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Official Lineage 2 Topic

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Re paidia!


An 8elete na vrite servers gia C3/C4 mpite edo


Tora oso gia C5 mpite edo na deite merika pragmata...


Parte mia geusi apo ton xarti tou C5



Kai kata tin gnomi mou an 8elete na paiksete se kana aksiologo Elliniko server

I gnomi mou einai BnB

Min viastite na gelasete, apla einai o monos pou toulaxiston einai kalos sto chronicle pou vriskete kai mporei na einai C3, alla EINAI! C3

Vevea den 8a vrite tin katalili upostiriksi apo tous GMs... alla den variese...

to idio re pedia

pite kana c4 me kosmo

file toast giati toso mistikopa8ia me to url ?


Den iparxei provlima na sas to pw apla to site einai bourdelo kai o server molis teliwse to test tou.Prota tah dw sto cruma ti spell petane oi portes :P kai meta tha sas pw, min kanw kai parapliroforisi/diafimisi.


Episeis prepei na lithoun kapoia probs opos na mboun odigies giati an den katevaseis kati mlkies vlepeis grafika c4.Perimenw kai egw kai tha sas pw.


Δεν υπαρχουν c3 kai c4 private servers παρτε το χαμπαπι,ουτε καν c2.

Το οτι σας πετανε ενα c4 loading screen δεν σημαινει οτι ειναι c4 ο server.

ουτε απο τα skills φενεται γιατι πολυ απλα εφοσον δεν παιζετε official(αμα σας αρεσει το game εκει να πατε) δεν ξερετε κ πως αυτα ειναι/λειτουργουν.


Οριστε κ 2 screenshots απο festival of darkness σε official server(πριν 4-5 μηνες) για να παρετε μια γευση:






Vasika christos_0b les psilovlakeies...


Den exei kai toso megali diafora o OFF apo ton Private...

apla ston Private den xoraei tosa atoma kai exei perisotero lag, ante kai to poli poli na min exei kai ola ta pragmata... omos i ais8isi paixnidiou, ta grafika, oi perioxes etc einai idia!

Vasika christos_0b les psilovlakeies...


Den exei kai toso megali diafora o OFF apo ton Private...

apla ston Private den xoraei tosa atoma kai exei perisotero lag' date=' ante kai to poli poli na min exei kai ola ta pragmata... omos i ais8isi paixnidiou, ta grafika, oi perioxes etc einai idia![/quote']

σε ποιον server παίζεις στον official?και τι lvl είσαι...


Den paizo se OFF kai genika den paizo tora...

Exo stamatisi apo ta xristougena...


Epaiza BnB

Apla exo dei OFF


Ta pragmata den einai toso tragika...

Pantos i diafora se genikes grammes tou OFF me ton Private

einai 8a mporousa na po i "eksipiretisi" kai oi "upiresises" alla den uparxei megali diafora stis deuteres...


Basika auto to thread ksekinise gia to pos mporei kapios na steisei enan diko tou l2 server.

Fusika kai tpt den eisai san ton official alla ta paidia pou doulevoun ston l2j exoun kanei foveri kai tromeri douleia kai exoun kanei emulate polles apo tis leitourgies tou official.

Me apla logia tha exei ginei o official c5 kai oi private tha exoun c4.

Ego prosopika o monos logos pou brisko gia na paikso se prive server einai ta rates ilikrina den mporo na paizo se x1 rates tou official!


Exo pei kai se alla posts oti gia na kaneis server l2j prepei na ksereis kai 2~3 pragmata gia na ton kaneis customize opos thes esy kai oxi opos ton exoun oi developers tou oxi oti einai aparaitita bugarismenos(xoris na leo oti den einai).


Kali tuxi se osous theloun na kanoun server kai sorry an den apantao sta prv alla apo tin stigmi pou episa douleia den exo eleuthero xrono :P

Basika auto to thread ksekinise gia to pos mporei kapios na steisei enan diko tou l2 server.

Fusika kai tpt den eisai san ton official alla ta paidia pou doulevoun ston l2j exoun kanei foveri kai tromeri douleia kai exoun kanei emulate polles apo tis leitourgies tou official.


Ti 8a legate gia OFF Server Guide?




Lineage II Private Server Setup Guide








Download this first


Extract your Lineage2 Server (170MB+) files onto a directory. Extract L2server.zip (1.81 MB) into your Server's root directory that contains CacheD' date=' L2LogD, L2NPC, NewAuth, etc. Overwrite all the files when prompt. Extract DBScript.zip (103.4 KB) into your Server's root directory that contains the folder DBScript and override all the files.


When installing MSSQL. Make sure you take note of the account/user login and password!! You'll need them for later. Here's a quick walkthru installation guide:


Make sure you choose "Local Computer"

Then "Creater a new instance of SQL Server, or install Client Tools" //or something similar. If you don't have this option prompt. Don't worry about it. You get this if you're installing again for the 2nd time.

Make sure you pick "Server and Client Tools" along the way in the installation process.

It'll automatically check "Default" for instance name or you can specific one. It doesn't really matter which one you pick as long as you remember the instance name.

Along the way in the installation process, make sure you pick an option that uses Both MySQL Login and Windows Login.



IP Configurations



Go to your Lineage 2 Server folder.


In each of these following folders: L2LogD, CacheD, NewAuth, PetitionD, L2NPC, and L2Server, they contain a configuration file that is either a *.ini or *.txt document. You don't need to change anything and make sure they're set at The only time you would need to change them is if you are loading them from multiple computers! It doesn't matter if you even have a router! As long as you are loading all 6 Process from the same machine, you just need to keep most of the IP adress as

Change the following lines in config.txt under "NewAuth\etc" folder:

DevServerIP="" //Change this to your Internet IP address, your WAN, the IP that you get from your ISP. Visit http://www.whatismyip.com to find it.

logdip="" //Change this to what you used for your L2LogD.ini address.

Change the following lines in l2cache.ini under CacheD folder:

address="" //Change this only if you plan to load this from a different computer! Adjust it to the ip of that computer! If PC2 has IP of and it is planning to load L2CacheD.exe there. Then change it, otherwise leave it as!


Change the following lines in l2logd.ini under L2LogD folder:

address="" //Same thing as L2CacheD.ini


Change the following lines in config.txt under PetitionD\etc folder:

webAuthServer="" //Same thing as L2CacheD.ini


Change the following lines in L2NPC.ini under L2NPC folder:

[color-blue]//Change them accordingly to what you adjusted for them. If L2LogD.ini has ip of on PC2. Then change that IP in L2NPC.ini to that. You are pointing L2NPC.exe to connect to the other Server Processes. Leave the ports alone![/color]






















user="gamma" //This should be your MSSQL Login (I used sa since it sets up the sa account for you when you install SQL and sa has all permissions)

password="l2online" //This should be your MSSQL Password


;Country=0 KR

;Country=1 US

;Country=2 JP

;Country=3 TW

;Country=4 CN

Country=1 //Change this accordingly to what "CLIENT" version you allow to connect!




Change the following lines in l2server.ini under L2Server folder:

//Again, the same explaination from L2NPC.ini config applies here as well!
















WorldId=1 //Leave this as 1 if you don't plan to run multiple servers! WorldId = ServerId in lin2db (will be explained furtherdown). If they're not the same number, your server won't be connecting to the same gameworld or won't find one to connect to!



Setting up Database Scripts


Important! - If you are running MSSQL Server on the same machine that's hosting the server. Leave everything at 127.0.0. and!! The only time you would need to change this is if you're trying to connect to a different computer running Lineage 2 Chronicle One Server! You would then need to adjust it accordingly to that computer's IP!


Important!! #2 - If you already have an existing mysql db installed and are changing connection to connect to a different MSSQL Server (say to your friend's computer). You will need to update your MSSQL database information again. By doing this, make sure you export all your previous data! Because if you input the new IP changes, everything from the previous data will be lost! All character and account information are stored in lin2db and lin2world!


open lin2comm_new.sql under DBScript



set @conn_str = '127.0.0.' + @world_id + ''';''sa'';''l2online'

change 127.0.0. to the first 3 sets of numbers of your internal IP (If your internal IP is then enter 192.168.0.)

change "sa" as your SQL database account

change "l2online" as your SQL database password

there are 3 lines you have to change


'SQLOLEDB', '';'sa';'l2online'

change to your internal IP

change "sa" as your SQL database account

change "l2online" as your SQL database password

there is only 1 line you have to change

save and close the file.

open lin2world_20040609_all.sql under DBScript


set @conn_str = '127.0.0.' + @world_id + ''';''sa'';''l2online'

change 127.0.0. to the first 3 sets of numbers of your internal IP (If your internal IP is then enter 192.168.0.)

change "sa" as your SQL database account

change "l2online" as your SQL database password

there are 3 lines you have to change



'SQLOLEDB', '';'sa';'l2online'

change to your internal IP

change "sa" as your SQL database account

change "l2online" as your SQL database password

there are 2 lines you have to change

save and close the file

--End Part I



Setting up MSSQL Database for Lineage 2



Make sure the SQL server is running, Open Service Manager (found in start menu) and if the start/continue button isn't greyed out click it.


Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager (start menu again), double click SQL Server Group, double click (local) the click OK. Double click on databases folder, to make a database right click and select New Database. Make the following databases: lin2world, lin2comm, lin2log, lin2report, lin2db, petition



If you used "sa" as your account you dont have to give permissions cause they already are set, if you used another account you have to make it and give permissions to the databases.


Go to the tools menu, then click SQL Query Analyser.



Change the database drop down menu on the top bar to lin2world. Then click the Load SQL Script button (Also on the top bar). Choose lin2world_20040609_all.sql (Located in the DBScript folder). Click the Parse Query button (blue check mark icon) then once that is done click Execute Query (The green triangle icon). After this is complete go file save.


Change the database drop down menu on the top bar to lin2comm. Then click the Load SQL Script button (Also on the top bar). Choose lin2comm_new.sql (Located in the DBScript folder). Click the Parse Query button (blue check mark icon) then once that is done click Execute Query (The green triangle icon). After this is complete go file save.


Change the database drop down menu on the top bar to lin2log. Then click the Load SQL Script button (Also on the top bar). Choose lin2log_20040416.sql (Located in the DBScript folder). Click the Parse Query button (blue check mark icon) then once that is done click Execute Query (The green triangle icon). After this is complete go file save.


Change the database drop down menu on the top bar to lin2report. Then click the Load SQL Script button (Also on the top bar). Choose lin2report_20040416.sql (Located in the DBScript folder). Click the Parse Query button (blue check mark icon) then once that is done click Execute Query (The green triangle icon). After this is complete go file save.


Change the database drop down menu on the top bar to lin2db. Then click the Load SQL Script button (Also on the top bar). Choose lin2db_AuthDBSchema.sql (Located in the DBScript folder). Click the Parse Query button (blue check mark icon) then once that is done click Execute Query (The green triangle icon). After this is complete go file save.


Change the database drop down menu on the top bar to lin2db. Then click the Load SQL Script button (Also on the top bar). Choose lin2db_update.sql (Located in the DBScript folder). Click the Parse Query button (blue check mark icon) then once that is done click Execute Query (The green triangle icon). After this is complete go file save.


Change the database drop down menu on the top bar to petition. Then click the Load SQL Script button (Also on the top bar). Choose petition.sql (Located in the DBScript folder). Click the Parse Query button (blue check mark icon) then once that is done click Execute Query (The green triangle icon). After this is complete go file save.


Close SQL Query Analyzer and open SQL Server Enterprise Manager. Under databases click lin2db then double click the tables icon. Right click on the server table go open table, then select return all rows. Add the following information:


To add information in for the example [ id = 1 ] you would put the number 1 in the id column:

id = 1

name = same as the worldname in l2server.ini

ip = your external IP

inner_ip = your internal IP

ageLimit = 0

pk_flag = 0 PK not allow; 1 allow




Close the SQL Server Enterprise Manager.



DSN Configuration



Open control panel, click administrative tools, then double click Data Sources (ODBC).


Choose the File DSN tab then click the add button. Select SQL Server and click next, type lin2world. Leave description blank and select (local) in the server dropdown menu then click next. Leave it on windows NT configuration and click next. Check the box next to Change Default Database to, then select the lin2world database and click next, then click finish and ok.


Click add button again. Select SQL Server and click next, type petition. Leave description blank and select (local) in the server dropdown menu then click next. Leave it on windows NT configuration and click next. Check the box next to Change Default Database to, then select the petition database and click next, then click finish and ok.


Click add button again. Select SQL Server and click next, type lin2comm. Leave description blank and select (local) in the server dropdown menu then click next. Leave it on windows NT configuration and click next. Check the box next to Change Default Database to, then select the lin2comm database and click next, then click finish and ok.


Click add button again. Select SQL Server and click next, type lin2log. Leave description blank and select (local) in the server dropdown menu then click next. Leave it on windows NT configuration and click next. Check the box next to Change Default Database to, then select the lin2log database and click next, then click finish and ok.


Click add button again. Select SQL Server and click next, type lin2report. Leave description blank and select (local) in the server dropdown menu then click next. Leave it on windows NT configuration and click next. Check the box next to Change Default Database to, then select the lin2report database and click next, then click finish and ok.


Click add button again. Select SQL Server and click next, type lin2db. Leave description blank and select (local) in the server dropdown menu then click next. Leave it on windows NT configuration and click next. Check the box next to Change Default Database to, then select the lin2db database and click next, then click finish and ok.


System INI Configuration



Go to your control panel (from start menu) then click the system icon, advanced tab, under performance click settings, then choose the advanced tab again and click the change button under virtual memory. Set Custom size with minimum set at 1024 and maximum set at 4096


You must do this to run all the NPC's.


Locate your boot.ini file in C:\ Drive. You'll need to change folder view setting to include hidden and system files or else you won't be able to find it.


Open C:\Boot.ini in notepad, the last line should look like:


multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /nodetect


or something similar, add the /3GB tag at the end. It should look like this (if your line was the same as the line above)


multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /nodetect /3GB


Reboot your computer



--End Part II.




ASP Account Registeration System



Extract L2Asp.zip to your C:\Inetpub\wwwroot (or wherever you have as your IIS root directory, this is default)


If you don't have Internet Information Services installed. Then you'll need to find your Windows XP Pro CD. Go to Add/Remove Program and select "Add/Remove Windows Components" -Select Internet Information Services from the list and install it.


Open the conn.asp (from the directory that you just extracted to) with notepad and change the following:

ms_sql_server_host_addr = "" //This should be set to your WAN IP. Leave it as if you want to just manually make accounts on your computer for your friends.


sql_server_username = "sa"

sql_server_password = "l2online"

save and close the file.


Open control panel, click administrative tools, then double click Internet Information Services. Click on local computer then click websites. Right click default websites and go properties. Click on the documents tab and then the add button. Under default document name type index.asp then press OK. Select index.asp and use the up arrow to move it to the top of the list then press OK.


Close IIS and open internet explorer and type (where is your internal IP)

Once the website comes up click register. Then enter a username and a password and click next.


You have now made an account on your server.



Client Setup


Install your Lineage 2 Chronicle ONE Client (either download it or off a CD). Chronicle 2 Client will NOT WORK on C1 Private Server!

If you want things to be in english, install the US client and unzip l2cnpatch.zip, c2textures and l2cnmeshes.zip to your /System/ directory.


Unzip Fixed15-10-2004html.zip to your server directory (\L2server\html\) and overwrite all the files.


Extract l2decrypt.zip to your computer (doesnt matter where). Run the decrypter and decrypt the L2.ini file. Then open up L2.ini file with notepad.









ServerAddr= //Change it to your WAN IP






Change the IP to your WAN IP. The IP that's the same as NewAuth and the one in MsSql Lin2db Server entry.


Re-encrypt the file with v212 or v211 setting. Copy it to your Client's /System/ Folder and override the L2.ini file there. When you start up your client. Make sure you are using the L2.exe from the /System/ Folder and not the Lineage2.exe in /Lineage 2/ Folder



Running the Server



Open the files in the following order.




File DB = lin2log

login name = your SQL account

password = your SQL password




File DB = lin2world

login name = your SQL account

password = your SQL password




File DSN = lin2db

login name = your SQL account

password = your SQL password




Server = (local)//or the name of the server for your MySQL Server Agent

login name = your SQL account

password = your SQL password

Database = petition






Congrats with setting up your server!


If you want to free up some system resources. You can shutdown Petition Server once everything is fully loaded. Some people claim L2LogD Server is also not require to run. You can try shutting it down, but I don't recommend it, since CacheD, L2AuthD, L2Server, and L2NPC requires it when loading. L2Server.exe must be running on the same machine with L2NPC.exe! You cannot load them on seperate computers for some stupid reason!



Setting up Administration Account / GM Characters



For this to work you must have created an user account.


Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager (start menu again), double click SQL Server Group, double click on your local server then click OK. Double click on databases folder and select lin2db. Click on tables then find user_account, right click on it and select Open Table then Return All Rows. Note the name and uid of the account that you want to make a gm.


Go back to databases and this time select lin2world. Click tables and select builder_account, right click select Open table then Return All Rows. Under account name enter the name of your character (that you noted before in user_account) and under default builder enter 1 and under account_id enter the uid you noted from user_account.

When you make a new character on this account it will have GM powers, the commands are located in script/BuilderCmdAlias.txt and are used //command so to disable invisible mode you would type in: //hide off


To give a current character GM powers, Go back to databases and select lin2world. Click tables and select user_data, right click select Open table then Return All Rows. All the character on the server will be listed, you can just change the builder value from 0 to 9 for any character you want to give GM powers.



Editing the Server / Gameplay Properties



All the things you can edit are in the /scripts folder.

For EXP/SP/Adena rates and drops you can edit: npcdata.txt

For GM Commands you can edit: BuilderCmdAlias.txt

For Item stats you can edit: Itemdata.txt

For Blacksmith sell lists you can edit: multisell.txt

For NPC spawn locations you can edit: npcpos.txt

For Recipe information you can edit: recipe.txt

For Teleporters and store you can edit: ai.obj


Before you begin editting anything. A rule of thumb is ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR FILES.



--End Guide.


-- Dimiourgi8ike apo ton/tin Raniia --

Den paizo se OFF kai genika den paizo tora...

Exo stamatisi apo ta xristougena...

Epaiza BnB

Apla exo dei OFF

ok μου φτάνει...όταν λοιπον παίξεις official και πας γύρω το 40-50 τουλ. έλα να ξανακάνουμε την κουβέντα για το "Den exei kai toso megali diafora o OFF apo ton Private..."

όταν λοιπον παίξεις official και πας γύρω το 40-50 τουλ. έλα να ξανακάνουμε την κουβέντα για το "Den exei kai toso megali diafora o OFF apo ton Private..."


Apo tin stigmi pou den exo paiksei alla exo mono dei...

Den sou pao kontra!

Logika 8a ksereis kalutera...


Epitelous piga sto cruma na dw tin kanoun ta porta. Ektos twn klasikwn melee hit kanoun mia periergi aura ktipontas to patoma kai se varane. 90% einai ranged hit.


Ta Rates


XP Rate: x5

SP Rate: x7

Drop Rate: x10

Party Xp Rate: x2

Party SP Rate: x2

Spoil Rate: x10

Adena Rate: x7


Official like shop prices, 80Mbit avaluable bw.



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