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Shadows of the Damned


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Στο πλαίσιο του Game Developers Conference δόθηκε στηδημοσιότητα ένα νέο trailer του Shadows of the Damned. Για όσους δεν γνωρίζουν, το παιχνίδι είναι το τέκνο μιας ονειρεμένης συνεργασίας μεταξύ του Goichi Suda –Killer 7, No More Heroes- και του Shinji Mikami –Resident Evil, Vanquish, ενώ, εξίσου ενθαρρυντική είναι και η παρουσία του Akira Yamaoka –Silent Hill- στη μουσική επένδυση του τίτλου. Quentin Tarantino και Robert Rodriguez και ιδιαιτέρως αυτό το Grindhouse στυλ το οποίο επανέφεραν στην επικαιρότητα οι δύο γνωστοί σκηνοθέτες αναφέρθηκαν ως οι κύριες επιρροές των δημιουργών. Στοιχείο εμφανές “δια γυμνού οφθαλμού” στο παρακάτω trailer.



Shadows of the Damned, officially abbreviated as Damned or DMD, is an upcoming 2011 video game developed by Grasshopper Manufacture and published by Electronic Arts. The game follows the story of Garcia Hotspur who goes to hell to battle its evils in order to save his true love. The game is the result of collaboration between Goichi Suda and Shinji Mikami, and will combine the styles of the two designers, namely the "punk rock" edge of the former and the "psychological action thriller" of the latter


Shinji Mikami is probably best known for his work on Resident Evil. Now he's teamed up with Goicihi Suda and the rest of Grasshopper Manufacture for a new game called Shadows of the Damned. So, will we see a little of the Mikami-brand Resident Evil magic in this new game? Mikami says there's a bit of it, but not enough to make gamers think Shadows of the Damned is anything other than a Grasshopper Manufacture game.

"Grasshopper is making all these great games, with really a nice visual style," Mikami told gaming news website Joystiq. "I'm there to make sure the gameplay is right -- make sure it's tight, make sure it's fun. That's why I'm there."

"When you look at it, you're going to say this is a Grasshopper game," he said about Shadows of the Damned. "When you play it, especially if you've played a Resident Evil, you can kind of sense 'ah, there's a little bit of Resident Evil here.' But I don't think it's from the start it's a Mikami game. It's definitely a Grasshopper game.

Mikami, who is acting as Shadows of the Damned's creative producer, also shed some light into the duality of the game's violent action and the love story -- hero Garcia Hotspur braves hell to save his girlfriend -- that kicks everything into gear.

"There's two sides to it: there's that aspect of a love story, but it's not the romantic type of love," Mikami explained. "It's a very adult type of love. And you'll see that when you play through the game -- it's definitely conveyed in certain aspects."

Shadows of the Damned is currently scheduled for release this June on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

  • 3 μήνες μετά...

Βγήκε κανένα άλλο παιχνίδι της Grasshopper Manufacture στο pc για να βγεί αυτό..? :P

και δεν εχει βγαλει κανενα παιχνιδι στο pc γιατι εινα ιαπωνικη εταιρια και οπως ολες οι ιαπωνικες εταιριες εκτος απο την capcom δεν βγαζουν παιχνιδια στο pc.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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