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SwiftAVS - AviSynth Script Generator


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paides eimai back , an uparxei prob peite mou !

snolly eida to prog paei polu kala . <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

To textsub den uposthrizei mege8os paramono an einai ssa format :P

  • Απαντ. 326
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Yparxoun atoma se auto to forum pou kanoun encoding se Linux??

Giati legame me to Snollygoster na ka8omastan kapote (mallon to kalokairaki pou den 8a uparxoun workloads apo to panepisthmio) na grafame ena antistoixo prog se Java etsi wste na einai platform independent. An uparxei endiaferon bebaia!

Opote osoi endiaferontai as kanoun ena post.



eixa prospathisei gia linux alla i elleipsi pollon epilogon me ekane na to xexaso.

Mono mia tainia se divx 3.11 eixa ftiaxei me ton MPlayer...

Na fantasteite oti den xero kan an exei ginei port to avisynth se linux.





Snollygoster : exw idees protaseis !

1) bale to bits / pexels sto resize ... xereis esu ... enas tupos einai .

2) bale opote mporeseis sto audio direct import ta ac3 gia upologism mb ektos apo to bitrate tou ac3 (opws to gknot)

3) nomizw oto to koumpi Output kai to koumpi Preview prepei kata kapoio tropo na ensomato8oun . (px sto outut bale kai to preview )

4) register to *.ax arxeio <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />




4) register to *.ax arxeio <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />


Nai auto na ginei grigora giati mexri na katalabw ti eftaige ebgala spurakia! <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


Ιδέα: Γιατί στο download section δε βάζεις και μια update έκδοση. Είναι λίγο βαρετό να κατεβάζεις 1.5MB για να πάρεις την επόμενη έκδοση, ενώ δεν έχουν γίνει update τα φίλτρα από την προηγούμενη. Μπορείς να έχεις μόνο το .exe και τα updated φίλτρα.



Ιδέα: Γιατί στο download section δε βάζεις και μια update έκδοση. Είναι λίγο βαρετό να κατεβάζεις 1.5MB για να πάρεις την επόμενη έκδοση, ενώ δεν έχουν γίνει update τα φίλτρα από την προηγούμενη. Μπορείς να έχεις μόνο το .exe και τα updated φίλτρα.



An h ekdosh den exei nea filters tha dinw kai mono to exe. Idalliws prepei na dinw full ekdosh giati ginontai register ta paths twn filtrwn.






version 1.08!


- Filters Sequence is now Implemented! Hehe, go nuts...

- In the Bitrate Calculator you can now load your Audio File and you'll get the filesize.

- Cropping is now much improved and MOD4 compliant.

- You can now unload previewed AVS file to free up memory.

- SwiftAVS copies D2VSource.ax in your system, but you still have to register it (through preferences).

- Again, looots of bugfixes.

- To add links to all the filters and Thank To the authors of them in next version.


Njoy paides!


ftiaxnw guide shmera dvd to divx me to swiftavs !

perimena to load ac3 !!!!!! 3ekinaw !


later ... snolly bale to bits*pixels/frame sto resize ... opote mporeis

o tupos einai :

1000*bitrate/(fps*res)= bits*pixels/frame

prepei na einai gurw sto 0,19 gia 1 cd kai 0.27 gia 2 cd ktl ...

if you go for 1cd stay close to 0.20.

if you go for 2cd's stay around 0.27.



kathe fora to xehnaw auto to bits*pixel/frame


otan les (fps*res) ti ennoeis? giati res opws to vlepw egw einai syntheti metavliti (width, height).


to fps eina ito fps tou d2v

kai to res einai to ginomeno (Xcropped_resized*Ycropped_resized)

Dhl einai oi times tou resize moxlou !

Gi auto allazoun otan to kounas !

ela aplo einai :P

An o allos de kanei crop oute resize einai apla X_tou_d2v*Y_tou_d2v


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