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Joined the ATI Rad club...Site gia latest DRVS?


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Mias kai allazw stratopedo apo Nvidia se ATI me thn Radeon 9700 Pro 8a h8ela na ma8w kana site me drivers gia ATi Official, kai alla genika hints-tips wste na exw full compatibility me games etc...


Poious drivers xreiazomai-poioi einai oi latest-apo pou 8a katevazw drvs-demos sto mellon? etc?


thnx in advance...


Ego katebasa apo to site tis ATI kai drv kai ta demos. Kai eidika gia tous catalyst 3,2 yparxei kai ena mod gia na piasei se epidoseis thn 9800. Opote ego lew apo to site tis ATI.

Tora gia full compatibility me games den ksero kanena site. Den exei xreiastei akoma na ma8o giati den exo kapoio prob me osa paixnidia exo balei.


Poious drivers xreiazomai: An den paizeis shadowbane kai halflife (h paragwga), cats 3.2. An paizeis ta proanaferomena games, cats3.0


poioi einai oi latest: Cats3.2


apo pou 8a katevazw drvs-demos sto mellon:http://www.ati.com , vale gia built by ati, de tha exeis prob.


Oson afora to mod, to exw pei arketes fores, de ftanei stis epidwseis thn 9800...thn plhsiazei apla <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

Genika to onoma "r9800 softmod" einai teliws lathos. To performance increase pou vlepete me to softmod tha yparxei kai stous cats3.3 otan me to kalo vgoune <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />


To driver policy ths ati exei ws exhs, gyrw sta 10 whql driver updates to xrono, pou vgainei gyrw ston 1 official whql driver kathe 6 vdomades. Apo thn allh shmera arxizei (borei kai na exei arxisei hdh, twra bhka spiti kai den checkara to site ths ati akoma) programa gia beta testing.


Oti probs exeis boreis eite na xrhsimopoihseis to catalyst feedback form h na checkareis ta forum tou www.rage3d.com (Den einai asxhmo meros, alla einai gemato fanatics kai trolls so watch out <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> )


Full compatibility tha exeis se ola ta progs pou ypostirizoun direct3d kai opengl (standard extensions h proprietary ths ati) <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />



Στο site της ATI θα βρεις σίγουρα πιό καινούριους από το site της Hercules. Όπως λέει και πιο πάνω ο Mythos, εκτός κι αν παίζεις μερικά συγκεκριμένα παιχνίδια, οι τελευταίοι από την ATI (οι 3.2) είναι καλύτεροι.


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