grimpr Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2011 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2011 H AMD τα "κονομάει" απο την τεράστια αποτυχία της Intel με τα chipsets των Sandy Bridge. NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD: 8.20, -0.03, -0.36%) said it's benefiting from rival Intel Corp.'s (INTC: 21.54, -0.10, -0.48%) support chip design woes, with customers approaching the semiconductor company for additional supply. AMD has been fielding requests from original-equipment manufacturers, or OEMs, and electronics retailers for help and product as a result of a design error in an Intel support chip, Leslie Sobon, AMD vice president of product and platform marketing, said in an interview with Dow Jones Newswires. "We have some customers and retailers who have come to us specifically as a result of Intel's chip problem," Sobon said. "Some retailers have had to take things off their shelves, so they call us to ask what they could get from our OEMs that's similar. And OEMs are asking us for product, as well." AMD and Intel compete to provide chips that serve as the processing engines for personal computers. Intel holds about 80% of the market share, and both have been ramping up competition by introducing new chips that combine graphics and computing on the same piece of silicon. Intel last week disclosed a design issue in a recently released support chip for its new combo-processor, saying that in some cases, several of the connection ports within those chipsets may degrade over time, potentially interrupting the flow of data from devices like disk drives and DVD drives. Intel initially halted shipments of the affected chip, and many PC makers offered refunds or exchanges to their customers. The product problem, the costliest in Intel's history, is expected to postpone the release of mainstream laptops and desktops with its newest processor, which were slated to hit retail stores in coming weeks. Intel--which said the issue doesn't affect its processor, code-named Sandy Bridge--on Monday said it plans to resume shipments of the chipset at the request of customers, but a new version of the support chip isn't expected to start shipping until later this month and it won't make a "full volume recovery" until April. "We continue to work with our customers to try to get this addressed as completely and quickly as possible," Intel spokesman Chuck Mulloy said Tuesday. He declined to comment further. AMD's Sobon said OEMs who have two models of a computer--one that uses an AMD chip and one that uses an Intel chip--are requesting more processors to be able to release additional models of the AMD-powered PCs. And retailers are asking AMD about what PCs are available at similar price points or screen sizes, she said. Sobon said most of the demand is for mainstream computing chips, for notebooks costing more than $500. The company's Fusion combo chip for mainstream computers isn't expected until mid-2011, but Sobon said some customers are requesting more of its lower-end Fusion chips, as well as its older mainstream computer processors. She declined to reveal what retailers and PC makers have approached the company and wasn't able to provide any projections about financial impact. "We can't quantify it because we're smack in the middle of it," Sobon said. "It's hard to find a pattern because it's different by market and retailer, but it's all over the place in terms of opportunity." Intel last week said it expected the issue to cut first-quarter revenue by about $300 million, though it wasn't expected to hurt full-year revenue. It projected about $700 million for repair and replacement of the impacted chips. Intel previously said it had been selected for 500 new systems being designed by computer makers. Sobon said Tuesday that AMD has about 200 design wins for its new Fusion chips.
benign Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2011 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2011 Λογικο και επομενο.Τελικα αυτο το σφαλμα της intel εχει πολλαπλα ωφελη για τον ανταγωνισμο.
firewalker Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2011 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2011 Ε, μόνο απο χαζομάρα της Intel θα μπορούσε να γίνει αυτό.
moldovan20 Δημοσ. 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2011 Δημοσ. 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2011 Αυτό το μάρκετινγκ έχει μπει τόσο βαθιά στο μυαλό όλων που παρόλο το μεγάλο σφάλμα της intel ακούς από άλλα μέλη σχόλια του τύπου "Εντάξει μωρέ συμβαίνει και στις καλύτερες οικογένειες" και φυσικά περιμένουν πως και πως της ανακατασκευασμένη πλατφόρμα της . Είμαι σίγουρος πως αν υπήρχε παρόμοια γκάφα της amd θα είχαμε σχόλια του τύπου "Ε φυσικά για την amd μιλάμε δε περιμέναμε κάτι καλύτερο" και όχι μόνο δε θα περίμεναν την ανακατασκευή αλλά δε θα ήθελαν να ξανά ακούσουν για amd . Μιλάμε για πλύση εγκεφάλου όχι για διαφήμιση ..
grimpr Δημοσ. 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2011 Μέλος Δημοσ. 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2011 Και άλλα καλά νέα. H AMD έχει πουλήσει 1 εκατομμύριο Fusion Chips μόνον τον Δεκέμβριο του 2010. Η AMD δίνει στην κυκλοφορία το πλήρες Documentation των Radeon HD 6900 "Cayman", σύντομα η υποστήριξη στους OpenSource οδηγούς στο Linux. Οι OpenSource οδηγοί της AMD για το Linux γίνονται όλο και ποιο γρήγοροι. Τεράστιο Update στους OpenSource οδηγούς της AMD για το Linux, σημαντικές βελτιώσεις σε, σταθερότητα, 3D, KMS, Video Acceleration και πλήρη υποστήριξη για Radeon HD5000, Radeon HD 6800 και AMD Fusion. Toms Hardware - Τεστάρουμε την ποιότητα Video : GeForce Vs. Radeon In HQV 2.0 Στην κορυφή οι κάρτες γραφικών της AMD, ανύπαρκτα τα Intel Graphics... Overall, when comparing Radeons to GeForces, AMD's cards get the nod for higher overall scores and better results per dollar spent. Frankly, the main reason for the superior results are AMD’s consistent cadence detection, better noise reduction (especially when it comes to compressed video), and a working flesh tone correction feature.,2844-10.html
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