Προς το περιεχόμενο

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Τοξοβόλε, νομίζω μιλάς για περιπτώσεις που κάποιος έχει διαγνωστεί με σχιζοφρένεια ( = μονιμη ψυχωση ?) . Πολλες περιπτωσεις ανθρωπων υπαρχουν που ειχαν 1-2 ψυχωτικα επεισοδια και υστερα απο φαρμακευτικη αγωγη(1-2 χρονων) η/και ψυχοθεραπεια δεν ξαναπαρουσιαζουν συμπτωματα ψυχωσης στη ζωη τους.


Ε ναι.Το βραχυ ψυχωτικο επεισοδιο δεν σημαινει διαγνωση Σχιζοφρενειας.Μπορει να προκληθει απο παρα πολλα πραγματα.Ακομα κ απο παρατεταμενη αυπνια,υπερκαταναλωση καφεινης μεχρι χιλια δυο αλλα.Εξου κ ονομαζεται ετσι.Εμφανιζεται ξαφνικα κ διαρκει λιγο κ στην συνεχεια υποχωρει.Μπορει να επανεμφανιστει η οχι.

  • Απαντ. 145
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Η πολυ ωραια δουλεια του Baron-Cohen για την ενσυναισθηση οπως την δινει η Ψυχολογος Dorothy Rowe στο πολυ ωραιo αρθρακι της Guardian.Τι ειναι αληθεια η ενσυναισθηση και πως μας εππηρεαζει στις καθημερινες μας σχεσεις,στον περιγυρο και στο πως σχετιζομαστε με τους αγαπημενους μας κ οχι τοσο αγαπημενους?Ενα κεφαλαιο της Ψυχολογιας που παντα με μαγευε.Ριξτε του μια ματια!






Zero Degrees of Empathy by Simon Baron-Cohen – review


A book that gets to the heart of man's inhumanity to man

Dorothy Rowe

guardian.co.uk, Friday 15 April 2011 12.24 BST


My big sister was unaware of what effect her words and actions had on other people. One day when we were middle-aged I was driving her across the snow-covered Yorkshire moors. She was telling me about how her husband had been depressed. In tones of great incredulity, she said: "His psychiatrist wanted to see me. And do you know what he told me? He said that other people have feelings."



I jumped with surprise and nearly drove off the road into a ditch. In saying these words, she was not telling me anything about her I had not known since I was a small child. It was the fact that she had this revelation that shocked me. However, she soon went back to her comfortable unawareness, and life went on as before.


Developmental psychologists have shown that what interests newborn babies the most are human faces, movements and voices. Babies are born able to distinguish between humans and objects, and thus able to form a bond with a mothering figure. Out of this bond comes the skill of empathy. However, when babies have no opportunity to form this bond they do not develop the skill of empathy. Some of these babies fail to develop a conscience and later in life are called psychopaths. I once worked with a psychiatrist who would collect the prisoners he thought were psychopaths from the local jail and install them in a psychiatric hospital for him to study. I found it a very strange experience to have a long conversation with a patient who, when I asked him about his ideal self, the person he aspired to be, would look at me in complete incomprehension.


My sister was not a psychopath but a well-respected pillar of her community. However, other people's behaviour was often a mystery to her. She had been very unlucky to be born to a mother who could not cope with the experience of childbirth, and who became angry and withdrawn for six months or more. The same had happened when I was born, but I was lucky because my aunt, who looked after me, and my father, were able to provide the bonding that allowed me to develop my intense interest in people.


Babies make the most of whatever bonding opportunities are available, and with luck are able to create what John Bowlby called the internal pot of gold. Simon Baron-Cohen summarises this as "what gives the individual the strength to deal with challenges, the ability to bounce back from setbacks, and the ability to show affection and enjoy intimacy with others".


A few babies are born without the ability to distinguish people from objects. Diagnosing and treating such children has never been easy. In the early 1960s I worked in a children's unit in a Sydney psychiatric hospital. All of us professionals there struggled to distinguish autistic children from those who had language problems and those whose intelligence was limited. Not that these diagnostic categories were mutually exclusive. Few diagnoses are.


Baron-Cohen has made a major contribution to our understanding of autism. Autistic people lack any comprehension that other people have feelings. They do not understand what empathy is. Like most psychologists, he loves categorising and measuring. He describes how our degree of empathy can be measured, and how our scores form the familiar shape of the bell curve. If you want to find your Empathy Quotient (EQ), the questionnaire is in the book. There is also the Systemizing Mechanism and references to questionnaires that establish the Systemising Quotient (SQ). Such measuring instruments enable him to create different categories for degrees and kinds of empathy. He defines empathy as "our ability to identify what someone else is thinking, and to respond to their thoughts and feelings with an appropriate emotion". He does not mention Carl Rogers, one of the founders of humanistic psychology, and his emphasis on accurate empathy, something central to counselling and achieved only by very careful listening.


We can never know precisely what another person is thinking and feeling. As neuroscientists have established, we cannot see reality directly. All we can ever do is to create theories or guesses about what is going on in the human-sized world in which we appear to live. (Ants live in ant-sized worlds, and elephants in elephant-sized worlds.) Our guesses come from our experience and, since no two people ever have exactly the same experience, no two people ever see anything in exactly the same way. Thus we each live in our own individual world of meaning. Empathy is always a leap of the imagination.


While Baron-Cohen writes at some length about examples of cruelty, he does not mention how we can be most empathetic towards the group to which we belong but be cruel to those who belong to another group. Before the advent of Hitler many Germans already saw Jewish people as not quite human; Hitler merely built on this belief. Such attitudes are learnt and serve many purposes. In Australia I meet white Australians whose lack of empathy towards the Aboriginal people strengthens their relationship with their group and enables them to take pride in what they see as their virtues of hard work and tidiness.


Baron-Cohen's final paragraph is extravagantly hopeful. He writes: "Empathy is like a universal solvent", the way to resolve all interpersonal problems. He believes that those who are deficient in empathy can be taught. But teaching empathy can take a very long time. As a psychologist I have spent the past 30 years trying to teach empathy to those who have a particular blindness to people who were psychiatric patients. In Baron-Cohen's section on borderline personality disorder I counted 19 uses of the words "borderline" or "borderlines" as a noun, in sentences such as "Borderlines are very manipulative". We all need to remember that, whatever form our mental distress takes, we are always more than our misery.


Dorothy Rowe's Why We Lie is published by Fourth Estate.


Νομίζω είμαι σε καταθλιπτικό επεισόδιο. Σκέφτομαι να πάω σε ψυχίατρο την Τρίτη. Τοξοβόλε τι λες;


Εγω θα έλεγα οτι παιζει να εισαι υποχονδριος αλλα ακομα και αν δεν εισαι καλυτερα να μην μπλεξεις με ψυχοφαρμακα και ψυχιατρους.


Ό,τι και να έχω μου αρέσει και δεν θέλω να μπλέξω με φάρμακα. Το μόνο που θέλω είναι (αν όντως έχω κάτι), να γίνει μια σωστή διάγνωση. Θα βοηθήσει ΜΙΑ επίσκεψη στην διάγνωση; Λέω μια για οικονομικούς και ψυχολογικούς λόγους. Κυρίως οικονομικούς.


Ό,τι και να έχω μου αρέσει και δεν θέλω να μπλέξω με φάρμακα. Το μόνο που θέλω είναι (αν όντως έχω κάτι), να γίνει μια σωστή διάγνωση. Θα βοηθήσει ΜΙΑ επίσκεψη στην διάγνωση; Λέω μια για οικονομικούς και ψυχολογικούς λόγους. Κυρίως οικονομικούς.


Στη διάγνωση μπορεί, στην θεραπεία όχι (και δεν εννοώ με φάρμακα).


Σλαι εαν η υποκειμενικη δυσφορια που νιωθεις ειναι στο σημειο που σε κινητοποιει να ζητησεις βοηθεια ναι ισως θα ηταν καλη ιδεα να δεις εναν Ψυχιατρο αρχικα.Μετα μην σε απασχολει ο Ψυχιατρος θα σε παραπεμψει εκει που χρειαζεται εαν κ εφοσον συντρεχει λογος κ θα συστησει παραλληλα καποιο θεραπευτικο σχημα σε συννενοηση με καποιον αλλον ειδικο εαν χρειαζεται.Οτι ειπε η ΥΙΝ κατα τα αλλα.


Ok, σήμερα (ακόμα και τώρα) το σκέφτομαι όλη μέρα. Ανυπομονώ να έρθει η Τρίτη να κάνω μία εξομολόγηση της προκοπής.


Ευχαριστώ Γιν + Τοξ.


Απλα να πω οτι το παραπανω δεν συνιστα εξατομικευμενη συμβουλη απο την πλευρα μου προς εσενα Σλαι.Γενικα εαν καποιος εχει ισχυρη δυσφορια τοτε ισως θα ηταν καλο να δει εναν ειδικο.


Ok, σήμερα (ακόμα και τώρα) το σκέφτομαι όλη μέρα. Ανυπομονώ να έρθει η Τρίτη να κάνω μία εξομολόγηση της προκοπής.


Ευχαριστώ Γιν + Τοξ.


Στον ψυχίατρο θα κάνεις εξομολόγηση;

Σε ψυχολόγο πρέπει να πας. Και δεν πας για εξομολόγηση, δεν είναι παπας... :P


^ Υπάρχουν και ψυχίατροι που είναι και ψυχοθεραπευτές παράλληλα , δηλαδή υπερκαλύπτουν και την φάση του ψυχολόγου. Το αντίστροφο δεν ισχύει.


^ Υπάρχουν και ψυχίατροι που είναι και ψυχοθεραπευτές παράλληλα , δηλαδή υπερκαλύπτουν και την φάση του ψυχολόγου. Το αντίστροφο δεν ισχύει.


Ελαχιστοι φυσικα αν κ αρχιζει να κανει catch up.Αντιστοιχα υπαρχουν οι Κλινικοι Ψυχολογοι χωρις ακομα ομως αρμοδιοτητα για συνταγογραφηση στην Ελλαδα.Εδω αρχισε σιγα σιγα πιλοτικα.Hδη πηρε το NHS την πρωτη φουρνια trainees Clinical Psychologists με εκπαιδευση στην φαρμακολογια κ με σκοπο την συνταγογραφηση πιλοτικα.Νομιζω πρεπει να βγει του χρονου αυτη η φουρνια με το Chartership.


YΓ.Στην Αμερικη μεριδα Κλινικων Ψυχολογων συνταγογραφει αρκετα χρονια πλεον.Για Ελλαδα χλωμο το κοβω ακομα.Εδω δεν αναγνωριζουν ειδικοτητα καν στην Ελλαδα.Ολοι στο ιδιο τσουβαλι μπαινουν με μια ξερη αδεια ''Ψυχολογου'' κ αντε κοψε τον λαιμο σου φαση...




Κ μιας κ το εφερε η κουβεντα εδω τι μας πληροφορει ο Αμερικανικος Ψυχολογικος Συλλογος για τα prescribing rights/δικαιωματα συνταγογραφησης απο τους Κλινικους Ψυχολογους








Gaining prescriptive knowledge



Monitor Staff

June 2004, Vol 35, No. 6

Print version: page 22


After many years of clinical practice, psychologist Pam Van Allen, PhD, knew she needed to expand her knowledge to best help her clients. Specifically, she wanted training in psychopharmacology.

"I found myself working in a multidisciplinary setting, and it didn't seem that I was able to serve the patients' best interests if I was fairly ignorant about the medications they were taking and the behavioral effects of those medications," says Van Allen, a staff psychologist for Kaiser Permanente in northern California.

She initially took undergraduate premed classes but jumped at the chance to get training specifically designed for psychologists--through one of 11 psychopharmacology training programs in the country. Like Van Allen, many psychologists go through a program because they feel that, "given the population they are serving, they need this education in order to function maximally," says Steve Tulkin, PhD, director of Alliant International University's clinical psychopharmacology program, through which Van Allen received her training. Van Allen is one of hundreds of psychologists who have obtained the type of postdoctoral psychopharmacology training that makes up the backbone of the prescription privileges (RxP) movement--which began roughly in 1995 and to date has grown to see RxP legislation introduced in 18 states and three laws granting psychologists prescribing authority, in Guam in 1998, and in New Mexico in 2002and in Louisiana in April.

And though a primary goal of the movement is to achieve prescription privileges for psychologists--especially in rural or underserved areas where there's a shortage of providers who can prescribe--many of these graduates don't expect to prescribe during their careers. Their main goal is to improve their knowledge to better serve their patients and be prepared to work in today's multidisciplinary health settings.

Better collaborators

Van Allen, for one, says she feels very comfortable in the realm of behavioral medicine in terms of understanding the positive results, potential negative reactions and side effects of medications on patients.

Indeed, she says, "Many primary-care physicians have told me that they don't know as much about psychiatric medications as I do and they find the collaboration useful."

Elizabeth Richeson, PhD, a private practitioner in Texas and psychopharmacology graduate, says she's had the same experience: "Doctors will often call me and ask for specific recommendations [regarding psychotropic medications]. And I find that the doctors are glad to tell me about the nonpsychotropic meds in detail which further enhances my knowledge base. I see our relationship as symbiotic." In fact, she adds, she has recently been approached by a cardiology practice for collaboration doing triage, evaluation and prescriptions for psychotropic medications.

Another graduate and practitioner in Illinois, Marlin Hoover, PhD, says since his training he's "much better able to identify target symptoms and give primary-care physicians feedback about how the medications they are managing affect their patients." He adds that his collaboration with primary-care doctors and psychiatrists has not only improved patient care, but has improved his relationship with these professionals and even their relationship with their patients.

Program characteristics

The training programs were created to do just that--improve patient care and collaboration with other health-care providers. Some programs are offered nationally, through entities such as the Prescribing Psychologist Register--a credentialing organization for psychopharmacology psychologists--but most are offered in conjunction with academic institutions, such as the University of Georgia, New Mexico State University and Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Most of these programs incorporate didactic elements of APA's model training curriculum--adopted by APA's Council of Representatives in 1996.

The model was based on guidelines developed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) demonstration project, in which 10 military psychologists were trained to prescribe, as well as APA's Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice's RxP task force, the Blue Ribbon panel of the Professional Education Task Force of the California Psychological Association and the California School of Professional Psychology (now Alliant International University), and a report by the American College of Neuropsychology.

The training is offered only to those who have completed their doctorate degrees. APA's curriculum also stipulates that the training should prepare psychologists to evaluate new advances in psychopharmacology research and prepare them for inevitable changes in the field of psychopharmacology during their careers.

In approximately 22 to 27 months, students learn about brain chemistry, the basics of psychotropic drugs and how these drugs affect the body and mind. The coursework is heavy on biophysical and neurophysiological science. APA recommends that students receive at least 300 hours of didactic education; most programs require even more.

In fact, says Lt. Col. James Meredith, PhD, director of the organizational health center at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico and a DoD grad, the programs improved on the DoD project and the hours are much better focused.

He notes that "in DoD we had a lot of extra hours--645 to be exact--but we spent many hours listening to heart sounds or checking for breast lumps, for example"--things that he says he hasn't used in clinical practice. "I think these folks come out with better ability and knowledge to help with the kind of tasks you're faced with when prescribing," he adds.

Building advocates

Even without being able to prescribe yet, former students agree that they're much better at being an advocate for their patients after getting the training, says Robert McGrath, PhD, director of the psychopharmacology training program at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

And, in addition, many become tireless RxP advocates in their states. Keith Hulse, PhD, a hospital-based practitioner who has completed the didactic portion of Fairleigh Dickinson's program, says advocacy is almost expected of his 24 class members in Tennessee--they participate in the Fairleigh Dickinson program through distance-learning lectures and online case conferences. "Most go down to the state legislature for three days at a time each week," he says.

It helps, he adds, that the Tennessee Psychological Association (TPA) officially endorses the program. "Everyone is on the same page and working together," he says.

In fact, Hulse, who is president-elect of TPA now, was the RxP chair for TPA. When the TPA board voted to introduce RxP legislation, he says, they realized that a central component to passing the bill would be having a cadre of trained psychologists.

So the programs and the legislative efforts really go hand in hand. "It's not effective to go to the legislature to lobby for prescription privileges for psychologists and say 'No one is trained to do this yet,'" says Rochelle Jennings, JD, prescription privileges coordinator for APA's Practice Directorate.

For psychologists considering the training, Van Allen gives this advice: "Brush up on your hard science and your algebra. And don't expect to breeze through--the program has to be challenging, or we'll never reach the goal of prescribing."


Εδω ενα πολυ λεπτο ζητημα για το οποιο εχουμε συζητησει στο παρελθον στο νημα ομοφυλοφιλια και υιοθεσια.Αρθρακι οπως μας δινεται απο τον Αμερικανικο Ψυχολογικο Συλλογο για τις αναπτυξιακες διαφορες μεταξυ παιδιων που μεγαλωσαν σε ομοφυλοφιλο κ ετεροφυλοφιλο σεξουαλικο περιβαλλον.Μεχρι τωρα (το τονιζω το μεχρι τωρα μιας κ απο εδω κ περα γινεται η σοβαρη επιστημονικη δουλεια για το ζητημα) δεν εχουν βρεθει ιδιαιτερα σημαντικες διαφορες στην Ψυχοκοινωνικη προσαρμογη παιδιων ομοφυλοφιλων συγκριτικα με παιδια που μεγαλωσαν συμφωνα με το πατροπαραδοτο μοντελο οικογενειας.



The kids are all right

Research shows that families headed by gay and lesbian parents are as healthy as traditional families, but misperceptions linger.





By Sadie F. Dingfelder

Monitor Staff

December 2005, Vol 36, No. 11

Print version: page 66

Most of the parenting challenges Steven James, PhD, faces are pretty ordinary. For one, James's usually studious son Greg, 9, has recently been refusing to do his geography homework. "He's just not that interested in memorizing states and capitals," says James, who chairs the psychology and counseling program at Vermont's Goddard College.

However, as gay parents, James and his partner, Todd Herrmann, PhD, have some fears that don't keep most other parents up at night. The biggest one, says James, is that their sons, Greg and Max, 4, might be taken away from them if they travel to a hostile place. James and Herrmann's adoption of the two boys is not legally recognized in 11 states and many countries, and as a result they can't safely visit one set of grandparents.

"My dad and his wife were here to visit a few months ago and they asked: 'Why not bring the boys to Oklahoma?' I had to explain: 'Your laws don't respect our adoption. Your state could put the boys into foster homes without any say from me or you,'" says James.

Families such as the James-Hermanns and the challenges they face are becoming increasingly common in the United States. The 2000 U.S. census estimated that 163,879 households with children were headed by same-sex couples. That number is likely to be much larger today, says Charlotte Patterson, PhD, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia.

"More people are choosing to start families in the context of a gay or lesbian identity," she says.

Additionally, the census fails to count the perhaps millions of families where a single gay parent heads the household, says Judith E. Snow, a Michigan-based therapist and author of the book "How It Feels to Have a Gay or Lesbian Parent" (Harrington Park Press, 2004).

But while gay- and lesbian-headed families face a slate of challenges that more traditional families avoid-from legal hassles and homophobia to everyday tasks, such as figuring out how to fill out school forms-research shows that the children with gay or lesbian parents do as well as children with heterosexual parents. Having a gay or lesbian parent doesn't affect a child's social adjustment, school success or sexual orientation, say researchers.

"Sexual orientation has nothing to do with good parenting," notes Armand Cerbone, PhD, who reviewed research on gay and lesbian parenting as chair of APA's Working Group on Same-Sex Families and Relationships.

Challenging assumptions

Unfortunately, many people are not aware of the three decades of research showing that children of gay or lesbian parents are just as mentally healthy as children with heterosexual parents, notes Cerbone. One such study, published in Child Development (Vol. 75, No. 6, pages 1,886-1,898) in 2004, compares a group of 44 teenagers with same-sex couples as parents with an equal number of teenagers with opposite-sex couples as parents. All participants were part of a national, randomly selected sample of teenagers from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.

"There were very few group differences between the kids who had been brought up by same- or opposite-sex parents," says Patterson, who conducted the research with students Jennifer Wainright and Stephen Russell, PhD, now an associate professor of sociology at the University of Arizona. One group difference that Patterson was surprised to find: Children of gay and lesbian parents reported closer ties with their schools and classmates. However, says Patterson, the difference was small and needs to be studied further.

Patterson's study debunks the myth that children of gay or lesbian parents have trouble developing romantic relationships due to a missing father- or mother-figure-a concern that judges making custody rulings have cited. Equal numbers of teenagers from each group reported that they had been in a romantic relationship in the previous 18 months. Participants from the two groups did not differ in grade point average, symptoms of depression or self-esteem.

While the sexual orientation of the parents in Patterson's study did not predict the adolescents' social adjustment, the quality of the parent-child relationship did. Children who reported warm relationships with their parents tended to be the most mentally healthy and have the fewest problems in school.

Patterson's and others' findings that good parenting, not a parent's sexual orientation, leads to mentally healthy children may not surprise many psychologists. What may be more surprising is the finding that children of same-sex couples seem to be thriving, though they live in a world that is often unaccepting of their parents.

In fact, an as-yet-unpublished study by Nanette Gartrell, MD, found that by age 10, about half of children with lesbian mothers have been targeted for homophobic teasing by their peers. Those children tended to report more psychological distress than those untouched by homophobia.

But as a group, the children of lesbian moms are just as well-adjusted as children from more traditional families, according to the data from Gartrell's National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study. The resilience of the children may, in part, come from their parents' efforts to protect them and prepare them for facing homophobia, says Gartrell, a University of California, San Francisco, psychiatry professor.

"In order to create a homophobia-free space for these children, the moms have had to educate their pediatricians, their child-care workers," says Gartrell. "They are active in the school system and make sure there are training modules in the schools that support diversity including LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered] families. All this is on top of the usual 24-7 commitment to parenting."

Sources of support

Many gay and lesbian parents pull off this feat by plugging into informal support networks, notes Jane Ariel, PhD, a clinician with many gay and lesbian clients, and also a psychology professor at the Wright Institute in Berkeley. Lesbian and gay parents may also look to therapists for help navigating the typical demands of parenthood and the special demands of being a gay parent, she notes.

Psychologists can be particularly helpful if they tune into what some of that extra work entails, says Ariel (see sidebar). Researchers, too, can ameliorate the challenges such families face by continuing to dispel myths about lesbian and gay parents and by educating the public about their findings, notes Cerbone.

Support can also come in the form of gay parents' groups that meet regularly to socialize, trade parenting tips and share information about gay-friendly schools and doctors, says Ariel.

"There is often a very strong, intimate connection with an extended of group of people who become like family and serve some of the same purposes," says Ariel.

The James-Hermanns plugged into such a group through their local Unitarian Universalist church.

"Surrounding ourselves with other gay-dad families has been enormously helpful," says James.

National groups, such as Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE) and Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) can also help children with gay or lesbian parents learn how to handle homophobia from their peers, notes Judith Snow. In fact, in her work as a therapist, Snow encourages gay and lesbian parents and their children to tap into COLAGE or similar support networks.

"What these groups do is normalize the whole thing by showing kids they aren't alone and helping them learn the skills to cope with having gay or lesbian parents in a homophobic world," says Snow.

From nagging his kids about homework to teaching them how to confront homophobia, being a gay dad is a lot of work, says James. However, it's also a lot of fun, he says.

"Watching the boys grow and develop into these amazing little people-it has been an incredible experience," he says.

Children of gay and lesbian parents may enrich more than just their parents' lives, says Gartrell.

"The kids I've interviewed are enormously thoughtful-they are not only sensitive to discrimination to their groups but other groups as well," she says. "This is something LGBT families have to offer the world."


Το συγκεκριμενο το ποσταρω για ενημερωση οσων ενδιαφερονται να δουν καποιο Ψυχολογο στην Ελλαδα.


Ειναι η ανακοινωση του Συλλογου Ελληνων Ψυχολογων που εγινε προχθες λογω της πληθωρας ερωτηματων απο πολιτες.Την παρακατω ανακοινωση την ποσταρω με το εξης σχολιο: Ναι μεν καλα τα λενε οι κυριοι εκει για τους διαφορους τιτλους που κυκλοφουν στην Ελλαδα απο τον καθενα κ για τον τιτλο του Ψυχολογου που ειναι ο μονος που προστατευεται νομικα στην Ελλαδα, με την διαφορα ομως οτι στην Ελλαδα δεν υπαρχει ΝΠΔΔ που υποχρεωνει εγραφη των Ψυχολογων στα μητρωα του.Υπαρχουν δυο συλλογοι Ψυχολογων στην Ελλαδα (οι οποιοι μαλιστα ειναι στα μαχαιρια) αλλα ουδεις δεν ειναι ΝΠΔΔ (εξου κ απο επιλογη δεν ανηκω σε κανεναν απο τους δυο ).Αρα για Ελλαδα κραταμε τα εδαφια 1 κ 2 της ανακοινωσης τους.Τα υπολοιπα debatable.

Σε απλα Ελληνικα απλα κοιτατε να βρειτε καποιον ο οποιος εχει αδεια ασκησεως επαγγελματος Ψυχολογου.Οι τιτλοι Συμβουλοι,Ψυχοθεραπευτες,Ψυχαναλυτες,Θεοι κ δαιμονες κοκ στην Ελλαδα δεν εχουν αντικρυσμα.Επισης αδιαφορο εαν κ σε πιο συλλογο ανηκει ο Ψυχολογος.Αυτα τα ολιγα.







Αθήνα 19-4-2011




Ανακοίνωση του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου του Συλλόγου Ελλήνων Ψυχολόγων




Μετά από πληθώρα ερωτημάτων πού τέθηκαν το τελευταίο διάστημα στον Σύλλογό μας από πολίτες ενδιαφερομένους για θεραπείες ψυχολογικού τύπου, ο Σύλλογος Ελλήνων Ψυχολόγων προκειμένου να διασφαλίσει το υψηλό επίπεδο παρεχομένων υπηρεσιών , να διαφυλάξει τους πολίτες από παραπλανητικές επωνυμίες, καθώς και το κύρος του επαγγέλματος του Ψυχολόγου, διευκρινίζει τα κάτωθι:

1. Oι τίτλοι Σύμβουλος, Σύμβουλος Ψυχικής Υγείας, Σύμβουλος Γάμου, Σύμβουλος Οικογενειακών Σχέσεων, Ψυχοθεραπευτής Ψυχαναλυτής, κ.α. χρησιμοποιούνται κατά δήλωση των χρηστών τους. Δεν τυγχάνουν καμιάς αναγνωρίσεως από την Ελληνική Πολιτεία , ούτε και το περιεχόμενο της εκπαίδευσής τους. Συνεπώς , οι τίτλοι αυτοί δεν εξασφαλίζουν το υψηλό επίπεδο και την αναμενόμενη ποιότητα στην παροχή υπηρεσιών.


2. Αντιθέτως , ο τίτλος του Ψυχολόγου χρησιμοποιείται προφορικώς και γραπτώς , μόνο από όσους κατέχουν την άδεια άσκησης επαγγέλματος Ψυχολόγου, σύμφωνα με τους νόμους 991/79 ,2646/98 και Κοινοτική Οδηγία 2005/36. Όσοι τον χρησιμοποιούν χωρίς την ανωτέρω άδεια προβαίνουν σε αντιποίηση επαγγέλματος και διώκονται ποινικά Η άδεια άσκησης επαγγέλματος Ψυχολόγου απαιτεί Πανεπιστημιακό Πτυχίο Ψυχολογίας αναγνωρισμένο από την Ελληνική Πολιτεία.


3. Επίσης, μόνο, οι Ψυχολόγοι, μέλη του ΣΕΨ, υπόκεινται στον κώδικα δεοντολογίας του ΣΕΨ και της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Συλλόγων των Ψυχολόγων (EFPA).Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι πολίτες έχουν συμφέρον, λοιπόν, να αναζητούν Ψυχολόγους , μέλη του ΣΕΨ, ώστε να εξασφαλίζονται σε περίπτωση κακής πρακτικής. Το καταστατικό του ΣΕΨ, προβλέπει διαδικασία υποβολής παραπόνων από τους πολίτες για τις παραβάσεις και οι Ψυχολόγοι που τους παραβιάζουν υφίστανται κυρώσεις .


Για τους ανωτέρω λόγους αυτό ,και προκειμένου να μην παραπλανώνται οι πολίτες, ο Σύλλογος Ελλήνων Ψυχολόγων :


α) Εφοδιάζει τα μέλη του με Πιστοποιητικό Επαγγελματία Ψυχολόγου , την οποία υποχρεούνται τα μέλη να αναρτούν είτε στην εξώθυρα του γραφείου τους , είτε σε εμφανές μέρος εντός αυτού.


β) Καταχωρεί τους ελεύθερους επαγγελματίες , μέλη του ΣΕΨ, σε ειδικό κατάλογο στην ιστοσελίδα του (www.seps.gr) όπου οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μπορούν να αναζητούν Ψυχολόγο ανά πόλη και περιοχή.


γ) Παροτρύνει τα μέλη του να αναγράφουν στις επαγγελματικές τους κάρτες και επιγραφές ότι είναι τακτικά μέλη του ΣΕΨ.




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