σταθεροποιηθούν τα πράματα.


Προσωπικά θα δω πως θα έχει η κατάσταση μετά τις 16 Ιανουαρίου που, πρώτα ο Θεός, θα έχω επιστρέψει από Ελλάδα. Ως τότε ευτυχώς έχω τα perks από Alpha Squad ;) . Αφού όμως τελειώσει το booster του alpha squad, σκοπεύω να ξοδεύσω όλα τα SC αφενός για να μην μου μείνουν (όπως μου έμεινε το gold στο Tribes Ascend) και αφετέρου γιατί κάθε τρεις και λίγο βγάζουν SC offer.


Για ακόμη 1 φορά πάντως οι devs ακούνε τον κόσμο. Το συγκεκριμένο νούμερο (30%) υπάρχει αυτούσιο σε πολλά posts στα beta και psu forums.


Ουσιαστικά έκαναν πιο εύκολο να παίρνεις τα όπλα και πιο δύσκολο να τα βελτιώνεις. Βέβαια εγώ πήρα SC για να πάρω αμέσως όπλα γιατί δεν έχω πολύ χρόνο και στη συνέχεια παίζοντας και κερδίζοντας certs να τα βελτιώνω.

Η αλλαγή είναι πάρα πολύ καλή για τους F2P παίκτες που γρήγορα και αυτοί θα αποκτήσουν τα όπλα. Βλέπω το SC να φεύγει σε XP boosts!!!


Πάντως και εγώ να επισημάνω πως δεν υπάρχουν πολλά παιχνίδια που οι developers ακούνε τους παίκτες. Και μόνο για αυτό το παιχνίδι αξίζει πολλά.


Update Notes Addendum for 11.14 Patch


Below are a few additional changes we wanted to list from the update earlier this week Most are bug fixes:



  • Icarus Jumpjets have been removed as a certification.
  • Infiltrators can no longer use shotguns.
  • Purchasing maximum ammo capacity on the Lightning Skyguard will not lower your magazine size.


  • The smoke launcher listed as the underbarrel shotgun has been removed for the Light Assault/Engineer carbine.
  • The TR MSW-R will now show a magazine during reload.
  • The Suppressor and Flash Suppressor are now attachable on the T1B Cycler.
  • Soft and Velocity Ammo, the Suppressor, Flash Suppressor, Underbarrel shotgun, and smoke launcher are now available on the T1S Cycler.
  • Players can now equip attachments to the Gauss Compact S Carbine.
  • The Pandora shotgun will now display a magazine during reload animation.
  • The NC Stalker is now available for purchase.
  • Anti-Armor ammunition certification has been removed.
  • The V10 sniper rifle now has the correct attachment certifications available and no longer has an incorrect animation with the iron sights.
  • The T16 Soft Point ammunition can now be purchased with certifications.
  • Purchasing a Manticore will now correctly grant the item.
  • The T7 mini-chaingun extended magazine no longer shows up under the Rail section of the loadout.
  • The NC Rebel pistol will no longer present the player with an iron sight when zooming in.
  • Purchasing the 4X Laser Scope on the GD-7F will no longer unlock the 6X Scope.
  • C4 can now be placed while sprinting.
  • Players can now equip a suppressor to the EM6 Warlord.
  • The Ts4 Haymaker can now equip purchased certifications.


  • No one but an Outfit Leader can now transfer Outfit Leadership.
  • Squad members can no longer spawn on a dead squad leader.
  • The deployment notification (Deploy ) will now only appear when a player is stopped.
  • Manually resizing the window will properly scale the UI.
  • The Prowler anchored mode will now show up in the HUD correctly.
  • Keybindings will now clear properly when holding the Escape key.
  • Purchasing mines will now display an increase in quantity as intended.
  • All Outfit members can now effectively use the Outfit channel, not just the channel creator.
  • Kill assists will now properly display their source of damage.
  • The Squad invite window will no longer remain on the HUD after receiving multiple invites.
  • The Recon Detect Device Icon will no longer overlap other minimap indicators.
  • The flight movement controls should appear properly labeled with keybindings.
  • Auto Squad mechanics will now execute at the correct time for new players.
  • Grenades should no longer disappear from loadout when empty.
  • Minimap icons are now present for Kawatee Amp Station on Amerish.
  • The Eisa Tech Plant minimap icons are now present when in the Eisa Mining Operatoin spawn room.
  • The minimap will now properly display data when traveling at high speed.
  • The Spawn Beacon cooldown timer will persist regardless of whether a player logs in and out of the game.
  • The Quick Action Menu will no longer cut off a players name if they have a title equipped.
  • The Instant Action cooldown is now 15 minutes.
  • The ammunition counter will now properly update on the ESF HUD.
  • Using the Ask for Help functionality while dead will no longer cause the player to become stuck.
  • Using a terminal will no longer cancel reloading.


  • A MAX corpse will no longer block a terminal from use.
  • Tumas Tech Plant Capture Point is now functioning.
  • New players will no longer have a cool down on Instant Action after landing in a drop pod.
  • Players can no longer be killed by interacting with certain pillars in the warpgate.
  • The Saurva forward spawn on Indar will no longer revert capture if an opposing empire isn't within range.
  • The Ymir Bio Lab jump pads are all now functional.
  • Infiltrator "hold breath" is now bindable to a key.
  • Players are no longer able to become stuck in a building at the Ascent on Amerish.
  • Players will now collide with opposed empire soldiers.
  • Regional influence will now display correctly at West Pass Watchtower.
  • The Howling Pass Checkpoint spawn room now has a pain field.
  • The pain field in Quartz Ridge Camp no longer extends beyond the respawn room.
  • The Pain Field in Torremar Storage Yard now works as intended.
  • The Empire Pie Chart will no longer display negative values.
  • Spawn Beacons can no longer be placed indoors.
  • The Wokuk Amp Station Vehicle terminal will no longer spawn vehicles into walls.
  • The gravity pads at Howling Pass Checkpoint are now functioning as intended.
  • The Aramax Chemical Company gravity elevator pads will now function correctly.
  • Players should no longer spawn into the game prior to the facility structure terrain.
  • The Bastion gravity pads on Amerish will now function as intended.
  • Spawning at the East Canyon Checkpoint will no longer result in the players death.
  • Capture point B at the J908 Impact Site can now be captured.


  • Infantry will no longer shake when in an idle stance.
  • The Jackhammer will no longer leave the players hand while firing.
  • The Phantom sniper rifle sights now appear correctly when using them.
  • The Laser Sight particle effect is now functioning as intended.
  • Grenades should no longer warp through the air when thrown.
  • The Recon Detect Device glowing orbs should now be visible when shot at close range.
  • Phalanx Anti-Ground turrets should no longer play the recoil animation twice for each shot fired.
  • The wheels and handlebar will now function and turn in the right direction.
  • The C4 animations should now look more natural.
  • The animations for throwing and detonating C4 should now look correct.


  • Players occupying the same vehicle should now be able to hear each others spotting audio.
  • Using the record function in the microphone test settings will no prevent voice functionality.

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Οι ονομασίες των server - ελπίζω η πηγή να είναι λάθος γιατί τα ονόματα δεν λένε πολλά.




US West:




US East:










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