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Nero kai onomata se unicode format


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Den mporw me to Nero na grapsw mp3s me onomata se unicode format

Den mporw na "kapsw" mp3s me Italika, Ispanika, Portogallika 'h Gallika onomata

Oles autes oi glwses xrhsimopoioun xarakthres se unicode, se anti8esh me ta apla agglika pou einai se se ANSI

Otan to Nero synanta onomata san ki auta:

03 - Cosa Succede In Città.mp3

09 - Va Bene, Va Bene Così.mp3

den mporei na anagnwrisei ta onomata pou exoun grammata opws a,e,i me thn o3eia EPANW sto gramma

(Kai AYTH TH STIGMH ta grammata auta, enw ta plhktrologhsa, den fainontai sto keimeno me ta onomata twn mp3s parapanw!!!)

To CD to kaei kanonika, alla sto telos pairnw ena tetoio mynhma:

10:09:31 ¦Π¦Μ #17 WINPFILE 2 File winpfile.cpp, Line 265

The system cannot find the file specified.


C:\Documents and Settings\Triantafillos\Desktop\New Folder\Edoardo Bennato-Capitan Uncino\02-L'isola che non c'e.mp3


10:09:31 ¦Π¦Μ #18 TRANSFER 2 File TransferWriteFileItem.h, Line 263

The system cannot find the file specified.


C:\Documents and Settings\Triantafillos\Desktop\New Folder\Edoardo Bennato-Capitan Uncino\02-L'isola che non c'e.mp3



10:12:00 ¦Π¦Μ #23 WINPFILE 2 File winpfile.cpp, Line 265

The system cannot find the file specified.


C:\Documents and Settings\Triantafillos\Desktop\New Folder\LUCIO BATTISTI - SI, VIAGGIARE 1976, 1982\05 - Prendila cosi.mp3


10:12:00 ¦Π¦Μ #24 TRANSFER 2 File TransferWriteFileItem.h, Line 263

The system cannot find the file specified.


C:\Documents and Settings\Triantafillos\Desktop\New Folder\LUCIO BATTISTI - SI, VIAGGIARE 1976, 1982\05 - Prendila cosi.mp3


etc, etc...

Egatesthsa oles tis glwsses (Italika, Ispanika klp) sta WinXP mou. Ekana download kai oles tis glwsses apo to nero.com

To problhma paramenei

H monh lysh pou exw brei einai na allazw ola auta ta grammata apo ta mp3s pou kaiw, ena-ena me to xeri

(kai kati allo pou den katalabainw: auta ta idia mp3s exoun graftei sta CD pou exw , pali me to Nero, stis xwres tous - Italia, Portogallia klp- xwris problhma)

Ti na kanw? Ka8e boh8eia dekth me eugnwmosynh


den exo akrivos gnosi epi toy themetos alla diavazontas to topic sou paratirisa oti den "epekses" me tis ritmiseis toy nero sthn arxiki kartela toy nero diladi{cdrom iso-iso -character set}

isos na ginei kati...


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