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to fovero util analyse v2.0 stin ekdosi 2.0


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3D-Analyze v2.0 bietet nun auch DirectX 9.0 Support. Desweiteren wurden einige neue Features hinzugefόgt:


Overdraw Zδhler

verbesserte "Debug Log" Funktion

Lord Of The Rings Fix fόr die Voodoo 5 (lδuft nur im Fenster)

Force Pixel Shader Version 1.1 oder 1.4 - zwingt z.B. 3D-Mark nur bestimmte Pixel Shader zu verwenden.

Disable Two Sided Stencil - schaltet den alten DirectX 8 Stencil Algorithmus ein.

Emulate DXT Textures - versucht DXT Texturen mit unkomprimierten zu simulieren, klappt nicht bei allen Spielen!



oti epitrepei se kartes xoris hardware tnl na trexoun paixnidia (to spiderman the movie ,nolf2..... )

poy to apaitoun opos kai utils 3dmark2001se

exei fixes gia diafora paixnidia

kanei remove to enoxlitiko stuttering

kai ena soro alla ...

isaxio toy powestrip kai tou unituner




- first public release



- fixed some problems with SSE 2, 3D-MArk 2001 SE

- small layout changes

- fixed some file selection dialog bugs

- LOG files have no a time stamp, old files won't be overwritten anymore


v1.1 (build 101)

- no extra beginscen/endscene calls for the frame counter in DX8.1 required


v1.1 (build 102)

- force dll no longer required for 3D-Mark 2001 SE

- fixed 3D-Mark 2001 SE error with the "Pixel Shader" tests


v1.2 (build 103)

- force small texture option added

- added average polys per scene to the log file

- corrected the ext. of the log files from cvs to csv


v1.3 (build 105)

- emulate HW TnL option added (useful for kyro boards)

- added some statistics to the log files


v1.4 beta

- section hardware limits added (useful for kyro / voodoo boards or other board with missing features)

- added debug log option


v1.4 beta 2

- added the "force write only Vertex Buffer" option - this will seth the D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY to all created vertex/index buffers -> this can cause errors, if the app needs read permisson


v1.4 beta 3

- updated the "force dll" option, now it patches *.dll and *.exe files


v1.5 build (149)

- fixed some problems with the "force dll" option and done some enhancements, small GUI changes


v1.5 build (150)

- fixed a heavy bug, which caused under some certain conditions the lost of some files


v1.5.1 build (151)

- fixed a bug with the "force hook dll" option

- EXE and BAT files can now be executed

- command line options and "Save batch file!" option


v1.5.2 build (152)

- fixed a small dialog bug

- fixed some problems with the NOLF2 demo and Morrowind


v1.5.3 build (153) (no public release)

- added a fourth counter, only for DX8, which shows the VRAM usage

- added "force 100 hz" option and "no renders till flip" option (for bf1942 and kyro boards)


v1.6 build (160)

- added "remove stuttering" option

- changed the "force 100 hz" option, if your monitor supports a lesser hz rate, this option will also try 85 and 75 hz

- removed the and "no renders till flip" option

- added "force ref. rast." option

- fixed some OpenGL bugs with the "force small texture option"

- added VRAM usage to the performance log file


v1.6.1 build (161)

- fixed the "remove stuttering" option, which worked only in combination with the "counters" option and some other small problems with this option


v1.6.2 build (162)

- fixed the "remove stuttering" option, "pure hardware devices" couldn't do stateblocks....


v1.6.3 build (163)

- fixed the performance impact of the "remove stuttering" option, mybe its now a little bit more rough

- fixed problems with Combat Flight Simulator 3


v1.6.4 build (164)

- fixed the "washed out textures" problems


v1.6.7 build (167)

- added 2 z-buffer options (force to 16 bit)

- added a NOLF2 hack, the game engines seems to have some bugs, which prevent non hw tnl cards to run the game error free, maybe its a dx8 problem....


v1.6.8 build (168)

- improved the NOLF2 fix


v1.6.9 build (169)

- added a Gun Metal Demo fix, to run on the Radeon 9500/9700


v1.6.9b build (169)

- CSV files entries are noe seperated through comma instead of a tab


v1.7 build (170)

- added a flickering shadow fix for Mafia and the Radeon 9700, which is caused by a driver bug (D3DRS_ZBIAS<16 won't work correctly)


v1.71 build (173)

- added the options "force zbuffer" and "force wbuffer" - If you don't see any changes in the game, your card doesn't support w-buffering, but you can try some tweak utils like Rage3D Tweak or NVMAX to enable it

- added a Lord Of The Rings fix for the kyro card


v1.72 build (174)

- added a the "disable lighting" option for the kyro


v1.73 build (175)

- added a the "KYRO zbuffer/stencil fix" option for the kyro, because it only upports the D3DFMT_D24X4S4 format, not the usual D3DFMT_D24S8


v1.74 build (177)

- improved the "NOLF2 texture/ib fix", because if an issue with the final dx9 release and/or the catalyst 3.0 drivers

- remove stuttering should now work with NOLF2 and this option

- fixed some other issues, forget some "testing code" in the last release


v2.0 build (200)

- added an automatic texture fix for the voodoo 5 and Lord of the rings (works only in a window)

- improved the "debug log" feature

- added DX9 support

- added the "force pixel hader 1.1 or 1.4" option

- added the "disable two sided stencil" option (dx9 only)

- added the "emulate DXT textures" option, uses uncompressed textures to simulate DXT1-5 textures

- overdraw counter added (dx9 only)




Αν δεν κάνω λάθος, τα utilities που "ενεργοποιούν" δυνατότητες που η κάρτα μας δεν διαθέτει, πραγματοποιούν ουσιαστικά εξομοιωση μέσω software, οπότε υπάρχει σημαντικό performance hit.

Τώρα, αν έχει ΤΝΤ2 Ultra και θες να παίξεις το Spiderman (βλ. T&L), θα το κάνεις....


Den kanoune exomoiwsh (oi pixel shaders DEN ginontai emulated), apla lene sthn app oti h karta ypostirizei th X dynatothta. Ama exeis kyro2 kai thes na paixeis spiderman axizei, epishs axizei ama exeis gef4mx(h xamhloterh) kai thes na cheatareis sto 3dmark (ennoeitai oti oti xrhsimopoiei ps de tha fainetai alla to skor tha to pareis <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> ). Exei merikak ala fixes gia oles tis kartes mesa pantws(opws to remove stuttering sto rallisport challenge).


To katevazw twra na to tsekarw auto to utility mias kai to Rallisport Challenge einai apo ta liga paixnidia pou paizw sto PC mou (XP 1800+, 512MB DDR, GF3 Ti200 64MB DDR) kai mou kanei kapoia kollhmata se merikes pistes, idiws autes me pago kai xioni.. Exw 1024x768 analush, 32 bit kai me tous latest drivers (kai me palioterous ta idia mou ekane).. An ftiaksei auto 8a einai polu super!


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