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Halo 4

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μετα το halo reach ειπαν οτι δεν θα βγαλουν αλλο αλλα ουτε αυτη δεν ξερουν τι θελουν


και αν πω εγώ ότι δεν είχαν και τίποτα άλλο να βγάλουν εγώ θα είμαι ο κακός !

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Spartan Points


-Spartan Points is the new currency system in Halo 4. They will buy things such as armor, armor abilities, Spartan Ops missions (see below), and some


Spartan Ops


-This was probably my most favorite addition I saw. From how it was described, think fo Spartan Ops like Spec Ops from Modern Warfare but with a storyline. They will span out over several months, encouraging players to return to the game. Game Informer said that Spartan Ops will be comparable in scope and size to the in single-player storyline.


Why Reds Fight Blues


-I think most of us probably guessed this, but reds fight blues and blues fight reds for training purposes. They fight in something called the UNSC Infinity. The UNSC Infinity is a 3km long ship sent into deep space on a mission. It contains a virtual reality sector that creates the multiplayer experience.




-So not only is sprint in the game, but it is a standard armor ability. You do not need to pick it up, it will always be available. You do not need to buy it with your Spartan Points, you will always have it equipped no matter what. So essentially, you can have two armor abilities.


Forerunner Vision


-Ever wanted to be super man? Now you can! See through walls with your x-ray vision! I can't say I hate this armor ability, I haven't used it yet. I'm hoping it comes with its weaknesses and it discourages camping. Sorry guys, but camping in Halo 4 will not be a legitimate tactic.


Returning Armor Abilities


-The hologram, jetpack, and active camo will make a return in Halo 4. It didn't elaborate on the abilities, but you can probably assume they'll be about the same.


Elites Not Returning to Multiplayer


-Not much detail was given as to why elites will not see multiplayer combat, it was stated in a picture caption. The caption reads, "Competitive multiplayer focues on the Spartan IVs. Elites will not be playable.




-Now the article itself did not talk about grenades, but I noticed in the picture the Spartan had 4 grenade options. I assume the plasma grenade will return as seen from an explosion in the picture and the frag grenade will most definitely return as seen by the Halo 4 first look video.




-Once again, no explanation why aside from a picture caption. The caption read, "Halo 4's campaign is still playable with four players online (in reference to Sparan Ops, ensuring players that Spartan Ops will not replace the campaign coop experience). 343 Industries has no plans to include a dedicated Firefight mode. I'm torn on this, I don't normally play firefight, but I feel like it is a standard necessary feature in the game after Halo 3: ODST introduced it.




-Regicide is a variation of free for all. I think it's similar to VIP. Regicide, as stated by the article, "sets the leading scorer as the king. Every opponent that the king kills raises his bounty; other players have to kill the king to claim the reward."


Distraction and Revenge Medals


-Don't feel bad anymore for not killing a single person in the game, you can get a medal for being a distraction! Oh, you just got killed and now you're raging at that player? Calm down and get rewarded for hunting down the guy that just killed you!


Let me make it clear that I do not necessarily see these medals as bad. They just may reward people that don't actually deserve one.


No More Weapon Camping


-One the skills that separated veteran players from inexperienced players was the ability to time power weapons' spawns. In Halo 4, this will be near impossible. Weapons drop down in drop pods at random locations around the map. Quoted from the article, "This gives the matches other focal points, and it also helps alleviate the advantage longtime players always used to have over newer recruits; the best weapons are not always going to be found at the same spawn locations." Unless there is a distinguishable skill gap between players, I most definitely do not like this idea.


No More Respawn Delay


-Immediately after you die, by tapping the X button you are sent back into the match. Now let's contemplate why this might be bad. Let's say Halo spawns are... not so great. A skilled player out BRs/DMRs/whatevers a unskilled player. Now that unskilled player can immediately respawn and find you before your shields even regenerate! I understand 343 is trying to speed up the game, but they must understand the consequences of instant spawns.


Joining In-Progress Games


-So to solve the quitting problem, 343 implemented the ability to join games that are in-progress. My question is are we going to have the ability to search for games starting up instead? It infuriates me to join a game at the last possible second, not even offering me the chance to play.



Story starts 4.5 years after the events of Halo 3

Will address issues of rampancy

Inside of helmet visible at screen corners.

720p + FXAA

Entirely new antagonist (hmmmm)

Spartan OPs represents away missions from the Infinity

Spartan OPs NOT PAYED, all episodes come with the game

5 (!?) mission per cinematic/week

Several months of content


Παιχνιδάρα το Halo.

Αν και το 2 δεν μου άρεσε, το 1 και το 3 ήταν καλά με το 1 να είναι το καλύτερο από όλα.

Τα άλλα δεν τα έχω παίξει.

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Σύμφωνα με την ιστοσελίδα The Verge, το παιχνίδι θα κυκλοφορήσει στις 6 Νοεμβρίου.

Επίσης αναφέρεται πως η Μ$ σήμερα θα ανακοινώσει την επίσημη ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας.


Save the date!


November 6 is an important date in Halo’s vast and fascinating history. For the uninitiated, that was the day the Master Chief found a weapon, a parched Grunt stumbled upon the starship, and Staff Sergeant Avery Junior Johnson discovered the answer to one of life’s most perplexing questions. He wasn’t born knowing what the ladies like, you know. (Frankie wants me to point out that if ANYONE had been born knowing what the ladies like, it would be Sgt. Johnson, possibly related to his case of Boren's Syndrome, whatever that means….)


Now we’re adding another data point to that particular date on the Halo timeline, and that’s the release of Halo 4.


The end of Halo 3 found the Master Chief deep in cryogenic sleep, drifting toward a mysterious Forerunner planet, with Cortana instructed to wake him if she needs him. You can now consider his alarm clock officially set because Halo 4, the game that marks the much anticipated return of legendary hero Master Chief, will launch worldwide on November 6, 2012.




  • 1 μήνα μετά...

How did you come up with the idea of housing all the multiplayer components within a narrative framework?


The seed of that decision happened three, maybe four years ago, when Bonnie Ross first set up 343 Industries. We were just trying not to make the same mistakes that other franchises have made where they enjoy success but don't really plan for it, then just have to make it up as they go along.


We had the luxury of know what the next few years would look like and we decided at that point that one of the simplest strategic decisions we could come to, was to make sure that everything mattered; that every single piece of fiction we made counted, that every storyline and character we created actually had some worth and value and was part of a long term investment in the Halo universe. Taking that philosophy through books and comics and graphic novels is one thing, but applying it adds a wrapper for the entire game experience is something really different.


What that enabled us to do was to move separate components of the game, together. Normally, the campaign, the competitive multiplayer and the half-way house of the co-op mode are ring fenced apart from each other. Wrapping the whole thing together allowed us to make sure that all the fiction in all of those pieces actually mattered – in this case, it connects directly to your career as well as the narrative experience.


Also, it allowed us to make everything feel much more comprehensively connected, more thoughts out. I think when you played multiplayer in the past it felt a little ... surreal. There's definitely a charm to that, that we've retained, where there seems to be this purposelessness for your fighting. But ultimately, all the effort that you put into that experience would feel a little futile because you were just shooting for a single number that our True Skill system would identify for you and then keep you there. We wanted to turn the whole thing on its head while keeping the core gameplay that people love.


The idea of Spartan Ops as an episodic adventure is an interesting one. What was the thinking there?


Well, we talked about some of the independent components of that separately. We talked about what would be a cool co-op experience, what would be a cool fiction ... but ultimately, it came down to this conversation we had a few years ago about, what is a really interesting water cooler experience as it relates to video games? People will typically buy a new game, they'll talk about the big set-pieces in that game, and then they'll move on to the multiplayer component, and often just stop talking about it.


We wanted gamers to have a continual water cooler conversation that revolves around shared gameplay experiences. So if you have four people working together to get through these missions and then watching and experiencing fiction at the same time ... it's not that you have to go and blow up a reactor and then you watch a cinematic sequence of a reactor blowing up; it's real characters with really significant universe-changing events going on in the narrative.

We have the Spartan Ops story mapped out, at least loosely, for a few years. The first season is very rigid at this point and we know where this story goes. If it's successful, if people enjoy it, we have a narrative arc that can last for years, with a known beginning, a middle and an end.


So if we're talking about multi-season interactive episodic content, there's quite a cost to developing that. Will you be charging at some point?


The first season is absolutely free if you buy either the special edition or the regular edition - that's a really significant amount of content; it's being compared to an entire campaign on top of the one that ships with the game.


Yes, it's a lot of content and yes it's an expense, but we think it's worthwhile. Halo has long tradition of doing innovative things: Halo 2 had Xbox Live multiplayer; Halo 3 had social and sharing aspects. It's a tradition that goes back to the first game and we wanted to continue that spirit of experimentation. But this works, it's fun and it's testing really well. It's going to be interesting to see if those water cooler conversations emerge organically and naturally. We have our fingers crossed that they will.


Have your writers had to adapt the way they build and structure a story for this episodic approach? Have they all been watching Battlestar Galactica and Game of Thrones to swot up?


I think you'd be hard pressed to find a video game writer who doesn't watch Battlestar Galactica and Game of Thrones! But yes, they're paying close attention to that, and a couple of our writers have Hollywood and TV experience – they're bringing that to the game.


The episodic structure is kind of a luxury. We tend to think of video games like movies, with a three-act structure, which is maybe not appropriate. People tend to play games in fits and starts; you may get a few who sit down and play in eight-hour sittings, but typically people play in increments of 15 minutes to half an hour, trying single player, multiplayer... and all of those things add up to their narrative experience.


The problem with that is, you can't really control the pace of the drama as rigidly as you can when you know someone is going to sit in front of a movie for two hours. With films, you know exactly when to build tension, atmosphere and so on. TV is much more analogous to how people digest content in video games – which is in these short spurts.


With the War Games online multiplayer content, a few gamers have voiced fears that the customisable load-outs and character progression elements are moving the series closer to Call of Duty. How would you allay those fears?


One thing I've learned over 10 years of working with video game communities is that trying to allay fears is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. You just have to believe in what you're doing. I've been in this industry for twenty years, and most of the comparative systems that people think are being ripped off or borrowed from one title have been around in the industry for longer than I have.


It's not so much that we're doing completely new things or that we're taking things from other games, it's just that, every time we go through the process of making a new Halo game, we have to evolve it to move it forward – otherwise you just increase the resolution of the successful maps and put out the same game every year. That wouldn't work, that would be terrible business.


So you have to evolve the game naturally and sometimes fairly radically. Some of the things we've done would seem fairly trivial to the average man in the street, but they make a really significant difference to players who take this stuff seriously. And of course, in the vacuum of not having played it – or in our case, they haven't even seen a lot of it – there's this panic and resistance to change.


Typically we find that, as long as we do our jobs correctly and ensure everything is balanced and fun and makes sense for our game, which has a very specific heart to it, then eventually even the most resistant players will figure out what's good and what's bad for them, and then pick their matchmaking style based on those premises. Eventually, they adapt.








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