Millennium Δημοσ. 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 Δημοσ. 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2012
xtrmsnpr Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 άντε 12/12 είναι στο αμέρικα,πότε πότε;Εκτός και αν μιλάμε για δυτική ακτή,οπότε να περιμένουμε κιαλό τα παιδία...να δω τι λέει γιατί από vids δεν μου είχε αρέσει.
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 Μια χαρά είναι, μόνο λίγο τώρα στην αρχή έχει πρόβλημα το matchmaking, σε πετάει, δεν βρίσκει matches, τα γνωστά των release. Επίσης αρνητικό ~ λέμε τώρα ~ είναι οτι δεν υποστηρίζει payments απο Ελλάδα (και άλλες χώρες προς το παρών) που σημαίνει, επενδύεις σε ένα mech μένεις με την ίδια εμφάνιση για πάντα (αν κατάλαβα σωστα, γιατι τα cosmetics ξεκλειδώνουν μόνο με meteor points, currency του παιχνιδιού επι πληρωμή). Επίσης, μηχανή ντούκι, όλα ultra και δεν καταλαβαίνει τίποτα. (GTX460 i5 2500k 8GB Ram)
Moderators GhostRiderLSOV Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 Moderators Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 Ε, δεν σε πειράζει τόσο η εμφάνιση. Ψυγείο το ένα, φούρνος μικροκυμάτων το άλλο.
xtrmsnpr Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 OPEN BETA PATCH NOTES 1.9gb http://community.pla...ta-patch-notes/ Overview Our Alpha and Closed Beta test pilots have helped us immeasurably by playtesting HAWKEN and providing their impressions and suggestions on the official forums. As a direct result of your experiences over the past months, we're proud to present the HAWKEN Open Beta patch notes. MECHS Assault Mech All players will start with the Assault mech with the following loadout. Name: Assault Class: Medium (Class Chassis: Fred Ability: Weapons Coolant Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle Alternate Primary Weapon: Submachine Cannon Secondary Weapon: TOW Launcher Unlockable Prestige Weapon: Point-D Vulcan Support Item: Shield Offensive Internal: Brand-New Radiator (Rookie Offensive Internal) Defensive Internal: Brand-New Cage (Rookie Defensive Internal) Functional Internal: Brand-New Regulator (Rookie Functional Internal) Vanguard Mech Players who purchased the Ensign, Lieutenant, or Commander bundles will receive the exclusive, prototype Vanguard mech with the following loadout. Name: Vanguard Class: Heavy (Class C) Chassis: Cupcake Ability: Vanguard Turret (currently operates same as Mobile Turret) Primary Weapon: Submachine Cannon Alternate Primary Weapon: Mini Flak Cannon Secondary Weapon: Grenade Launcher Unlockable Prestige Weapon: Point-D Vulcan Offense Item: Detonator Support Item: Repair Charge Offensive Internal: Brand-New Radiator (Rookie Offensive Internal) Defensive Internal: Brand-New Cage (Rookie Defensive Internal) Functional Internal: Brand-New Regulator (Rookie Functional Internal) ITEMS Rookie Internals All Assault and Vanguard mechs come equipped with "rookie" internals which have no negative effects unlike other internals. Brand-New Radiator (Rookie Offensive Internal): Reduces Weapon Heat Generation by 5% Brand-New Cage (Rookie Defensive Internal): Increases Maximum Armor by 5% Brand-New Regulator (Rookie Functional Internal): Increases Experience Gain by 20% Countermeasures We've added a new gameplay item called countermeasures. These automatic consumables activate when there is a status or condition present. Each activation consumes one countermeasure use. All countermeasures are drawn from an account-wide inventory of countermeasure uses, the pilot decides which (if any) countermeasure type to equip to a mech in their garage. Please note that countermeasures will only activate once per mech "life". Extinguisher: Reduces weapon heat upon overheat. Battery Charge: Reactivates systems disabled when affected by EMP effect. Descrambler: Renders mech immune to the Radar Scrambler effect. Team HAWKEN likes to get this party started right, so each HAWKEN account will start with 15 countermeasure uses pre-stocked! Repair Drones Each repair drone now has its own, unique body style. Commanders of the Vanguard Initiative also start with the exclusive PY-R0 H0G repair drone equipped to their Vanguard mech. Thrusters Cosmetic thruster effects now have unique nozzle designs. Ensigns, Lieutenants, and Commanders of the Vanguard Initiative also start with the exclusive PY-R0 BURN thruster equipped to their Vanguard mech. Camouflages You'll be ready to literally rocket the runway with these awesome camos: Wicked-Grn, Ripples-Yel, Earth-Lime, Pixel-Tan, Wisp-Brn, Worm-Or, Boom-Teal, Checker-Pnk. Ensigns, Lieutenants, and Commanders of the Vanguard Initiative also start with the exclusive Vanguard Bronze, Silver, and/or Gold (depending on their Vanguard Initiative tier) camo equipped to their Vanguard mech. Chassis The new Brommens medium chassis is now available in the Body Shop. Functionality Auto-switching of items upon use can now be disabled from the Settings Menu. GAMEPLAY Tutorials Interactive Basic Training and Garage Store tutorials are now available in the Deploy pane. Siege Mode We are extremely excited about the evolution of this mode, but in the short-term we consider it a work in progress. We're carefully watching how it's played and are eager to get your insights on how you feel we can improve it. Bases now have integer-based health like mechs. The energy required to launch a battleship now reduces over time instead of increasing over time. Battleships will automatically launch if an energy requirement reaches zero this way. When launched, battleships will stop outside an enemy base and do damage to it. Per team, only one battleship can be active at any given time. Energy Stations no longer run out of energy, but they will provide less per second when simultaneously used by multiple mechs. Level Cap and Overflow XP The mech level cap is now 25. When you reach level 25, you can unlock each mech's prestige weapon. You will still gain XP on level 25 mechs. This XP is called "Overflow XP" and can be transferred from the level-capped mech to a lower-level mech in your Garage. Please note that Overflow XP is not active as of this patch. Balance Radar and Radar Scrambler items now bounce off of walls and ceilings, deploying on the ground when they land. Collision on all turret items has been removed, allowing for improved player mobility after deployment. All internals now have positive and negative effects with the exception of rookie internals. Maps The interactive Basic Training tutorial takes you to a new training map, allowing rookies and veterans to the basics of HAWKEN by fighting sweetly inept AI drones. Anticipate updates and improvements to this map on a regular basis. Adjustments have been made to Bazaar's layout for improved balance between starting locations. Landmarks have been added to all maps to help players become more familiar with maps and make it easier to locate teammates. Weapons Our weapons have undergone balance updates thanks to the community's great feedback and testing. We all know the weapons are vital to making HAWKEN feel amazing and fun to play. New players won't notice a difference so this is mainly to inform our more experienced pilots. Overall, weapons should behave much closer to how they performed in Closed Beta Event 2, with added emphasis on consistent feedback to the player and removing extremely high burst damage. Short to Mid Range Flak Cannon: Slightly decreased damage, but decreased heat generation and spread to compensate. Mini Flak Cannon: Decreased rate of fire and damage, but decreased spread and heat generation to compensate. Submachine Cannon: Decreased spread to make it more effective at mid range. Previously known as Submachine Gun. Point-D Vulcan: Increased spread to make it less effective at range, but reduced heat generation. Mid to Long Range Assault Rifle: Decreased heat generation and spread, making it much more effective at mid and long ranges. SA Hawkins: Decreased heat generation and highly increased accuracy. Also increased rate of fire to more effectively chip opponents down. Long Range Slug Rifle: Highly decreased spread to make it extremely accurated while zoomed in. Also decreased spread while not zoomed in. Sabot Rifle: Highly decreased spread while zoomed in and unzoomed. Slightly increased damage to allow for better bursts. Explosive Weapons Rev-GL: The Rev-GL was overhauled to make it much more effective in every situation, especially in one-on-one combat. Its projectile grenades travel at a higher velocity to hit targets easier and its damage was increased slightly. EOC Repeater: We increased the radius of deployed projectiles. Projectiles now do more damage to players who walk over them. HEAT Cannon: Slightly decreased charged projectile damage. Seeker: Increased projectile speed, but decreased homing strength, meaning they won't track opponents quite as well. Fixed a bug where projectiles were locking onto opponents too easily. Hellfire Missiles: Decreased damage slightly, bringing it closer to other secondary weapons. USER INTERFACE The Garage has been renovated with a new look. The Garage and Deploy menus have been improved. The in-game interface has been updated with major changes to the HUD and item icons. Lore and polished descriptions have been added to nearly every item, weapon, and mech. AUDIO Music has been added to the Garage, Deploy, and Postgame panes. Lots of new sound effects and sound variations. BUG FIXES Massive improvements to localization support. Environment collision has been improved on all maps. Optimizations have been performed on all maps. Heavy mechs in turret mode can now use items. XP and HC gain are no longer improperly recorded on rare occasions. Beautified the sky on the Uptown map. Players will no longer see their own thruster exhaust visuals in the HUD. Left and right weapons will no longer appear swapped in Postgame pane or in holograms. The "Syncing Account" message should no longer appear when failing to join a match. Heavy mechs can now exit turret mode while overheated. Players names no longer appear twice on the scoreboard. No more doppelgangers!
Moderators GhostRiderLSOV Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Moderators Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Όταν είχα πρωτο(και τελευταίο)παίξει είχε server browser (και έμπαινες κάπου με τάμα), πώς και δεν έχει στην open beta;
Moderators GhostRiderLSOV Δημοσ. 30 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Moderators Δημοσ. 30 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Μπορεί να μην με συγκινεί το Hawken, but those effects are preeeeeetty.
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