privateer Δημοσ. 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 Poia 8ewreite kalyterh agora?Thn Nvidia 4200 64MB h thn ATi 9500 64MB.Epishs h 9500 mborei na ginei Pro?An nai ginetai se oles tis 9500 h mono se sykekrimenes markes? <img src="" alt="" />
DeCoN Δημοσ. 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 Katarxas h sygrish einai mallon anousia afou th mia karta polys kosmos hdh thn ksefortonetai kai h allh molis bghke Mia DirectX8 kai mia DXirect9 compatible karta Exei syzhth8ei polleeeeeees fores to 8ema <img src="" alt="" /> Yparxoun gyrw sta 6 threads already me to 8ema... Des afto to sygrhtiko gia na katalabeis oti h erwthsh sou 8a eprepe na einai GF4ti4600 h Radeon9500? Ektos an milas gia non-pro 9500, pou kai pali h apanthsh 8a htan ATi all the way <img src="" alt="" /> H 9500 exei kalyterh apodosh. Poso tis exeis brei alh8eia?
MY80- Δημοσ. 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 Egw proswpika tha xtypaga thn 9500, xwris na shmainei oti kai h 4200 den tha htan kalh agora. Oles oi 9500 boroun na ginoun pro (an kai peripou 2 stis 3 deixnoune artifacts meta thn energopoihsh olwn twn pipeline giati epishs energopoieitai kai h hyperz unit h opoia den einai apolytws leitourgikh stis 9500. Otan lew artifacts de lew kai tipota fovero, sto latest lan party enas eixe mia modarismenh 9500 kai den eida artifacts oso prosexa to screen tou...alla gia na mou leei oti exei tha exei) kai oses exoun 128mb mnhmh kai einai se pcb ths 9700 (powercolour kai mexri pro oligou kairou kai oi sapphire) ginontai 9700 me to idio mod (pou ginetai eite se epipedo software h se hardware).
privateer Δημοσ. 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 Μέλος Δημοσ. 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 File Decon tis dynatothes tis 9500pro tis gnwrizw opws kai oti sarwnei tis 4x00 sta AA AF.Egw omws milaw gia thn 9500 thn aplh.Ekei ta pragmata den einai toso xeka8ara.Eida ayto sto xbits kai me apogohteyse: Epishs sto idio review h 9500 panw apo 1280x1024 kai panw den leitourgouse se aa 4x kai af 8x(oxi pws me noiazei idiaitera) Exeis kapoio review gia thn 9500 (thn aplh panta)?? File MY80$ dhladh mou les oti einai risko na kaneis thn 9500 se pro? Oso kai elaxista na einai ta artifacts to na pareis kainourgia karta kai na sou symbei kati tetoio emena me xalaei. <img src="" alt="" /> Mborw an 8elw na apenergopoihsw pali ta pipelines?
MY80- Δημοσ. 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2003 File privateer, to mono site pou einai pio katw sthn ypolhpsh mou apo tou tom einai to xbit labs (h ixbt h opws alliws theloune na legontai, apla to deytero einai h rwsikh version tous). Den amfisvitw teliws ta benchies tous alla se symvouleyw na mhn ephreasteis apokleistika apo auta, rixe mia matia ki apo anand/[h] meria h kane kana searchaki sto google kai diavase oso perissotera boreis ama exeis xrono (eidika me thn aplh 9500 paizoune para polla me tous drivers...oi latest dinane ena 10-30% boost se stade situations) <img src="" alt="" /> Oson afora ypsilo aa kai af se high res to af den exei shmasia se oti res kai na to valeis. To aa omws xreiazetai local ram gia tous aa buffers ki ekei pera einai pou metraei h mnhmh. Xerw oti 128mb ftanoune gia 6xAA se 1600x1200...logika 4x tha douleyei se 1280x960 (psiloasxeto sto thema alla giati exei ginei mainstream res h 1280x1024 re paidia ? Ektws apo thn periptwsh pou exei kaneis tft monitor me 5:4 aspect ratio einai kyriolektika axrhsth kai kanei ta pramata na fainontai distorted. H swsth analysh autou tou "epipedou" gia 4:3 monitorakia san auta pou exei olos o kosmos einai h 1280x960). Risko to modding den einai giati me opoion tropo kai na to kaneis (software h hardware) boreis na epistrepseis thn karta sthn arxikh katastash (apla ama exeis kanei to hardware mod tha sou parei ligo perissoterh wra <img src="" alt="" /> ). Auta <img src="" alt="" />
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