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Bad Sectors se disko!!!Help!


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


To chkdsk απλά τα απομονώνει,δοκίμασε fdisk και format μήπως και γίνει τίποτα ειδάλλως κάνε ένα scandisk με surface scan για να σου τα απομονώσει.


Αυτό που θα κάνεις είναι να τα απομονώσεις όπως σου λένε τα παιδιά πιο πάνω, όχι να τα εξαφανίσεις... Έχε επίσης υπ' όψην σου ότι θα ακολουθήσουν κι άλλα κάποια στιγμή...



mia kai to fernei i kouventa, pws mpori na dei kaneis ean o diskos sou exei bad sectors k ti sto peripou ginetai ean iparxoun,(periliptika)


me to chkdsk/f sto command prompt - programatizeis allagi diskou mias kai ta dedomena sou pauoun na einai apo9ikeumena se a3iopisto meso


Νομίζω πώς αν κάνεις low level format, θα φτιάξει τους bad sectors, αλλά υπάρχει περίπτωση να τον καταστρέψει, και η διαδικασία διαρκεί πολύ (απο 10-12 ώρες :o )


Pws ginetai to low level format;Exw alousei oti apomonwnei ta bad sectors kai mikrainei to megethous tou diskou.Yparxei kindynos na mou ton katastrepsei opws eipe o filos moy prin;Giati;kai pws;Thanks!


zero fill utility ???

aoma yparxei to hdreganarator

HDD Regenerator v1.22 (Repair your hard disk)


Hard disk drive is integral part of every computer. It stores all your information. If you have a problem with hard drive, then you risk losing the stored information. One of the most prevalent defects of disk drives is bad sectors of disk surface. Bad sector is a part of disk surface which contains not readable, but may be necessary information. If your hard disk damaged by bad sectors, then you may have difficulties when you copy the information from your disk or your information may be lost at all. It is especially dangerous, if your drive has bad sectors in partition area or file table area, when the logical structure of disk is completely corrupted (lost partition).


If you suspect that your disk drive is damaged and contains bad sectors, don’t hurry to throw out the disk and don’t think that your important information is irretrievably lost. Take advantage of HDD Regenerator - the unique software program for regeneration of hard disk drives. Almost 60% of all damaged by bad sectors hard drives have incorrectly magnetized disk surface. Our researches have been fruitful and we have found algorithm which is special sequence of high and low level signals. These signals are generated by the software and they switch damaged surface. Even low level formatting is not able to handle this task! HDD Regenerator regenerates bad sectors by magnetic reversal. If your hard drive is damaged by bad sectors, the disk not only becomes unfit for use, but also you risk losing information stored on the disk. HDD Regenerator will regenerate your hard disk. As a result, not readable damaged information will be restored. With all this going on the existing information will not be affected!


In order to achieve precise results we recommend you to regenerate your disk drive twice. If the software detects the same bad sector more than once, then replace your hard disk as soon as possible.


giati den kanete ena search exei ginei xana&xana anafora sto thema ton bad sectors&low level format


Αν δεν κάνω λάθος, το Partition Magic Pro 8 έχει κάποιες επιλογές για Check Partitions for Errors και Reclaim Bad Sectors. Και μπορείς να το δουλέψεις από DOS me boot disk (2 δισκέτες, μία έχει το boot και η άλλη το πρόγραμμα). Δοκίμασέ το, δε χάνεις τίποτα. Το έχει ο FOSI.



Kalispera!Exw kapoia bad sectors se ena disko palio WD 6Gbytes kai tha ithela na ta diorthwsw.Yparxei tropos;Poio programma kanei ayth th doyleia;Thanks


ola auta pou sou proteinan ta paidia einai mesovezikes lyseis ... parade3ou oti o diskos sou ta'pai3e kai pigene pare allon ... an fysika se endiaferoun ta dedomena sou ...


an to low level format itan kalo gia ton disko mas 9a to kaname oloi kana 2 fores ton mina ....


an exeis xrono kai data gia 3odema asxolisou me ta parapano an oxi ... PLAISIO ...


Low level format mporeis na kaneis to poli 5 me 6 fores se oli ti zoi tou diskou.An exeis sobaro problima(opos tora) den exeis tipota na xaseis an to kaneis.Isa isa pou tha kerdiseis.kalo einai na koitakseis stin WD.Exei ena programa me to opoio ftiaxneis mia bootdisk.Auti tha ksekinisei se "grafiko" peribalon kai tha deis oti exei kai epilogi gia low level format.Ontos krata 10-12 ores kai kalo einai na min to diakopseis oso douleuei.


κατ αρχην δοκιμασε το hdregenerator 1.22 που σου προτεινει ο Νεμο .......επομενο βημα ειναι low level.....

οπως κι αν καταληξεις το θεμα ειναι οτι ο δισκος πλεον γινεται αναξιοπιστος, οποτε παρε νεο , παρε τα data σου και αν δουλευει κρατα τον για τις αγγαρειες


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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