tdohd Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 Milaw gia ta paidia sthn kai eksygoumai... Afou apibdisa na psaxnw tis ekdoseis tou TVtool,thn emonh tou TVout mou na deixnei oti thelei kai opws thelei thn thleorash mou (ti na kanoume ean eixa lysei tis alles mou anagkes kai eixa thn dynatothta na parw thleorash sta 100Hz kai 50" pou mallon theloun oi nVidia Kartes tha agoraza kai ta DVD <img src="" alt="" />) apofasia na parw thn karta ths RealMagic Xcard kai amesws symbhbastika oti tha blepw ta DVD kai oses tainies ftiaksw h parw se DivX v4.0 or later.Ta alla me BSplayer kai sthn Othoni mou...ti na kanw... Telika anakalypsa oti yparxei ena player onomati JovePlayer ths 8Dimension ( opou sou dinei thn dynatothta na deis OLES tis tainies apo to TVout ths Xcard kai na xrhsimopoihseis kai thn Psifiakh eksodo gia ton hxo mias kai osa den paizei to Chip ths Real Magic ta kanei Software Decompres.Akomh ena kalo einai oti xrhsimopoiontas to xeiristhrio ths Xcard mporeis na kaneis Browse ston disko h ta CDrom sou kai epilekseis apo ekei to video pou tha paiksei,opote thelw na peiramatistw gia ena PC xwris Othoni dipla sthn TV.Ena akomh pou eida kai tha dokimasw molis teleiwsw thn eksetastikh einai h dynatothta na deixnei ypotitouls xrhsimopoiontas to DirectVobSub. Pros to paron apolambanw ths tainies mou xwris peiramatismous kai FULL screen sthn thleorash!!!!!!! Ean loipon exei kaneis thn idia karta kai dokimasei tous ypotitlous h mia kataskeyh xwris othoni perimenw entypwseis. <img src="" alt="" />
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