Guest1981 Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2003 Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2003 Simfona me kapies fimes pou kikloforoun oi Neoi Detonator 50.30 FX tha ektokseusoun theamatika tis epidoseis stis NVIDIA 30/31/34/35 MONO kartes.Episis akoustike kai oti to NV30 me auto to set drivers tha kseperasei se epidoseis to R350..Edw gelane bebaia.Diavaste kai pio analitika pio kato.Egw to vrisko toulaxiston ksekardistika asteio.. A source close to NVIDIA has reported that they have had on demo a graphics card they claimed to be the NV30 running with Detonator 50 drivers, and which are said to be named Detonator FX. The driver however is not for all NVIDIA cards, and it seems the UDA applies only to the FX based line. Currently only NV30, 31 and 34 are rumoured NV35 are supported by the drivers and it seems this is because of the unique design of he NV3x. The most interesting thing however is that they appear to bring a significant performance increase across the board for the NV30. In some cases doubling its previous scores with the 4x.xx drivers. NVIDIA claim these also have full FP32 implementation which was buggy in previous drivers not designed primarily for the FX architecture. The performance increase is brought to previously criticised areas which include the Vertex and Pixel Shaders and also AA/AF performance. The source claims that with the new driver series the NV30 is able to out pace the R350 in most tests by quite a margin. The AF/AA performance increase seems to be down to full optimization of the FXs compression technology. The drive is already making its way around some smaller warez sites. The news also follows that the NV35 has been put on hold and the production of the 5800 Ultra and 5800 are going ahead in large scale. The 5600 Ultra is also getting a core speed increase as well as having these optimized drivers. In short ATis short reign is now over. We have yet to get 100% conclusive benchmarks but so far it seems authentic. For reference the NV30 is said to now bring scores over to 7000 in 3DMark2003
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2003 Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2003 Ε ναι, ειδικά κάποιοι ισχυρισμοί είναι αστείοι... Ισοσταθμίζουν αδυναμίες σε επίπεδο σχεδίασης με καλύτερη συμπίεση...
MY80- Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2003 Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2003 nVidias guide to writing fast drivers. 1)Forcaroume FX12 format se olous tous shaders. 2)Sproxnoume ta mipmap borders oso pio pisw pane 3)Vgazoume trilinear filtering apo to default 4)Vgazoume fog ki alla 1-2 effe 5)Anti na kanoume kanoniko 4xAA, pairnoume 2 subpixel samples apo to panw kommati (2xAA) sta zyga frames kai 2 apo to katw sta mona (Akrivws etsi douleyei to 4xAA sthn fx5200/ultra pros to paron) kai to lene 4xAA giati moiazei kapws me 4xAA sthn kinhsh me thn exhs diafora omws...oti ta jaggies trexoune pera dwthe sa na ta kynhgaei o kakos lykos. 6)Kollas ena "The way it's meant to be played" se osa paixnidia boreis (placebo effect). 7)Asxeta apo to an oi developers tou 3dmark03 evalan to skinning na ginetai me vertex shaders, meso app detection ston driver kaneis force to skinning me to cpu sto sygekrimeno app mono kai mono epeidh einai pio grhgoro. Anyway, jokes aside, to nv30, se STADE *cough*application sto slider*cough* settings einai ypervolika argo, opws boreite na deite kai sto . To kyriws provlhma einai oti otan to nv30 kanei anisotropic filtering, ousiastika xanei 1tmu/pipe (apo thn gef3 yparxei auto to limitation), oson afora to AA, den exei arketo mem bwidth na to ypostirixei...sta default settings (read, application) prepei na borei na parei ena boost, giati gia to fillrate ths apodidei arketa asxhma. Oson afora tous shaders...symfwna me ta specs... NV30:4 arithmitikes H 8 texture operations/clock R300/350:Toulaxiston 8 arithmitikes (scalar kai vec3 ops epexergazontai parallhla, pou mas dinei ena theoritiko max 16 ops sthn kalyterh periptwsh) KAI 8 texture ops/clock. Exei xwro gia veltiwsh to nv30 (kai se sxedon "kathara" texture ops shaders einai pio pisw apo to r300 para th diafora sto roloi) alla, ektws an h nvidia anakalypse magikous drivers, den borei na paei toso makria oso leei to arthro... Oso gia to 3dm2003...for reference, h futuremark exei svhsei apo to db osa nv30 benchies exoune ginei me "benchmark drivers" <img src="" alt="" />
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2003 Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2003 Προφανώς η φήμη βγήκε για να χαρούν οι nVidiots... Είπαμε, όχι κι έτσι..
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