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Previously you could do this:

iTunes — stream to –> Apple Airport Express

3rd party software — stream to –> Apple Airport Express


Now you can do this:

iTunes — stream to –> 3rd party software/hardware

Apple’s AirPlay system is an exclusive club. If you want to be part of it, you pay Apple a licensing fee to get “Made for AirPlay” certification, at which point Apple sends you a private key that allows your hardware to broadcast itself as ready for streaming. Technically, there’s no whiz-bang hardware at play here: just a private key that Apple keeps close.


Developer James Laird just ripped that key from Apple’s clutch. Frustrated by the lack of open-source Airport Express and/or AirPlay emulators out there, Laird has just released his own home-baked emulator, called SharePort.


SharePort allows you to stream music from iTunes to third-party software or AirPlay certified hardware. Previously, you could stream iTunes to an Airport Express, or use third party software to stream to an Airport Express, but now you can use iTunes to stream directly to 3rd party software or hardware.


This opens some cool doors. You can now stream iTunes music to other computers, or HTPCs or Xbox 360s, without going through any of iTunes Home Media Sharing hoops. Specifically, developer Laird seems interested in having the functionality picked up by the VLC crew, so that may be the first third-party software we see pick up emulated AirPort streaming functionality. Neat.



ειναι open source και μπορειτε να το κατεβασετε απο εδω


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