Προς το περιεχόμενο

Path of Exile

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
6 λεπτά πριν, Panoslam είπε

Καμία γνώμη για char? Έλεγα για trickster

Οτι σου αρεσει στα βιντεο κλπ, παιξε αυτο.

Μην κανεις κατι επειδη λενε οι αλλοι οτι ειναι καλο, μπορει εσυ να το βαρεθεις.

Trickster ειναι μπομπα.

Επεξ/σία από Balantakos
  • 1 μήνα μετά...
Στις 13/2/2021 στις 5:42 ΜΜ, Panoslam είπε

Τελικά υπάρχει καμία ελληνική guild να ανταλλάσσουμε καμία κουβέντα?

Φίλε αν ψάχνεις ακόμα πέρνα μια βόλτα από εμάς: https://discord.gg/cEcy53C;) Δεν είμαστε πολλοι, αλλά μαζευόμαστε για κουβεντούλα στο Discord. In-game δεν πολυτσουλάει η φαση.

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)


Και το trailer:




Και το trailer του Path of Exile: Ultimatum:




Επεξ/σία από FCastor
  • Like 2
  • 3 μήνες μετά...
Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

θελω να  αρχισω να παιζω το παιχνιδι path of  exile 1 .. το  ερωτημα μου ειναι το campgain  και ολα τα  quests  του  path of  exile 1 θα περιλαμβανεται και στο  path of  exile 2; 

To  path of  exile 2 θα περιλαμβανει ολα τα quests και  ολα τα  campgain  απο το path of  exile 1;

To  path of  exile 2 θα περιλαμβανει    καινουργια  campgain και  quests απο το   path of  exile 1;

Mε ενδιαφερει να το παιξω σαν solo 

Επεξ/σία από precaliber

δεν νομιζω να εχουν πει πουθενα οτι το 2 θα περιέχει μέσα το 1. κ αφου κ τα δυο τους ειναι δωρεαν, δεν υπαρχει κ λογος να το κανουν. παιξε το 1, εχει παρα πολυ υλικο για να παιξεις κ solo διχως θεμα. προς το τελος ίσως θελησεις να δωσεις λιγα χρηματα για να παρεις κανενα extra stash αλλά οκ, τζαμπα επαιζες ως εκει, αξιζει να τους δωσεις και 10Ε

7 λεπτά πριν, Skywalker333 είπε

δεν νομιζω να εχουν πει πουθενα οτι το 2 θα περιέχει μέσα το 1. κ αφου κ τα δυο τους ειναι δωρεαν, δεν υπαρχει κ λογος να το κανουν. παιξε το 1, εχει παρα πολυ υλικο για να παιξεις κ solo διχως θεμα. προς το τελος ίσως θελησεις να δωσεις λιγα χρηματα για να παρεις κανενα extra stash αλλά οκ, τζαμπα επαιζες ως εκει, αξιζει να τους δωσεις και 10Ε

μπορει να τερματιστει το  1   σαν  σολο;

26 λεπτά πριν, precaliber είπε

μπορει να τερματιστει το  1   σαν  σολο;


μετα απο χρονια εψησα φιλους μου να το δουν για πρωτη φορα φετος και το εβγαλαν κ αυτοι solo μονο τους, ασχετως αν ειχαν κ αλλο χαρακτηρα που παιξαμε κ παρεα.

2 ώρες πριν, precaliber είπε

μπορει να τερματιστει το  1   σαν  σολο;

το 2 θα ειναι μερος του 1. Ενα εξπανσιον του θα ειναι. Και ναι ΟΛΑ τα κανεις σολο, ειναι ενα παιχνιδι για solo.

3 ώρες πριν, precaliber είπε

θελω να  αρχισω να παιζω το παιχνιδι path of  exile 1 .. το  ερωτημα μου ειναι το campgain  και ολα τα  quests  του  path of  exile 1 θα περιλαμβανεται και στο  path of  exile 2; 

To  path of  exile 2 θα περιλαμβανει ολα τα quests και  ολα τα  campgain  απο το path of  exile 1;

To  path of  exile 2 θα περιλαμβανει    καινουργια  campgain και  quests απο το   path of  exile 1;

Mε ενδιαφερει να το παιξω σαν solo 

Ναι και ναι και ναι σολο.

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

ανεφερες οτι το 2 θα ειναι μερος του 1

οποτε το 2  θα εχει  ολα τα  quests και  campgain απο το 1;

εγω διαβασα καπου οτι  αν  παιξει ει  καπιος το 2  οτΑν   βγει δεν  θα  μπορει  να παιξει το 1 

εχω μπερδευτει με τα 2 αυτα  


Οποτε  εγω να περιμενω να  βγει το 2  για να παιξω  ολα τα  quests και  campgain απο το 1;

Επεξ/σία από precaliber

Θα επαναλαβω. το 2 ΘΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΜΕΡΟΣ του 1. Μεγαλο patch. Expansion. Πως να στο πω;


Παιξε μωρε το 1 και οταν βγει το 2 παιζεις και αυτο το κομματι. Τοσο απλο. Και ειναι 3 μηνων καθε league (προσφατα αρχισε κιολας ,νομιζω ειναι 2 εβδομαδες) εκτος αν θα παιξεις στο standard league που δεν εχει χρονικη ληξη. Γενικα σου εχω δωσει οσες πληροφοριες χρειαζεται, δεν υπαρχει κατι αλλο να ρωτησεις. Καλη σου μερα.

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...
Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Έχω πλέον χρόνια να παίξω και θυμάμαι με νοσταλγία τον τελευταίο μου χαρακτήρα, οπότε δεν έχω γνώμη για την κατάσταση του παιχνιδιού τώρα. Όταν έπαιζα η ροή θετικών αλλαγών είχε πιάσει ταβάνι (2017 νομίζω?). Έπεσα πάνω στο ακόλουθο πολύ δημοφιλές και διαβασμένο review και θα ήθελα γνώμες. Σκεφτόμουν να δοκιμάσω το 2 έστω και λίγο αλλά λόγω Κινέζων και Tencent ίσως μείνω μακριά.



From a veteran whose in 10k hours and dozens of supporter packs in, I have to say I can no longer, in good conscience, recommend this game.

From my point of view, the pros:
- Nostalgia: Path of Exile, was THE game for build diversity, in pretty much any RPG, not just ARPG. No more though.
- Fast paced gameplay, if you learn enough to follow the meta. (Which is always expensive, and always lacking variance.)
- Great art style, unless you care about the story that goes along with it. (Story has always been a mess.)
- Great game for a summoner, mass army style gameplay, unless your PC can't handle the load and the FPS drops, along with your connection to the game servers.

The cons:
- Optimization: Yea, that's right. No matter what type of PC you have, this game WILL NOT run well on it. Coming from a player who had to skip two entire leagues due to FPS drops, unexpected crashes along with expected crashes every time the screen was filled with monsters.
- Crafting: Every time a player finds a way to craft something in even a semi-deterministic way, Chris Wilson takes to their forums and screams "NO!", removing it from the game the following league. You have to gamble and cross your fingers for a decent-good result, to "craft." Closing your eyes to slam an Exalted Orb is equivalent to playing Russian Roulette with a minigun, with only one bullet missing from the ammo belt.
- The mindset: "Game is hard = Lots of player deaths." The difficulty, is completely artificial in this game. Even if you can create a great, defensive build, the trick to survive is to kill before you get killed. This lead to monsters one-shotting you, regardless of your build. If you don't have millions of DPS at this point in time, you can not even reach the endgame, let alone doing it. Now that they nerfed the player damage to the ground, but kept monster damage the same, they can reach their quotas on player death easily. Totally worth the 60% who just stopped playing overnight, amirightuguyz?!?!
- Feature creep: Even if the league is entirely a massive failure, GGG insists on forcing it to become a part of standard, creating a bloat where you end up either forced to ignore these shiny new features, or get burnt out because of you attempting to keep up. Something that can easily be designed into cycles, (Like Zana Mods) is instead forced to pile on and on. Creating a mess with many features, but no polished, smooth ones. (If a league feature is younger than 9 months, it is assuredly, broken. This includes every fresh league as well.)
- Power Creep: No, not player's. Monster's. Remember, players have to die, so the point of "game is hard" can be made. As the player strength increased, so did the number of endgame bosses that have immunity phases, artificially increasing the time required to kill them, and forcing players to dodge one shot mechanics as they attack while immune, reducing player agency. This has reached the point even the some of the regular map bosses have immunity phases. Better get some popcorn.
- Complete lack of chase items: If you can get a headhunter, your journey is complete, each league. Rinse, repeat. There is only one item that gives the game a touch of flair, and every other recommended chase unique or gem is mainly just sought for their in game economic value.
- Time consumption: This is the newest addition, as GGG attempts to increase player retention during a league (3 months.) through tedious design, rather than a fun one.
- and the most important to the last: Quality of Life. There is none of it in this game. For the basics, there is no auto-loot, no auto-sort inventory. Welcome back to 1999! Unless the path of exile reddit turns into a complete dumpster fire, GGG won't even respond to the complaints. You have to click, on everything. "Gary Oldman voice: EVERYTHING!!!!" Considering about 150% of the drops are trash, literally, and you have to reduce that number to below 100% by using a detailed, specific, third-party loot filter, clicking becomes the most important issue, right out of the gate. No auto-pick up for currency, and considering there are literally hundreds of different currency types in the game, this becomes too tedious, too fast. The only decent quality of life added to the game, was the microtransaction inventory where you can arrange your shiny stuff to show off how cool you look. Which requires you to dump a lot of money on their doorstep. That should tell you where their priorities lie, and why they love to keep obvious QOL changes locked in a cage somewhere. If Greenpeace cared this much about the whales, they would actually have succeeded in their goals.

As you can see, all the pros have their caveats, neatly attached to them, and I'm tired of listing the cons. There are many more cons, trust me. I've suffered through most of them, but at the very least, I could create a build that is mine, capable of reaching and completing endgame content. (Most of my builds aren't even based on a fast pace.) Add on the fact that the game is bloated to the point where you need a third party app for loot, another to store and design your build, another to check the in game economy, and another to trade with the least time consuming way, and... You know what? There is a Thor's mug throw joke in here somewhere. FML.

As a last note, I'm a guy, who has been diagnosed with a disease called "If he doesn't crack a joke every 5 minutes, he dies." Considering how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ serious this write up has been so far (at least by my standards), I've realized that this game exhausted me so much that I can't even mock it any more. Sure, it was easy to make fun of the lack of QOL while I could still make decent builds back in the day, but considering that's not GGG's vision anymore, all that is left is a tedious, overbloated, unoptimized, with a design that is actively malicious against the player, ARPG.



Επεξ/σία από Tobajara

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