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Creative Inspire 6700 popping noise..


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Sxedon oles oi partides mexri tora ton sigkekrimenon ixeion exoun provlima sto woofer..opote einai pithanon an ta exete agorasei i skopevete na ta agorasete na akoute ena enoxlitiko thorivo san "boom" tin ora pou paizoun.Paliotera eixe eipothei oti ftaine oi kalodioseis revmatos orismenon spition kati pou opos fainetai den polistekei.I kaliteri lisi,pou ekana ki ego,einai na mpeite se live chat sto support tis creative kai afou peite to provlima kai dosete to serial pou anagrafetai piso apo to woofer tha sas to antikatastisoun dorean se mia evdomada me deka meres.Emena simera irthe to kainourio..kai ap'oso to evala na paiksei den exei kanena provlima.

Sas paratheto kai to dialogo pou eixa me ton ekprosopo apo tin creative.


Boris : Thank you for contacting Creative Interactive Chat.

How can I help you?


Boris : Hi there!


You : hallo


Boris : so you're having problems with your 6700?


You : i have a problem with my speakers


You : what about this noise I hear?


Boris : well, could you describe it a little bit?


You : when I listen a song..the woofer make a noise like boom


You : sometimes it makes it just once


You : and sometimes it makes it several times


Boris : when did you buy your speakers?


You : I thought it might be the electricity of my house..but I saw in the forum that alm

ost everybody have this problem


You : I bought them a week or two before cristmas


Boris : ok, we had a few problems with the first generation of subs that we sent out... if you have a proof of purchase we can exchange the sub for you.


You : but it was a gift..I don't have any proof..just the serial number of the product


Boris : ok, can you give me that?


You : ok wait a second


You : SG62503111000407


Boris : ok, can I have your full address and telephone number, please?


You : ..........................


Boris : thanks! What's the international telephone code for Greece?


You : I thing +30


Boris : ok, I'll send you an email later today. In that email you'll find your customer number (you don't need it now, but maybe you have further questions later). We'll send you a new sub, you can keep the old one.


You : thank you very very much!


Boris : this may take a week or maybe 10 days.


You : I would like to know if i will be charged with any taxes etc..


Boris : I don't know, I've never sent anything to Greece... I'd have to ask my colleagues...


You : ok..but please mail me for any taxes..just to know


Boris : don't think there are taxes to be paid, it's within the EU...


You : ok then


Boris : ok


  • Απαντ. 39
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Μου φαίνεται απίστευτο. Μπράβο στην Creative. <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Εγώ έχω αυτά τα ηχεία και ευτιχώς δέν έχω κανένα πρόβλημα με το sub ούτε και με κάποιο άλλο ηχείο. Πάντως τέτοιες ενέργειες μόνο να τις επικροτήσουμε μπορούμε. <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


estila mail kai moy grapsane ta e3is

Dear Sir


Tikanis, Cala


I have created a customer number for you :CUS*******

I will need you to please fax or email your invoice to us, I need you


please put your customer number on the Invoice.


Fax: (00353) 18209557

Email: [email protected]


Once we receive this we will send it out to you.


The address you gave me is there someone there during the day, Some one

will need to sign for it.



Please retain all the previous correspondence when replying to this


epidi den katalabeno ti moy lei moy to e3igite.



σκεφτομαι να παρω τα συγκερκιμενα ηχεια, γενικα εχουν προβληματα ; ειναι καλά ;


μπορει οποιος παρει το καινουργιο woofer πρωτος plz να μας πει αν το προβλημα εχει λυθει και ειναι ολα οκ ;




  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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