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PlanetSide 2

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Zizu πώς λέγεται ο χαρακτήρας σου εκεί;

Κι εγώ στον EU 3 είμαι τελικά main.

Όπως το είπες, Zizu :P


Πήγα να μπω πριν λίγο και όλοι οι server ήταν locked :confused:

Ξέρει κανείς γιατί???




ειδικά τα τελευταία 10 λεπτά (από 1:51:00 και μετά) που παλεύουν για τον πύργο, γίνεται ο χαμός. Προφανώς βέβαια δεν είχανε συγκεκριμένη άμυνα, άλλα και πάλι ήταν λίγα άτομα για να δημιουργήσουν "ζώνη"


έπεσαν μαχόμενοι πάντως, i can give that to them ;)


και μερικές σπέσιαλ φώτος:



όχι, δεν είναι το Death Star (προσοχή στα συντρίμια btw!)




είμαστε σε πόλεμο, άλλα είμαστε και αισθηματίες, διατί να το κρύψωμεν :D



πολύ ησυχία έχει και δεν μου αρέσει καθόλου...



και μερικά πυροτεχνήματα για το φινάλε ;)


Χθες έπαιξα για περίπου 45 λεπτά και το παιχνίδι ήταν φανταστικό. Δράση, αίσθηση συμμετοχής σε μια μεγάλη εκστρατεία, φοβερός ήχος που δημιουργεί ωραία ατμόσφαιρα, επικές μάχες για ανακατάληψη βάσεων και μάλιστα χωρίς να υπάρχει κεντρικός σχεδιασμός που σαφώς θα έδινε μια πιο στρατηγική διάσταση στο παιχνίδι.

ΑΛΛΑ το θέμα του Instant Action διχάζει την κοινότητα και προβληματίζει και εμένα. Η SOE προσπαθεί να κρατήσει μια ισορροπία μεταξύ της γρήγορης δράσης αλά COD και της στρατηγικής με βάθος οργάνωσης. Θέλει να τραβήξει κόσμο από όλες τις πλευρές οπότε φυσικό είναι να υπάρχει γκρίνια. Οι αλά COD παίκτες δεν ήθελαν να κάνουν spawn σε μια μακρινή βάση και μετά να πρέπει να πάνε 2χλ μακριά για να δώσουν μάχη, οπότε μπήκε το ΙΑ. ΟΙ παλιοί παίκτες και αυτοί που επιθυμούν περισσότερη στρατηγική φωνάζουν ότι το ΙΑ σπάει το ομαδικό παιχνίδι και τη λογική ότι πρέπει να ξεκινήσουμε από πίσω για να κάνουμε μια οργανωμένη επίθεση. Προσωπικά, από τη στιγμή που μπήκε χρόνος μεταξύ των spawn των IA, δε με ενοχλεί ως λειτουργία αλλά θα ήθελα να αυξηθεί αυτός ο χρόνος και τα pods να πέφτουν πιο έξω πχ 200 μέτρα από το κέντρο της δράσης.

  • Moderators

Δεν βρίσκω τόσο μεγάλο πρόβλημα το ΙΑ, αλλά από την άλλη δεν έχω κάνει drop με άλλους 20 ας πούμε στο ίδιο μέρος. Καλύτερα είναι με το spawn point του Galaxy.


Εμένα μου αρέσει πάντως που έχει άπλα, μεγάλες μάχες γενικά, να βλέπεις πολλά οχήματα τριγύρω χωρίς limit, voice chat που δουλεύει, κλπ.

Αν και διάβασα για τους Α2Α πυραύλους και ανησυχώ, γιατί πάντα τους θεωρούσα "easy mode", ειδικά εδώ που επειδή έχουμε VTOLs μπορεί ο καθένας να κρυφτεί ή να κάνει hover οπουδήποτε και να βαράει ανυποψιάστους που με το πολυβόλο δεν θα τους είχε.


Γενικά μου αφήνει πολύ θετικές εντυπώσεις το παιχνίδι και γουστάρω να πετάω. ^_^

Όχι πως και στο έδαφος είναι άσχημα. :P


Πάντως όπως λέει και ο Newlynx έχει και ωραία ατμόσφαιρα, από την μία λόγω περιβάλλοντος/φωτισμού και από την άλλη λόγω του οπτικοακουστικού των μαχών.


Από το χθεσινό Dev Team broadcast, πολλές ζουμερές αλλαγές + έρχεται η νέα ήπειρος (Esamir) !!

Παραθέτω λεπτομερείς σημειώσεις που τις κράτησε κάποιος στο forum.



World Design/Bases

  • The process and flow of capturing a facility is going to become more linear, but with a variety of ways to capture it.
  • The team is experimenting with walls, particularly on bases like Zurvan.
  • More improvements are coming to towers, such as making the stairs more easily accessible and adding a second set of thrust pads on the other side of the roof.
  • Teleporters will only be accessible by the team that currently owns them in the hopes that less teleport camping occurs.
  • Experimenting with adding more jump pads to access facilities like the ones to access Allatum and other Bio Domes.
  • Teleporters going to become more “instant” (no loading screen?)
  • Instant Action is buggy and being worked on.The team is also working on updating Instant Action to follow new upcoming rules regarding things like hex adjacency to tweak the system.Improvements are coming to make it more balanced and function better.

Zurvan Amp Station

  • Capturing this facility will be more progression focused than feeling like “Conquest.”
  • Experimenting with walls regarding this base.
  • Zurvan will have one control console instead of the typical six.
  • To progress the fight, you will drop certain walls in the superstructure to gain access to the main capture point. (σσ. ετοιμάστε τους κριούς από τα Age of Empires! :D)
  • Backdoor shield generator (to prevent easy access behind main spawn room?)
  • Spawn control unit will be moved in/near the Vehicle Bay

Peris Amp Station

  • The goal for Peris is to also have more of a linear capture experience.
  • Peris will still have six capture points.
  • Peris interior points (D/E/F) will be covered by shield walls to prevent sneaking in
  • Along each of the satellite bases (A/B/C) will be a shield generator to deactivate said shields.
  • This will prevent attackers from rushing to the center and require them to take outside points to be successful.
  • The goal here is to make the fight a bit more spread out and have to push outside the base.

Hex Adjacency

  • Hex adjacency will probably not be added until the patch after next.
  • Only one tile of a hex is needed to touch an opposing hex to hack it.
  • The development team saw a lot of cool backhacking they liked, specifically regarding towers with aircraft and vehicle spawns.
  • Towers or other outposts might be able to be backhacked at some point, but they want to see how hex adjacency works before going back and deciding to make certain things able to be backhacked.


  • Trying to address issues regarding the northern dried ocean bed area.
  • There will only be light changes at first to see how things go.
  • Plans to make more of a direct flow to the west side of the map coming out of the warpgate.
  • There will be a trench added out of the crater northwards.
  • Pass from the warpgate over the bridge.
  • Another option will be to go over the crack to the crater.
  • The development team wants to see more action, but not be a straight shot from the facility.
  • Seeing a lot of action at the Indar Bay Point tower by Hvar as well as the Crimson Bluff Tower by Rashnu due to the terrain and roads being easily accessible.
  • Still seeing The Crown as a major hub and fight.
  • The development team really likes The Crown due to it’s well defined entrances and narrow choke points, which makes it easy to know where vehicles are coming from.They are looking to try this idea out in other areas.


  • First INTERNAL SOE team test on Esamir tomorrow (8/29/2012)
  • There will be snow drifts in certain areas to get up on the walls.
  • Trench warfare will have an impact on Esamir.
  • The outposts on Esamir have some really unique layouts.
  • Esamir is mostly done after two design passes.Still needs placement on a few outposts.

Air Vehicles

  • The development team is aware of the weakness of Heavy Assault GtA Rockets, Burster Flak MAX, and Turret Flak.
  • There will be initial changes to this issue in the next patch, increasing the damage slightly.
  • Liberator nerf is on the way, reducing clip side and raising the TTK of it’s targets.
  • Currently the development team doesn’t feel a flight ceiling nerf is needed.
  • Doesn't want to make Flak effective over a very large distance, but is aware that this might compound balance issues with high altitude flying.
  • The reason that Flak feels underpowered is that the range was nerfed with no other changes to compensate it.Because of this, air vehicles are able to stay on their targets too long before needing to break off.
  • Nosegun ammo capacity will be increased to help kill Liberators easier.
  • Air to air weapon missiles are going to receive more tuning.Currently, they are tuned to kill aircraft at around 250 kph.
  • Joystick control is coming, it’s just taking time to get everything working smoothly. (σσ. από ότι φαίνεται Ghost, βρήκαμε την εταιρεία που ψάχναμε...)
  • There will be lots more customization coming soon, perhaps next patch.
  • There are no plans to make the drop pod more vulnerable to damage other than by AA, but their damage against vehicles is being decreased.

Ground Vehicles

  • Tanks feel too weak due to “paperthin armor.”
  • More visual and audio cues are going to be added to help with alerting you when you’re under attack.
  • Rockets hitting you sound like bullets, and you don’t always get flashes on the screen.
  • Due to these issues, sometimes people don’t even know they’re getting hit or the severity of what’s hitting them.
  • The team is aware that the Flash and Sunderer stock versions feel too weak.
  • There will be lots more customization in the near future, but later than the aircraft.
  • The team had a humorous conversation about adding horns to the game, so that might happen.
  • Hearing feedback that Galaxy as the AMS is not as good as the Planetside 1 AMS, but feel it’s a different game with more players so that it’s okay.The team thinks that adding spawning to even more outposts will make issues with getting back into the fight go away.
  • They haven’t seen enough data to show that the AMS is needed, and the current plan is to keep the Galaxy doing that job.
  • There are plans to get rid of “cheese mechanics” to prevent vehicles from dying too easily to things like drop pods and Galaxy kamikaze.


  • The VS weapons are a high concern at the moment due to their damage degradation over range.
  • The team was incorrect on what the ranges would typically be and they are rebalancing to compensate for this.
  • All damage degrades at the same distance, but different amounts per weapon.
  • The average engagement distance is between 40 and 60 meters.
  • Initially, they were tuning the max distance to be around 40 meters, but they've found that people are fighting at even longer ranges than anticipated.
  • All weapons are going to get better overall, and the VS weapons will be getting A LOT better.
  • There are plans to make the stats for each weapon more obvious and clear in game.
  • The recoil system is being changed to be less random.
  • Different horizontal recoil is coming.
  • Weapons are too random right now; they’re fine tuning them to feel better.
  • They plan on making different weapon types feel more unique as well as making the weapons between different factions feel even more different than they do now.


  • The development team is cleaning up the deployable system to have multiple options and be less clunky.
  • Engineers losing Ammo Slot is a known issue and being addressed soon.
  • You can use the change fire mode button to use multiple items in the game.
  • In the future, Engineers will never have to sacrifice their core abilities in the Turret and Ammo Drop for other Equipment, although you will probably be able to choose between different Turret types.
  • Choosing your mines and shields will be separate from the core class abilities.
  • Having your deployable equipment cleared by changing classes is currently considered a bug, and is being fixed.
  • It’s hard to tell which faction owns a spawn beacon, so they will be color coded.


  • MAX Balance is a huge issue at the moment.
  • MAX reviving is going to be added again.It was only a temporary fix to deal with the huge amount of MAX usage going on with few counters.
  • The development team’s current stance on MAX Balance is to not implement a resource cost or timer because they would have to buff them to compensate for that.
  • They don’t want the MAX Crash to come back.
  • The team wants the MAX being like any other class where you can spawn it at any time, but it has counters.They feel the MAX doesn't have enough counters in the game right now such as the under-barrel grenade launcher.
  • MAX “weakspot” hitboxes may be modified.
  • Currently the team feels there is no real downside to the MAX.
  • The team is aware of issues regarding the Equipment Terminal tactic to instantly heal, and are moving them to help mitigate the issue.
  • Reviving will be nerfed so that people don’t come back with full life and full shields. Medics will be able to certify to increase the percentage of life/shields you come back with.
  • Anti-Armor bullets are coming soon.
  • Infantry acceleration and deceleration feels “laggy” because animations are still being fine-tuned.Responsiveness is being improved and sped up.
  • Strafing speed depends on what type of weapon you have equipped. Close quarters combats weapons will allow faster strafe speeds, while heavier/long range weapons will force you a bit slower strafe speeds.
  • The team is not going for Planetside 1 style strafing tactics; they want players to utilize cover.


  • The team has been working on systems to better inform you better with text based cues like when you’ve invited someone to a squad, etc.
  • The implant screen is going to be worked in the next update.The team feels it isn’t communicated well enough.They’re adding an equip button which is a quick fix.They plan on redoing the whole screen later.
  • They are surfacing some UI features better such as the squad screen.Squads were too buried inside the social menu, so they’re adding a hotkey (P) and also the social’s default landing page will be squads instead of the current chat/communication.
  • There have been improvements to indicators regarding secondary base objectives and if they’re being attacked or repaired.
  • The team is working on making better rules for indicators as far as importance goes, and they plan on having customization based on things like distance.This is still a work in progress.
  • YouTube uploader will be added in the next update.
  • TwitchTV in game streaming capability still needs some work.SOE is working with Twitch on it.
  • Squad way points aren’t working and causing crashes but they are fixing these problems.
  • Keybindings not being saved are getting fixed for the next patch.
  • In the near future, a vehicle management screen similar to the one in Planetside 1 is being added.You’ll be able to view seating, lock vehicles, set it to squad only, and kick people out of vehicles. (σσ. αυτά είναι! όχι να χώνεται ο κάθε τυχαίος και ο δικός σου να κάθεται 10 λεπτά μέχρι να βαρεθεί ο άλλος και να κατέβει - αν κατέβει!)
  • Minimap visibility is being improved to be more relevant and useful. Zooming options will be tied into certifications.
  • Making indicators more relevantis on the list.They don’t always show up and some are showing up way too big.
  • There are plans to add clamping for higher priority indicators such as capture points, waypoints, etc.
  • Another big pass on the map is coming soon which will add useful things such as displaying the activity level to regions (i.e. low activity or high activity)
  • Communicating meta mechanics such as supply lines will improve.
  • Notifications when bases are under attack are being worked on, but they don’t want it to be annoying.
  • Locked facilities will be communicated better on the map.
  • Lots of these things are being fixed and added in the next week or two.
  • Voice strip is being added, which puts a voice indicator next to the chat box (might move) and shows who is talking and in what channel.This also allows you to mute annoying people.
  • Custom voice channels will be added as well, with the option of password protection.
  • More medals, stats, and achievement related stuff coming.
  • Platoons in beta are a very basic implementation.Bugs are already being worked out and additional functionality is being added.

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  • Moderators

Αυτό με το να μπαίνουν άτομα εκτός της squad σε galaxy, είχε μάλλον πρήξει έναν και ενώ πέρναγα δίπλα, ακούω στο proximity chat "This is a squad plane! Whoever's not in my squad, get out NOW and take your fail with you!"




Οι αλλαγές φαίνεται να είναι σημαντικές και να κινούνται προς τη σωστή πορεία της εύρεσης της χρυσής τομής για όλων των ειδών τους τρόπους παιξίματος. Και το καλύτερο είναι πως η εταιρία φαίνεται να μην βιάζεται να βγάλει το παιχνίδι αν δεν επιλυθούν όλα τα θέματα.

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It's likely we'll be lifting the NDA in the next few weeks. maybe sooner. Honestly the game has a lot of bugs right now and our preference would be to clean a bunch of them up first but we are getting a lot of requests to stream and i suspect people don't mind the bugs and just want to put it out there. Stay tuned.. more info on this fairly soon.




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