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compact disc club


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pou mporw na vrw ta cd afta? (ektos emporiou :P )

thnx thnx thnx thnx <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />


<img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> to thema einai to allo 20% <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />


exw katevasei sxedon olo to dreams

ekei vevaia ta tragoudia einai kata 99% pasignosta stous filous tou eidous aftou tis mousikis.


An pas se kana Plateia Abhssynias, Relaxation h Blue, ekei ginetai xamos

vriskeis mono 1 sta 3 <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />


Exw se mp3s ta Neo Kuma, Rock Fever, Rock Party, Made in Italy 1 kai 2, 80 best ballads, Latin dance collection, Dreams, Radio Show, Buddha Ethnic Collection, Paris mon amour, Reflections of silence, Best Disco in town, Millenium Dance collection, 30 xronia Ellhniko Rock, Afieromena E3airetika, Monternoi Ry8moi, Ta tragoudia mas


Auta mono <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />



Mipws, pws, an, isws, tha mporousate, ginetai, sas parakalw, me oli tin kali sas diathesi, na ta anevazate kapou <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />



Exw se mp3s ta Neo Kuma, Rock Fever, Rock Party, Made in Italy 1 kai 2, 80 best ballads, Latin dance collection, Dreams, Radio Show, Buddha Ethnic Collection, Paris mon amour, Reflections of silence, Best Disco in town, Millenium Dance collection, 30 xronia Ellhniko Rock, Afieromena E3airetika, Monternoi Ry8moi, Ta tragoudia mas


Auta mono <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />


Mhpws mporeis na ta anevaseis kai na ta steileis sto streamload? account: catwoe



File mou

milame gia 18 sylloges x4 albums h ka8e mia=72 albums=6-7 mp3 CDs

Dhladh kapou 4-5.000 Mbs

Kai eimai kai me dialup syndesh - alla kai na mhn eimouna, pali polla den einai?!

8a sou pw: O tropos gia na apokthsei kaneis swsta mp3s se posothta(plhrh albums, idio bitrate, oxi diakopes klp) einai to palio kalo taxydromeio

An exeis lista steile mou thn mhpws organwsoume kammia antallagh

Th dikh mou lista mporeis na thn katebaseis apo to site mou


lista ligo dyskolo na kanw.. einai poly xyma kai ta albums kai ta mp3 mou :P alla to oti eisai Thessaloniki einai kati poly kalo <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


An valw ta diskakia, tha thn kaneis thn mp3-dorea? <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />




Drugs, Rock and Roll, Bad-ass, Vegas Ho's,

Late-night, Booty-Calls ..."Shiny Disco Balls"




hahaha! <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

Κι εγώ θέλω <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />



8a sas pw mia skepsh pou den einai dikh mou

Eimai melos se ena die8nes mp3-trading club

Ekei loipon efarmozetai h idea twn Distro's

Distro=syntomeush tou Distribution

Edw mporoume na to poume DIANOMH

Episynaptw parakatw to FAQ apo to club auto

An 8elete mporw na kanw ena 3exwristo post (edw 'h opoudhpote ...allou) kai na 3ekinhsw mia tetoia DIANOMH


1 Distro Definition:


The word Distro is short for distribution. The word distribution is to long so will forever be refereed to as Distros in this document and on the forums. If you receive this document and are not a part of the MP3 Traders Hideout (http://www.mp3th.net) then why have you gotten this? Burn it immediately and jump off a cliff right now or God help you!


2 - What does a Distro consist of?


A Distro consists of Albums in mp3 format containing a common thread of some kind (same artist or band, same musical genre, same musicians from a country, etc.)


When a member is feeling like sharing a collection of specific artists albums with many members of the group they will create a Distro for the group of these albums. The entire collection of musicians studio released albums is known as a Discography. It is encouraged to do a Distro of a band discography when possible. But it is important to note that if an artists collection of albums is too hard to find that it is impossible to get them it is encouraged to do a Distro anyway. This happens with older artists whose albums have only been released on LP and never CDs.


3 - Who can participate in a Distro?


The only people that are eligible for participating in any forms of the Distro are trusted members of the Hideout. Location in the world does not matter.


4 What are the steps in creating a Distro?


Put simply, the steps are: (Further information below)


1 - Collect the music

2 - Write a new thread announcing it

3 - Wait for at least a week before closing the Distro

4 - Write a list of receiving order

5 - Wait until it makes the necessary rounds

6 Receive your trade from sending out CDs

7 - Vote


4a - What are the steps in receiving a Distro?


Put simply, the steps are: (Further information below)


1 Post a message at the Hideout

2 Read and Heed the In/Out message

3 Receive the Discs

4 Vote


5 Why create or receive Distros?


For the people that receive these collections it is for the love of music! These offer a chance to get some new albums that might not have been available to you before. This also offers you a chance to listen to new music you might not have heard before. There are more reasons I am sure for wanting complete collections of a musicians work so this is an individual thing!


For the people that step up and start Distros, the pleasure comes from sharing the music you love with the group. The people that set up a lot of Distros s understand that it is great to give and to receive as well! The Distro concept is based on a free sharing for all involved.


6 Who created the Distro concept?


I dont know, but I know that Soosict is responsible for bring them to us &#61514; Thanks for that buddy! |||I dont know either!?!? - soosict|||


7 Review:


A Distro is a collection of music from one group or one common thread that is grouped together and sent out to other members of the Hideout. It is free sharing of music for all! Only members of the Hideout can participate in them





Steps to creating a Distro


1 - Collect the music


The first step is to collect the music from a similar artist, or genre, or whatever. This can be done by ripping it yourself, by downloading it over the internet, or from completing snail mail trades for them. When you want to setup a Distro for an artist, first take your list of albums and make a list of them. Then when you are connected to the internet, go to http://www.allmusic.com and search for that artists work. When you find it, review your list of albums next to the list of albums they have there. If you are missing one, research it and if it was a real studio release then stop and try to find the albums to fill in the hole in the discography. If you research it and cant figure out what it is, then assume it is a Bootleg. Bootlegs are not needed for completing a discography. Bootlegs are allowed in Distros if they help fill up a CDR disc but are generally not encouraged. Please make sure that they sound good, bootlegs vary in quality and some of them are not enjoyable at all to listen to.


After you have the collection together, work on tagging all the albums and ensure they are all the same Bitrates. This task is easily done with the Tag and Rename program.


When you have completed the task of research and collection move to the next step!


2 - Write A New Thread Announcing It


The only place allowed for writing the Announcement for the Distro is in the Members Chat area of the board. When you write the post, give information about which albums are to be included in the Distro, and any that are missing. Give a deadline for the Distro to be closed as well. This closing date shall be no shorter then a week, preferably one to two weeks max time for sign up.


It would also be nice to list Bitrates of the albums you will be including in the Distro so people know ahead of time. This information can be gotten from doing a scan of the albums on your hard drive using the MPEG Audio Collection (MAC) program. There shouldnt be any discussion about higher or lower Bitrates if you dont like the Bitrates of the albums included then start one of your own or dont join.


Also list how many discs the Distro will be when it is complete. There is no limit of the disc number a Distro can be or should be.


3 - Wait for at least a week before closing the Distro


As the owner of the Distro, you should wait a minimum of one week before closing it. Once the Distro has been closed then no one can join it after it gets sent out. In the week since we receive a lot of posts, when it falls off the page, give it a BUMP occasionally so people are sure to see it. A bump post is simply where you post something like 24 hours left to sign up to make it shoot up to the top of the forums.


4 - Write a list of receiving order


When the time comes and the Distro has closed your responsibility, as the owner, is to write a new post in the same forum discussion forums. This post should be called (Artist Name) In/Out You will replace the Artist Name for whatever band you are doing the Distro of.


Also you will post when the Distro has been sent out to the first person.


The order of sending should reflect where you are in the world vs. where the individuals are on the list. It is not dependent on the order of who signed up first, second, and so forth. The best idea is to find the closest person to you and send them the package first, then they should send to the next person closest to them and so forth. Group individuals based on geography helps two things:


1) The time it takes for people to receive the discs

2) The amount of shipping cost it will take to pass these discs on.


The closer they are to you, means the cheaper and faster it takes to get it there.


||| It is also advisable to split the list into groups in order to help the distro move across the world faster. For example, you might keep all the North & South American folks in one group, and all the European, Asia & Australian folks in another. Then there are 2 or 3 sets of disks making the rounds at the same time, speeding up the time the last folks get their copies.|||


A receiving list works best when it is clear and precise. It should contain a number ordered list along with the Traders names and email addresses such as:


1 soosict [email protected]">[email protected]</a>

2 moviedude25 <a href="mailto:[email protected]


This information posted on the Hideout will help everyone when they have to contact each other on the list and removes the annoyance of hunting for a lost email


5 - Wait until it makes the necessary rounds


Your job here is simple. Do nothing! Each person will reply to the In/Out thread when they get the discs so keep an eye on this when its done. If a few weeks go by without any word, email the person who last received the discs and ask them where it is.


A normal Distro takes a few weeks to a month or longer to complete.


6 - Receive your trade from sending out CDs


The last person on the list is required to send you discs when they receive them to complete this circle. It is up to them to contact you and then you make your requests from them depending on the number of discs you sent them.


It is perfectly allowed to make a normal trade with that person as well at this time to make it more interesting for both parties but it is not required.


7 - Vote


When you receive the discs from the last person remember to vote for them. Do not vote for everyone on the list. This completes the steps of creating a Distro!





Steps to Being in a Distro as the Receiver


1 Post a message at the Hideout


When you see that someone has started a Distro and you would like in the only thing you have to do is reply to the post. The only guideline is to make your reply relay the message that you would like to receive the Distro


2 Read and Heed the In/Out message


When the originator closes the Distro, they will post an In/Out message in which they list who wanted in the Distro, the sending order, and the email address of the recipients. When you see this message look for your name and figure out the order you are in. The person before your number, for example you are number 2 in the list, will contact you when they have the Distro and email you for your address. You will need then to contact number 3 to get their address when you receive the discs. If you are number one on the list the originator will contact you to get your address.


3 Receive the Discs


When the Distro arrives you have 24hrs to copy the discs and get them into the mail for the next person. The important thing is to try and get these copied as quickly as possible if you cant do this in 24 hours.


After you have sent the discs post a response to the In/Out message stating you have received and sent the discs on


4 Vote


After you have the discs and posted your message place a vote for the person who sent the discs to you. If you are number one in the list you put a vote in for the Distro owner, but not if you are number 2. If you are number 2 you vote for number 1 and so on.



Happy trading!







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