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Problem with video files


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Prin apo ligo kairo xriastike na kanw recovery se ola ta download files apo ena maxtor se WD xrisimopoiontas to irecover. Enw ta mp3 files metaferthikan epitixws, se ola sxedon ta video files (avi,mpeg,asf) emfanizetai to error message "Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The file is either corrupt or the Player does not support the format you are trying to play". Dokimasa na 'episkevasw' ta avi files me to divfix me kanena apotelesma. Yparxi periptosi na 'swsw' ta files i na ta diagrapsw?

thanx in advance


Δοκίμασε να τα παίξεις με άλλον player πχ. τον BSPlayer


Exw dokimasei me ton div-x player kai me to real player alla moy vgazoun paromoia error messages, ara den ipaarxi mallon provlima me tous players alla me ta files. Tha dokimasw kai ton bsplayer (xwris polles prosdokies) kai vlepoume.


Dokimasa ton bsplayer kai emfanizei 'unknown file format' sta provlimatika files. <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />


Ta arxeia mporei na min metaferthikan oloklira kai na exei katastrafei to index tou arxeiou.Gia ta asf den mporo na se boithiso logo tis microsoft pou den afinei na xrisimopoieitai to codec apo opoiodipote programma(xriazetai adeia).Ta mpeg kanonika tha eprepe na ta paizei.Gia ta avi mporeis na dokimaseis to DIVFIX isos apo to doom9.org.


Gia dokimase na anoixeis ta en logo arxeia me to virtualdub (search sto google kai tha to vreis <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> ) kai pes mas ti sou leei...


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