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provlima me 2o logariasmo


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exo balei sto outlook express 2o logariasmo tou yahoo.gr alla den bainei kai den anagnorizei to pass.

kserei kanenas tipota?



mou fenetai oti o incoming tou yahoo.gr einai mail.yahoo.COM kai oxi mail.yahoo.GR


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exo balei sto outlook express 2o logariasmo tou yahoo.gr alla den bainei kai den anagnorizei to pass.

kserei kanenas tipota?



Tο yahoo απ' όσο γνωρίζω άλλαξε σύστημα. Για να γίνει τώρα διαχείριση με το outlook χρειάζεται να πληρώσεις. Κοινώς, όσοι πήρατε, πήρατε. Οι νέοι λογαριασμοί έχουν αυτόν τον κανόνα.


Ναι αυτό ακριβώς ισχύει. Πρέπει να πλερώσεις.

Βρες κανένα παλιό λογαριασμό που είχες κάνει


You recently attempted to retrieve your Yahoo! Mail messages using a POP3 client such as Outlook Express. Yahoo! Mail no longer provides free POP3 Access or Auto Mail Forwarding to Yahoo! Delivers subscribers.


If you would like to continue using Mail Forwarding or POP3 Access, please sign up for our improved package that allows you to:


Use Outlook, Eudora, or another POP3 client to access and manage your Yahoo! Mail.

Automatically forward your Yahoo! Mail to another email account -- even another Yahoo! address.

Send larger attachments, now up to 5MB instead of the free 1.5MB limit.

Send email without the Yahoo! promotional text at the bottom.*



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