tsakonas Δημοσ. 9 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Ιουλίου 2005 Αυτη την αποστολη την θυμασαι? την εκανες?ειναι αδυνατον πιστευω να μην την εκανες!!! Customs Fast Track "Back at the garage, CJ and Cesar work on fixing a car. A little while later, a customer arrives. Cesar goes off to talk to him, while CJ and Kendl talk about the current situation in Grove Street. Cesar comes back a little while later and tells CJ that a car that is wanted for a customer's wish list has been spotted down at the docks. The container with the car in it has been marked with spray paint, but it might be too late as the containers have already been loaded on to a freight and are being shipped out tomorrow. CJ decides to go down there anyway and have a look. After the cutscene you will be outside your garage. Get in Cesar's car and follow the yellow dot on the radar to the docks in Easter Basin. Drive up to the crane and exit the car. Walk into the red marker and press the triangle button to get in the crane. CJ discovers that none of the containers are marked with spray paint so they will have to try them all. Start by picking up any one of the three containers and lower it down into the red marker. It doesn't matter which container you choose first, the car will always be in the last container you choose. Lower each container into the red marker and once they are all lowered, Cesar will drive the correct car out of the container and a car with armed guards will suddenly arrive. Quickly exit the crane and help Cesar by shooting at the guards. Cesar will be crouched behind a car. Crouch against the car to minimise the damage you take and kill the three guards shooting at you. When they are dead, another car will arrive. Kill the guards when they exit the car, and another two guards will come running up to. You can just shoot them before they have a chance to do any thing. When they are all dead, get in the car with Cesar and drive back to the garage in Doherty by following the yellow dot on the radar and park in the red marker to end the mission. Reward: $10000 (less if you crash), Respect + Completing this mission opens up the Import/Export list at the docks in Easter Basin.
Bomber-21 Δημοσ. 9 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Ιουλίου 2005 Αν καταλαβα λεει για εναν γερανο,αυτον που εχω στη φωτο που παρεθεσα. Εγω ομως η μονη αποστολη με γερανο που εχω κανει ειναι στο san fierro,διπλα στο συνεργειο του cj. Ειναι αδιανοητο.Εχω τερματισει το παιχνιδι χωρις να κανω αυτην την αποστολη. Το τερματισα κανονικα.Εκανα την ''end of the line'' και μου εβγαλε τιτλους τελους. Δεν μπορω να καταλαβω...
JiKL Δημοσ. 9 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Ιουλίου 2005 h epistimi (oi paiktes diladi) sikonei ta xeria psila...! Tis ipoloipes apostoles sto sinergeio tou cj tis exeis kanei?oles exoun na kanoun me autokinita, 2-3 na klepseis ta amaksia apo kapous ktl ktl! Den milao gia to kiklaki pou itan poli konta sto save alla gia ekeines pou to kiklaki itan mprosta apo ta garage (oxi ekei pou vazeis ta dika sou oximata ta alla apo tin alli pleura)
merez Δημοσ. 9 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Ιουλίου 2005 Re paidia iparxei kana hint gia auton ton Freddy me ti mixani? Den antexw allo, olo toumpes trow k mou ksefeugei
JiKL Δημοσ. 9 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Ιουλίου 2005 merez i apostoli einai auti pou pas me to autokinito me allous dio se ena spiti kai otan xtipas to koudouni autos anevainei se mia mixani kavalas kai esi me enan akoma kai ton kinigas? An nai akou, i diadromi pou akolouthei o tipas einai akrivos i idia PANTA...ara esi apla den einai anagki na kaneis oti kanei kai autos apla na ton perimeneis se komvika simeia na perasei ton akoloutheis ktl ktl!Diladi an kaneis oloklirous kiklous apo edo apo ekei esi tha ton perimeneis stin gonia pou tha figei meta gia na sinexisei! Prosoxi: to simeio pou tha ton perimeneis na prosexeis na min ipervainei tin megisti dinati apostasi prin sou pei oti sou ksefige!Sto telos tha xreiastei na skotoseis merikous, skotose mono auton oxi tous allous!
adi32 Δημοσ. 10 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 10 Ιουλίου 2005 yparxei kana kolpo na glitwsw to Learn to fly giati tha to spasw exw kolisei sto Circle Airstrip and Land to katafernw alla mou vazei mexri 50 exete kana save meta apo ekei h kanena kolpo ?
Jimmy_BlinD Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 Exo to idio akrivos problem me to paidi pou egrapse prin apo mena. EXO KOLLISEI STO LEARN TO FLY stin 4h mou fenetai apostoli... yparxei kanena paidi pou na boro na tou steilo to save mou kai na mou perasei tin apostoli? pm me
merez Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 merez i apostoli einai auti pou pas me to autokinito me allous dio se ena spiti kai otan xtipas to koudouni autos anevainei se mia mixani kavalas kai esi me enan akoma kai ton kinigas?An nai akou' date=' i diadromi pou akolouthei o tipas einai akrivos i idia PANTA...ara esi apla den einai anagki na kaneis oti kanei kai autos apla na ton perimeneis se komvika simeia na perasei ton akoloutheis ktl ktl!Diladi an kaneis oloklirous kiklous apo edo apo ekei esi tha ton perimeneis stin gonia pou tha figei meta gia na sinexisei! Prosoxi: to simeio pou tha ton perimeneis na prosexeis na min ipervainei tin megisti dinati apostasi prin sou pei oti sou ksefige!Sto telos tha xreiastei na skotoseis merikous, skotose mono auton oxi tous allous![/quote'] Ok file mou, thanx!! Apla kratithika konta tou opws mou eipes k ton skotwsa otan stamatisame. Nomiza oti eprepe na ton "faw" sto dromo giauto ton akolouthousa!
adi32 Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 vrhka to save gia to fly einai ayto http://gta.3ds-network.de/play-gta/downloads.php?release_id=259 an kanw lathos (epeidh twra den eimai sto pc mou) tha sto steilw to apogeyma ki edw ftp://pub.s2.macrea-file.com/HrmFAOwKOO0Z9dYHhofu/892814%400229_Mega_Savegames_Pack_-_by_MIMIduCHAT-gta-macreators.com.zip polla saves apo to game
m00nlight Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 paidia mhpws uparxei kapoio mode pou na sou epitrepei na kaneis save opou 8eleis? pisteyw 8a htan polu xrhsimo...sorry an exei anafer8ei xana to 8ema alla ekana search sto TERASTIO auto thread kai de vrhka tpt
tsakonas Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 Re paides akouste ena teliws koufo!!! o CJ den borei na paei sto gym giati kathe fora asxetws an pethana h me sullavane oi batsoi moy vgazeu "u have worked enough for today come back tomorrow" !!!!! ma exw na paw POLUUUU kairo !!! epishs den xanei pleon kila mono paxenei!!! exw ginei falaina!!! tha to spasw!! peite kamia idea re seis!!! ti na kanw???
JiKL Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2005 na ipotheso pos exeis dokimasei se ola ta gimnastiria etsi? 1)min tros katholou 2)perpata sinexeia kolimpa kane treksimo ktl etsi kanonika xanei 3)den exeis parei tipota narkotika?(oxi esi o Carl) opoios thelei na tou peraso kati euxaristos na mou steilei ena pm!feugo gia mia vdomada milo alla kati tha kano! Ekana rekord souzas....distance:14600 feet, time: 180 sec!me ti allo to tromero ergaleio-vespa! Tin seirina sto asthenoforo pos tin vazeis?me capslock emena den leitourgei!!!
Jimmy_BlinD Δημοσ. 12 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 12 Ιουλίου 2005 Re paides akouste ena teliws koufo!!! o CJ den borei na paei sto gym giati kathe fora asxetws an pethana h me sullavane oi batsoi moy vgazeu "u have worked enough for today come back tomorrow" !!!!! ma exw na paw POLUUUU kairo !!! epishs den xanei pleon kila mono paxenei!!! exw ginei falaina!!! tha to spasw!! peite kamia idea re seis!!! ti na kanw??? MIN TROS KA8OLOU, AYKSISE LUNG CAPACITY KAI STAMINA , META KSANADOKIMASE NA GYMNASTEIS
Exoskeletor Δημοσ. 12 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 12 Ιουλίου 2005 bgale mia fotografia na doume kiemeis pos eine o cj xontros. To oti sou bgazei ayto to mhnyma den exei sxesh me to poso kairo exeis na pas. sto bgazei otan exeis gymnash muscle h stamina mexrh ena shmeio. an den to ekane ayto to paixnidi kai se afine na ton lioneis gia mish ora sto gymnasthrio tha gynotan kateythian toubano. opote sou bgazei ayto to mhnyma, kane 2-3 save na perasei h mera (opote kaneis save pernane 8 ores) kai ksanapigene pali gymnasthrio. kanto ayto 5,6 fores kai tha ginei mia xara o cj
tsakonas Δημοσ. 12 Ιουλίου 2005 Δημοσ. 12 Ιουλίου 2005 Re paides exw kanei ta panta afta pou lete htan ta autonohta me th mia pou ekana!!! telika mono me treksimo kai podhlato adunatizei sto gym den paei me tpt!!!! De fenete kai polu xontros sth foto alla einai!!! otan perpataei,trexei klp akoma kai otan milaei einai diaforetikos!!! kai ola afta giati oi gomenes exoun diaforetika gousta!! gamw!
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