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AGP Write Off


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Trexontas to SmartGart mou bgazei ola on ektos apo to agp write pou einai off.Den mborw na to energopoihsw.Exw dei kai polla atoma sto forum tou rage3d na exoun to idio prob me to idio chipset mobo kt133a.

Tha eixa diafora sthn taxythta an to agp write htan on?Yparxei kapoia lysh gia na energopoih8ei?

P.S.:Exw mia 9700np


Mikri diafora isos sou dimiourgouse kai provlima.Den nomizo oti aksizei ton kopo alla des to.Gia GF kartes to rivatuner nomizo oti ekane tin douleia gia tis ATI eimai newbie den exo idea <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />


PS:To smartgart ti einai diagnostiko proggy?


To smartgart EINAI diagnostiko proggy kai apo oti exw akousei, ta agp writes de douleyoune kala se kt133x, giauto pisteyw kai ta kleinei (genika, kleinei oti nomizei oti de douleyei apo ta dedomena pou pairnei meta to test pou trexei molis kaneis to reboot otan ginontai install oi drivers). Auto borei na sou rixei thn apodwsh se poly liga apps (kyriws se osa den tous ftanei teliws h local memory ths kartas sou, atm to mono pou xerw einai to nature test tou 3dm2k3, thelei konta sta 65mb gia vertex indexes, ama eisai se high res vale kana apo 30-40 o framebuffer kai menoune psixoula gia ta textures).

An thes, on your own risk panta, boreis na dokimaseis na kaneis install tous drivers xwris to smartgart. Apla, afou tous kaneis install kanonika, kantous install apo panw apo ton device manager (prosexe na valeis to swsto inf, sto 2kxp_inf to CX einai gia xp kai to C2 gia 2k).


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