DeVilMaYcRyGR Δημοσ. 7 Ιουνίου 2011 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουνίου 2011 Καλησπεριζω και παλι προσπαθω να φτιαξω μια εφαρμογη για το eyeOS αλλα οι οδηγιες ειναι καπως παλουκι για μενα οποτε λιγη βοηθεια ειναι παντα ευπροσδεκτη. Παραθετω τις οδηγιες και σημειωνω οτι μονο μεσω κονσολας μπορω να κανω πραγματα γιατι μαλλον δεν εχω βαλει τον εαυτο μου στους sudo users που καλο θα ηταν να μου πει καποιος πως γινεται και δαυτο.Το πρωτο βημα το εκανα μπηκα σαν superuser και μεσα στον φακελο που λεει εκανα "mkdir servertime".ο φακελος δημειουργηθηκε το θεμα ειναι πως φτιαχνω script μεσα σε αυτο τον φακελο μεσω κονσολας και τα υπολοιπα. >To practice a bit of everything explained, and more, we will develop an application which displays the current date and time from the server when a button called “Get server time” is clicked. 1.Create a new directory inside the apps directory called “servertime”. 2.Create a JavaScript file inside the servertime directory called servertime.js 3.Place the following code in to this file... // Create main function. function servertime_application(checknum, pid, args) { var app = new eyeos.application.servertime(checknum, pid, args); app.drawGUI(); } // Define class for this application. qx.Class.define('eyeos.application.servertime', { extend: eyeos.system.EyeApplication, construct: function(checknum, pid, args) {, 'servertime', checknum, pid); }, members: { drawGUI: function() { // Create the window. var mainWindow = new eyeos.ui.Window(this, tr("Server Time"), 'index.php?extern=/images /16x16/apps/hwinfo.png'); // Set the layout manager the window is to use to Vertical Box. mainWindow.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox()); // Create label to display the time and add it to the main window. var timeLabel = new qx.ui.basic.Label("Press the button below to see the Server Time."); mainWindow.add(timeLabel); // Create button to call the PHP function to get the time. var aButton = new qx.ui.form.Button("Get Server Time"); // Add listener to do something when the button is clicked. aButton.addListener('click', function() { eyeos.callMessage(this.getChecknum(), 'getTimeFromServer', null, function(theTime) { timeLabel.setValue("The time is : " + theTime); }, this); }, this); // Add the button to the main window. mainWindow.add(aButton); // Set min width and height of the window to stop it being too small. mainWindow.setMinWidth(300); mainWindow.setMinHeight(150); mainWindow.setAllowMaximize(false); // Remember to open the window, otherwise nothing will show on the screen.; } } }); 4.Create a file called servertime.php 5.Within this file place the following code... <?php abstract class ServertimeApplication extends EyeosApplicationExecutable { public static function getTimeFromServer() { return date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); } } ?> To run the application within the eyeOS desktop you will need to go to the applications menu/tab along the top of the screen, then select “Add Applications”, and click the green plus (+) button next to servertime in the list. Once added to your menu of applications you run it by clicking on it. So like explained in the previous chapters, the program is made up of two files, servertime.js and servertime.php. The code in the JavaScript file creates the user interface and contains an event listener to do something when the button is clicked. The PHP file contains the code to get the date and time from the server. The event listener in the JavaScript file uses the callMessage API to get eyeOS to call the getTimeFromServer function in the PHP file and return back the value. This is done without a page refresh by using AJAX. The application code is programmed in JavaScript using a graphics library called qooxdoo (“qx” for short). Qooxdoo allows you to develop a GUI using JavaScript instead XHTML and CSS. In qooxdoo, you work with Windows, buttons and other elements that are added to the window.
warlock9_0 Δημοσ. 8 Ιουνίου 2011 Δημοσ. 8 Ιουνίου 2011 για τα αρχεία μέσω pico ή οποιουδήποτε editor πχ pico servertime.js θα κάνει ένα αρχείο μέσα στο φάκελο που είσαι με όνομα servertime.js που του κάνεις paste ό,τι σου λέει μετά το κάνεις και εκτελέσιμο με chmod u+x servertime.js
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