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Ερωτηση για Babylon 5


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Καλημέρα σε όλους:

Η σειρά babylon 5 αποτελείται από:

Την σειρά (5 seasons)

5 movies

13 επεισόδια crusade


Ξέρει κάποιος να μου πει με ποια χρονική σειρά πρέπει να τα δει κάποιος;




Start off with the pilot ("The Gathering") but dont be put off by it, its not the best but everything has to start somewhere!


Then watch all of season 1 and season 2, some people will say "watch In the beginning before season 1" and although the events in that film (the earth/mibari war) are before season 1, it is told from 2278 and has a lot of other stuff in it you just will not appreciate until later, not to mention some of the info on sinclair practically ruins season 1 viewing for you.


After season 2, move straight into season 3 and then from season 3 go into season 4...


midway through season 4 between the episodes of "Into the Fire" and "Moments of Transition" is the time to watch "Thirdspace" which is set between these 2 episodes and has no spoilers or anything as it is pretty self contained.


Then continue with season 4. After season 4 is the time to watch "In The Beginning" in my view as it will show stuff from season 3, before season 1 and also some season 4 things, it will also hint at the near future in season 5 and you will really enjoy this film, i believe personally it is the best of the films.


Then watch season 5 upto "Objects at rest" which is the one from last episode, do not watch "sleeping in light" just yet.


After objects at rest watch River Of Souls which is set 6 months after Objects at rest (in 2263) not bad film.


Then watch Legend of the rangers (if you want to watch it) but i wouldnt bother as its awful and not consistent with rest of B5. This is where it fits in timeline wise as it is set 3 years after objects at rest.


After LoTR its time for A Call To Arms, 2nd to in the beginning a good theatrical film introducing the new charaters of the spin off "Crusade". this is set 5 years after season 5. This was kind of pilot for crusade as well as a final movie for b5. If you have the 13 eps of crusade on DVD watch these directly after ACTA, they are good and crusade would have become a great show like B5 if the network would have allowed it to run.


After a call to arms and crusade, you are ready to watch Sleeping in Light and cry with the rest of us that there is no more B5 left to watch! sit back and marvel and think yourself enlighted for seeing such a wonderful show as it was meant to be seen.



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