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ATi 9900 the fx killer


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Koita na deis, egw proswpika den paraxigithika apo to post sou alla einai douleia mou mhn afhnw to epipedo tou forum na xtypaei pato kai auto tha kanw <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Ama thes na synexisoume auth th syzhthsh as to kanoume se pm. Anyway, sto thema mas. Symfwnw oti einai akriva...oti einai POLY AKRIVA mallon alla ws ekei <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Eipa meta-tnt1 epoxh, pou olos o kosmos trexei na parei tnt2 logo tou gnwstou 32 vs 22/16 bit debate kai meta me thn gef1 h nvidia vazei kai to teleytaio karfi sto feretro twn antagwnistwn ths. Ti yparxei tote ? H voodoo4 pou einai pio argh apo thn 3 logo tou 32bit pou eipa parapanw kai ths ypostirixhs megalyterou texture size (Oi palies ta kovane kai kerdizane se performance) ? H mhpws h rage (edw peftei gelio) ? Gia voodoo5 as mhn pw kalytera...Ki exoume kai meta to refresh ths gef1, th g400 pou xeskizei se 2d alla se 3d performance den ta vazei me thn nvidia kai mia radeon pou vgainei ws fully dx7 capable karta kai thn teleytaia stigmh h ms allazei to spec kai sthn ousia th maxairwnei pisoplata. Meta exoume thn radeon8500 pou pairnei to crown gia liges vdomades, thn gef4ti pou to xanapairnei ligo prin kala kala h nvidia niwsei oti to exase kai thn parhelia (ki egw peftei gelio). An to les auto SOVARO antagwnismo, diko sou thema. Egw sovaro antagwnismo tha theorousa to stemma na allazei kefali kathe 3-9 mhnes. Twra apo kei kai pera an sou fainetai to high-end oti einai priced poly ypshla apla den agorazeis high-end. To high-end se oles tis kathgories einai panakrivo, kai dystyxws, apla me to na paraponiesai gia auto den peftoun oi times. Gia ton P4 3Ghz pou exei 300 xhnes giati de les tipota ? Mia Asus P4G8x pou ki auth exei 150 xhnes ? Ena stick 512mb corsair pou ki auto kapou tosa exei ? Sklhros 180rhs IBM me 8mb cache ? Genika, ta pc einai ena PANAKRIVO hobby, alla den nomizw na exei kaneis ta lefta gia ta kommatia pou proanafera kai na kollhsei sthn timh ths 9700pro/fx.

Sto katw katw gia rixe kai mia matia stis kartes ths 3dlabs. 1500 xhnes kai vale. Sto katw katw kai me mia karta pou exei 70-80xil thn kaneis th douleia sou, se anagazei kaneis na ta skaseis gia highend ? To oti den exeis lefta na agoraseis kati shmainei apla oti auto to kati den apeythinetai se sena, oxi oti einai paralogo. Perna mia volta apo thn ekalh kai rwta olous tous typous pou exoun mercedes ekei an tous fainetai paralogo...de nomizw kaneis na sou pei nai.


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