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Otan kano bench me to 3dmark2001 merikes fores me petaei sta windows....

i karta graikon mou fteei ??

ego mallon etsi to exo entopisei ...

pezei mallon rolo pou exo to pc overclocked .....iparxei tpt apo to bios pou na rithmizei kati se tetoies katastaseis?

Trexo alla programmata kai eimai mia xara mono sto sigkekrimeno bench kanei to provlima....

(exo kanei kai install/uninstall to prog pali ta idia...)


An exeis oced thn karta, kalo einai na rixeis ligo to ocing. An exeis oced mono to cpu (kai to ypoloipo systhma ws apotelesma ths anodou ths syxnothtas tou fsb) tote vale to prime na trexei gia kana 6-8 wres kai an de sou petaei errors eisai ok. Ama sou petaei errors, akoma ki an den exeis dei kamia paraxenh symperifora sto pc, kalo tha htan na xamhlwseis th syxnothta mias kai kindineyeis apo file corruption (kai ta gnwsta errors twn windows pou oloi rixnoume sta win <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> )


ki emena moy to ekane ayto (gf2mx o/c sta 250 MHz) apla to 3anaetrexa 2 me 3 fores mexri poy etrexe kanonika. kapoies fores doyleye kai apla sto 5o h sto 6o test me petage sta windows. tespa den exw dwsei omws kai poly shmasia se ayto mia poy ta games ta trexei kanonika (oso mporei!)


6-8 writses na to trexeis kai eisai ok <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> To prime trexei se idle priority opote oti allo kai na kaneis eisai ok, apla frontise na tou afhneis kai ligous free cpu cycles na kanei th douleia tou (Mhn exeis anoixto to prime dhladh kai paizeis unreal2 8 wres ki ertheis kai mou peis oti etrexes prime 8 wres <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> Me casual work (wordpad, explorer, winamp, mirc ktl) einai ok <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> )



Δεν μας λες και τι Chipset έχεις; Γιατί από ότι βλέπω είναι AGP 8x η κάρτα σου, αλλά κάποια ντεμέκ "AGP 8x supported" Chipsets κάνουν νερά με τις ανάλογες κάρτες... <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />


Λέω εγώ τώρα...


Akouste trela pragmata...

otan eixa tous newest detoators i karta mou se deafault settings ebgaze 8000 skor. ...kai otan tin evaza se xalares analiseis pigene 8500...to poly ...


evala pali tis kartas to cd kai tora exo 10000 se default settings kai 13055 se xalares rithmiseis ....

kai to 3dmark mou fenete pio stathero ....



Xlwmo na se rixnane toso poly oi drivers...borei na yphrxe kana driver conflict h tipota tetoio. Btw, to kalytero einai na vazeis tous latest WHQL drivers gia na apofeygeis diafora issues (px, to unreal2 trexei ok mono me tous proteleytaious kai tous teleytaious...alla oi teleytaioi kanoune alla kolpa opws boreite na deite sto http://discuss.futuremark.com/forum/showflat.pl?Cat=&Board=mo3dmark03&Number=1837817&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=0&fpart=1 ).


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