Προς το περιεχόμενο

Απορία - ουρές C


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Γειά σας, θέλω να φτιάξω ένα πρόγραμμα που (για αρχή) θα δημιουργεί 2 ουρές και θα τις αρχικοποιεί. Έχω γράψει αυτό αλλά κάτι δεν πάει καλά , αν μπορείτε εξηγήστε μου.


typedef struct queueNode {

int info;

struct queueNode *next;

} queueNode1;



typedef struct queue1 {

queueNode1 front, rear;

} landing ;


typedef struct queue2 {

queueNode1 front, rear;

} takeoff ;


void queue_init( queueNode *queue )


queue->front = NULL;

queue->rear = NULL;



>/* This Queue implementation of singly linked list in C implements 3
* operations: add, remove and print elements in the list.  Well, actually,
* it implements 4 operations, lats one is list_free() but free() should not
* be considered the operation but  a mandatory practice like brushing
* teeth every morning, otherwise you will end up loosing some part of
* your body(the software) Its is the modified version of my singly linked
* list suggested by Ben from comp.lang.c . I was using one struct to do
* all the operations but Ben added a 2nd struct to make things easier and
* efficient.
* I was always using the strategy of searching through the list to find the
*  end and then addd the value there. That way list_add() was O(n). Now I
* am keeping track of tail and always use  tail to add to the linked list, so
* the addition is always O(1), only at the cost of one assignment.

#include  <stdio.h>
#include  <stdlib.h>
#include  <string.h>

struct my_struct
 int num;
 struct my_struct* next;

struct my_list
 struct my_struct* head;
 struct my_struct* tail;

struct my_list* list_add_element( struct my_list*, const int);
struct my_list* list_remove_element( struct my_list*);

struct my_list* list_new(void);
struct my_list* list_free( struct my_list* );

void list_print( const struct my_list* );
void list_print_element(const struct my_struct* );

int main(void)
 struct my_list*  mt = NULL;

 mt = list_new();
 list_add_element(mt, 1);
 list_add_element(mt, 2);
 list_add_element(mt, 3);
 list_add_element(mt, 4); 



 list_free(mt);   /* always remember to free() the malloc()ed memory */
 free(mt);        /* free() if list is kept separate from free()ing the structure, I think its a good design */
 mt = NULL;      /* after free() always set that pointer to NULL, C will run havon on you if you try to use a dangling pointer */


 return 0;

/* Will always return the pointer to my_list */
struct my_list* list_add_element(struct my_list* s, const int i)
 struct my_struct* p = malloc( 1 * sizeof(*p) );

 if( NULL == p )
     fprintf(stderr, "IN %s, %s: malloc() failed\n", __FILE__, "list_add");
     return s;

 p->num = i;
 p->next = NULL;

 if( NULL == s )
     printf("Queue not initialized\n");
     return s;
 else if( NULL == s->head && NULL == s->tail )
     /* printf("Empty list, adding p->num: %d\n\n", p->num);  */
     s->head = s->tail = p;
     return s;
 else if( NULL == s->head || NULL == s->tail )
     fprintf(stderr, "There is something seriously wrong with your assignment of head/tail to the list\n");
     return NULL;
     /* printf("List not empty, adding element to tail\n"); */
     s->tail->next = p;
     s->tail = p;

 return s;

/* This is a queue and it is FIFO, so we will always remove the first element */
struct my_list* list_remove_element( struct my_list* s )
 struct my_struct* h = NULL;
 struct my_struct* p = NULL;

 if( NULL == s )
     printf("List is empty\n");
     return s;
 else if( NULL == s->head && NULL == s->tail )
     printf("Well, List is empty\n");
     return s;
 else if( NULL == s->head || NULL == s->tail )
     printf("There is something seriously wrong with your list\n");
     printf("One of the head/tail is empty while other is not \n");
     return s;

 h = s->head;
 p = h->next;
 s->head = p;
 if( NULL == s->head )  s->tail = s->head;   /* The element tail was pointing to is free(), so we need an update */

 return s;

/* ---------------------- small helper fucntions ---------------------------------- */
struct my_list* list_free( struct my_list* s )
 while( s->head )

 return s;

struct my_list* list_new(void)
 struct my_list* p = malloc( 1 * sizeof(*p));

 if( NULL == p )
     fprintf(stderr, "LINE: %d, malloc() failed\n", __LINE__);

 p->head = p->tail = NULL;

 return p;

void list_print( const struct my_list* ps )
 struct my_struct* p = NULL;

 if( ps )
     for( p = ps->head; p; p = p->next )


void list_print_element(const struct my_struct* p )
 if( p )
     printf("Num = %d\n", p->num);
     printf("Can not print NULL struct \n");


Γειά σας, θέλω να φτιάξω ένα πρόγραμμα που (για αρχή) θα δημιουργεί 2 ουρές και θα τις αρχικοποιεί. Έχω γράψει αυτό αλλά κάτι δεν πάει καλά , αν μπορείτε εξηγήστε μου.


typedef struct queueNode {

int info;

struct queueNode *next;

} queueNode1;



typedef struct queue1 {

queueNode1 front, rear;

} landing ;


typedef struct queue2 {

queueNode1 front, rear;

} takeoff ;


void queue_init( queueNode *queue )


queue->front = NULL;

queue->rear = NULL;






Δοκίμασε αυτό:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct _queueNode{
   int info;
   struct _queueNode* next;
}QueueNode, *pQueueNode;

typedef struct _queue{
   pQueueNode head;
//    pQueueNode tail;
}Queue, *pQueue;

int initialiseQueue(pQueue*);
int isEmpty(pQueue);
int makeQueueNode(pQueueNode*, int);
int enqueue(pQueue*, int);
int dequeue(pQueue*, int*);

int initialiseQueue(pQueue* theQueue){
   int result = 0;

   *theQueue = (pQueue) malloc( sizeof (Queue));

   if(*theQueue == NULL){
       result = 0;
   } else {
       (*theQueue)->head = NULL;
//        (*theQueue)->tail = NULL;
       result = 1;

   return result;

int isEmpty(pQueue theQueue){
   int result = 0;

   if(theQueue->head == theQueue->tail){
	if (theQueue->head == NULL) {
		result = 1;
if(theQueue->head == NULL){
	result = 1;
   } else {
       result = 0;

   return result;

int makeQueueNode(pQueueNode* theNode, int datum){
   int result = 0;

   *theNode = (pQueueNode) malloc( sizeof (QueueNode));

   if(*theNode == NULL){
       result = 0;
   } else {
       (*theNode)->next = NULL;
       (*theNode)->info = datum;
       result = 1;

   return result;

int enqueue(pQueue* theQueue, int datum){
   int result = 0;

   pQueueNode tmp, tmp2;

       if(makeQueueNode(&tmp, datum)){
           (*theQueue)->head = tmp;
//			(*theQueue)->tail = tmp;
           result = 1;
       } else {
           result = 0;
   } else {
       if(makeQueueNode(&tmp, datum)){
/*			(*theQueue)->tail->next = tmp;
		(*theQueue)->tail = tmp;*/
		tmp2 = (*theQueue)->head;
		while(tmp2->next != NULL){
			tmp2 = tmp2->next;
		tmp2->next = tmp;
           result = 1;
       } else {
           result = 0;

   tmp = NULL;
   return result;

int dequeue(pQueue* theQueue, int* datum){
   int result = 0;

       result = 0;
   } else {
       *datum = (*theQueue)->head->info;
	pQueueNode tmp = (*theQueue)->head;
       (*theQueue)->head = (*theQueue)->head->next;
	if((*theQueue)->head == NULL){
		(*theQueue)->tail = NULL;
	tmp->next = NULL;
       result = 1;

   return result;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

   pQueue theQueue;
   int result, theCounter, datum;
   result = theCounter = 0;

   if (!initialiseQueue(&theQueue)){
       result = -1; //Problem with initialise
   } else {
       result = 1;

   if(result > 0){
       for(theCounter = 0; theCounter < 100000 & result > 0; theCounter++){
           result = enqueue(&theQueue, theCounter);

           result = -2; //Problem with enqueue

   if(result > 0){
       result = dequeue(&theQueue, &datum);
       while(result > 0){
           printf("Dequeued %d\n", datum);
           result = dequeue(&theQueue, &datum);

               result = -3; //Problem with dequeue

   if(result < 0){
       return result;
   } else {
       return (EXIT_SUCCESS);


Αν και το while μέσα στο enqueue βάζει (ΠΟΛΥ) παραπάνω χρόνο εάν έχεις μακριά ούρα...


Μπορείς να το αποφύγεις ενεργοποιώντας το tail στο struct Queue και κάνοντας και τις απαραίτητες διορθώσεις.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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