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alexa.com ??? Ερώτηση


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μήπως μπορεί κανείς να μου εξηγήσει τι ακριβώς είναι το alexa.com γιατί ακούω πολλά.

Είδα πως ουσιαστικά είναι ένας παγκόσμιος μετρητής επισκεψιμότητας - μήπως κάνω λάθος?

Θέλω να καταχωρήσω εκεί το site μου αλλά με μια πρόχειρη ματιά δεν βρήκα τον τρόπο.

Μήπως μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε?



TODAY'S TOURBUS SITE : http://www.alexa.com/download/tb/


Meet Alexa - a nifty (and FREE) new tool from one of the original

Internet toolsmiths. Brewster Kahle is the brains behind this

innovative browser add-on which learns from people and promises to

fill in the gaps in navigating and finding information on the Net.


In 1983, Kahle helped to start Thinking Machines, a maker of parallel

supercomputers, and served there as lead engineer for six years.

Kahle then invented WAIS (Wide Area Information Server) technology,

which is a way to access remote databases over the Net.


So What Does Alexa Do?



Alexa (which derives its moniker from the lost library of Alexandria)

does a lot of interesting and useful things. Here's a quick summary,

followed by a bit more detail on each feature.


1) It reveals in-depth information about the website you're viewing.

2) It provides recommended links for where to go next on the Web.

3) It archives Web pages that no longer exist anywhere else.

4) It provides one-click access to some handy reference materials.


Who Owns This Place?



When the Alexa toolbar is active, it reveals lots of interesting facts

about the owner or creator of the sites you visit. For example, if I

pop into Yahoo! <http://www.yahoo.com>, Alexa tells me that the owner

of the site is a company named "Yahoo" located at 3400 Central

Expressway, Suite 201, Santa Clara, CA 95051. There's a phone number

listed for the proprietors (408.731.3300) and you can even click to

view a map of the neighborhood if you feel like dropping in.


Note that Alexa reveals info on the SITE, but not individual pages on

that site which may be created by other people. For example, if you

visit the infamous Pizza Server <http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~pizza>,

Alexa says the owner is "California State University", not the wacky

Brian Hall of Pizza Server fame.


In Good Company



Alexa also tells you at a glance how popular a site is, based on hit

counts recorded from various caches on the Internet backbone. According

to Alexa, Yahoo is in the "Top 10" of most-visited sites (actually I

think "Top 1" is closer). You also learn whether previous visitors

liked or disliked the site, and you can add your vote to the tally.


Alexa gathers publicly available information about companies,

universities, and government agencies. Hmmm, I see Yahoo had 1997

revenues of $5.01M but lost $1.28M, while keeping 155 employees on the

payroll. Cornell University has 13262 students, with a tuition of $20K

per year. But some reason, Alexa couldn't tell me who was sleeping in

the Lincoln Bedroom when I visited www.whitehouse.gov ...


Also of interest is the number of pages on a site, and the number of

links it has to other sites. For Yahoo, those counts top 32000 and

304000, respectively.


Where To Next?



Alexa follows people as they bounce from one website to another, and

presents a list of suggested sites to visit next, based on what others

have done. This feature can help you avoid useless sites and streamline

your web searches. But you needn't worry that Big Sister is watching -

the people behind Alexa don't collect data on specific individuals, just

usage patterns for large groups of people.


Error 404 - File Not Found



Have you ever clicked on a link displayed by a search engine, only to

find that the page no longer exists? Alexa has an 8 terabyte archive

of the entire World Wide Web, and even pulls Usenet postings into its

database. Every few months, a new shapshot of Cyberspace is taken.


So next time you get a 'Not Found' message, there's a good chance Alexa

will be able to serve up a recently archived version of the page, even if

the page or site is no longer available on the Web. Tres cool!


Information, Please



You want a reference library on your computer desktop? How about instant

access to the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica, or Merriam-Webster's

Dictionary and Thesaurus with one click?


This is a very nice way to combine serious research with Web surfing.

With quick lookups from EB or Webster's, you can get authoritative

information on most any subject, delivered right to your Internet browser.


Download Alexa and Know Where to Go!



Search engines - who needs 'em? Use Alexa and find information on every

website you visit and suggestions on where to go next. I highly recommend

this FREE Win95/NT software as your ultimate companion while you surf the

Internet with Netscape or Internet Explorer. Download your copy now at:




Using Alexa is a lot of fun. I've never seen another tool that pulled

together so much useful data into such a small space. Sometimes you feel

like you're spying on the Web, other times you feel like part of a

community that's building a treasury of knowledge that'll help those who

follow behind.


So don't miss out - download your free copy now and experience Alexa for

yourself. (Mac users, I'm told an Apple version is in the works.) Oh,

and I encourage you to pass this TOURBUS issue along to friends who might

enjoy using Alexa too. See you next time! --Bob Rankin



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