Προς το περιεχόμενο

bleamcast-emu psx gia dreamcast (hacked)


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


To bleamcast egine hacked kai idi kykloforei meso edonkey

(to ti egine hacked simainei oti to iso pou kykloforei einai workable kai episis oti einai universal diladi den pezi sygkekrimano paixnidi opos i emporiki toy ekdosi)

Idi kykloforoyn compatibility lists





Εμ,όχι φίλε nemo,γιατί με Sparknet δεν μπορώ βλέπεις να πάρω το Hotmail μου. <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />



kickass ! kante re pedia ton kopo kai steilte to mou ki emena <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Thelo na do ISS sto DC kai as pethano :P


ante tyxere i(epi to thriskeytikoteron

"nyn apolyeis ton doylo soy despota "


comatibility list



Ace Combat 3 Perfect

Bubble Bobble & Rainbow Islands Graphical failures

Bubble Bobble 2 It works, but relentiza

Bust to Move 4 Graphical errors

Capcom Generations 2 - Chronicles of Arthur Graphical errors

Castlevania Chronicles It does not work

Castlevania Symphony of the Night It does not work

Chocobo Racing Perfect

Colin McRae 2 Perfect, except for some failure in textures

Crash Bandicoot Graphical errors

Crash Bandicoot 3 It does not work

Driver 2 It does not work

Einhander Perfect, except music

Fighting Force 2 It does not work

End Fantasy IX It does not work

End Fantasy VII It does not work

End Fantasy VIII It does not work

Gekido Urban Fighters It does not work

Gradius Gaiden Graphical failures

Great Tourism It works well, except some failure with the rear-view one

Great Tourism 2 Perfect, except some failure of textures

I.S.S. 2 Pro Evolution Perfect

Klonoa: Door to Phantomille Perfect

Medievil It works well

Medievil 2 It does not work

Megaman X4 It works, but with graphical failures

Megaman X5 It works, but with graphical failures

Megaman X6 It works, but with graphical failures

Metal Gear Solid It does not work

Boost Omega It does not work

Parappa the Rapper Perfect

Parasite Eve 2 It does not work

Quake 2 Perfect

Radikal Bikers Perfect

Rage Racer It works well, except some failure in textures

Raiden Project It does not work

Raystorm Perfect, some relentizaciones of music

Rescue Shot It does not work

Resident Evil 2 It works, but with some failure of textures

Resident Evil 3 Nemesis It does not work

Retro Force Perfect, unless sometimes they do not sound the sound effects

Ridge Racer Perfect

Ridge Racer Type 4 Perfect, except some failure of textures

Rollcage Stage 2 It works, although with failures of textures

R-Type Delta It does not work

Salamander Deluxe Pack Some graphical failures

Sexy Parodius Graphical failures

Side By Side Special It works well, except some failure with the rear-view one

Soul Blade Some failures in textures

Strider 2 It works, but with some too fast failure of textures and

Tekken 3 Some failures in textures

Tele&#241;ecos Race-Mania Perfect

Time Crisis Perfect

Vagrant History It does not work

Whizz Graphical failures

Yoy&#243;s Puzzle Park It does not work


to anevasa sto pathfinder 370 kb




einai image gia diskjuggler kai exei odigies sta ispanika pos tha to (kapsete)burn to image gia na to kapsete sigoyra meta (me psx games.)






btw to arxeio me ta info einai corrupted opote an vrei kaneis odigies gia na kanoume burn to bleamcast me ta games as to postarei plz <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />


se emena ktevainei kanonika opote i apenegopoiise ton download manager i enimerose/kane upgrade to unzip programma ppoy xrisimopoieis....

oi odhgies


Burn with DiscJuggler, tell DiscJuggler NO when it asks if you want to repair the image.

Yes it plays backups.

No it doesnt work with all games, some games have graphical errors.

Yes its self booting.

Yes this is a beta, bleemcast.

This is the BLUE version.

Just in case you're wondering about the other 4 versions/colors of bleemcast... the person who cracked it found they are all identical.


Props to the folks that made this happen!




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