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Την αποψη σας για overclocking se P4/2.5


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Loipon paidia, epeidi eimai asxetos apo overclocking sas lew ti ekana na mou peite an ola einai ok (to pc doulevei ok pantos ws twra).

Me mobo Chaintehch Zenith 9EJS1 kai exontas P4/2.5 anevasa to fsb sta 149 kai egine 2.869 (mou kanei den thelw parapanw).

Episeis exw SDRAM 2x512 kai apo 333 egine 373.

Thermokrasia CPU 31C kai koutiou 41C.

Oso gia ta voltage ekana enable mia epilogi pou exei to bios wste na ta diaxeirizetai to kalutero dunato(etsi nomizw toulaxiston) xwris na peiraksw tipote allo.

Mou grafei kati pragmataki to APOGEE otan to anoigo oson afora ta volt alla den kserw ti apo auta einai xrisimo na sas pw.

Episeis exw GForce4 Ti-4200x8 - 128 , exei epireastei kai auti i einai asxeto?

Auta kai akouw otidipote exete na peite sxetiko.


  • Απαντ. 43
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

milame gia ton 2.53ghz Northwood B etsy? me 533 fsb kai oxi 400?150 fsb xalara eisai xwris probs <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

"Mikra" shkwmata den 8eloun synh8ws oute reyma na anevaseis stin cpu oute tipota...H ram sou einai PC 2700 ara 333 DDR kai oxi SDRAM swsta? <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


An sou einai sta8ero eisai ok... Vasika mesa sto bios ths motherboard sou 8a exei ena setting ekei pou anevases to fsb sou pou 8a leei FIXXED PCI/AGP...dialekse to 33.3 kai 66.6 antistoixa.Etsy mporeis na paikseis me tin cpu-ram sou xwris na anhsyxeis gia tis kartes grafikwn-pci sou <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


Prepei na mas dwseis ligo parapanw info gia to bios sou omws an 8eleis kati parapanw gia clocking <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


PS: mallon h cpu sou einai stous 41 kai h motherboard sou stous 31 <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />



puro pyro pyro...


to chipset mou (to palio esto) eixe 52-53c kai h cpu 39-41 to kalokairi!!

kai ola phgainan kala <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />




puro pyro pyro...




to chipset mou (to palio esto) eixe 52-53c kai h cpu 39-41 to kalokairi!!

kai ola phgainan kala <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />



Mhpws hsoun watercooled kai to NB sou passive aircooled?


toulaxiston emena h cpu varaei -3C idle(-11C mallon gia megalyterh akriveia) kai to chipset 38C <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


Bromogaze eisai polu swstos.

Opws eipes, 533fsb kai 333DDR .

Tin epilogo pou mou eipes den tin brika sto Bios.

Eida opws sto Apogee oti grafei pws doulevei se 37.75/75.5 antistoixa.(einai ok?)

Oso gia tis thermokrasies sorry tis egrapsa anapoda, pali dikio eixes <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Einai stathero kai eimai euxaristimenos opws einai den thelw na ton sikwsw allo apo tin stigmi pou opws mou les kai esu oti den uparxei provlima.

Thanx a lot!!!!! <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

(mexri poia thermokrasia einai asfalis i cpu pou exw?)


an mou dwseis link gia to bios tis board sou se pdf na to katevasw 8a koitaksw sta bios settings tis an ta exei mesa kai 8a sou pw liga pragmatakia na dokimaseis an 8es...


Ta pci sou mexri 38mhz den mporw na pw oti 8a prepei na ta fovasai....an kai mexri 42 8a elega pali oti einai psilosafe...Apo temps mexri kai 68C mporeis na pas me extreme clocking afou apo ekei kai meta arxizei to throttling sta pio polla modela stous Northwood...genika mexri 60C kai clocking kalo 8a sou elega na mhn anhsyxeis se full load katastaseis <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />.AN kai oso ligotero toso kalytero <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />...


KTM rulez....Doukas,kana SMR h apla MX?

Ths oikogeneias eisai motaios kai esy <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />


Κοίταξε στο Advanced Chipset Features μήπως υπάρχει εκεί.Η μητρική σου είναι 845ΡΕ based και είναι σίγουρο 100% ότι έχει την επιλογή αυτή!


ean den sou einai kopos bromogkaze,pes kai se mena tin apopsi sou....tha sou doso to bradi tin version tou bios.


exo tin idia mitriki me ton dimitri

P4 @ 2.8

2x512 ddr333

GForce4 Ti-4400 - 128mb

enan scsi adaptec 2904 gia to scanner

cdr plextor 48-24-48

dvdrom pionner 119s

apo psiksi iparxoun ta ergostasiaka pano ston pentium kai tin grafikon kai tou exo prosthesei allous dio fan (12cm) ena mprosta na roufaei kai enan piso na fisaei.


tha vro to fixed pci/agp pou les kai tha to kleidoso stis times pou les....kati allo?

mono to fsb xreiazete auxisi?i mporo na paikso kai me ton pollaplasiasti? (i den ginete epeidi einai kleidomenos).


den me endiaferei kati extreme aplos to ligo parapano (esi tha mou peis poso) kai to asfales,dedomenou oti sto pc auto ergazomai kai den iparxei dinatotita na meino,logo kapsimatos...




Loipon exoume kai leme (antegrapsa oti leei sto BIOS).


Advanced Chipset Features


DRAM Timing Selectable / By SPD

CAS Latency Time / 2.5

Active To Precharge Delay / 7

DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay / 3

DRAM RAS# Precharge / 3

Command Pre Clock / Auto

System BIOS Cacheable / Enabled

Video BIOS Cacheable / Disable

Delay Transaction / Enabled

Delay Prior to Thermal / 16min

AGP Aperture Size (MB) / 64

Flash BIOS Protection / Enabled



Frequency/Voltage Control


Auto Detect PCI Clk / Enabled

Linear Spead Model / 4

Linear Spread Base / 4

Linear Spread Range / 2

CPU Clock / 149

AGP Clock / Synch.

Memory Frequency For / Auto 373

Voltage Fine Tune / Enabled (auto itan Disabled kai to alaksa)

CPU Voltage Regulator / Default

DIMM Voltage Regulator / Default

VGA Voltage Regulator / Default



PnP/PCI Configurations


Reset Configuration Data / Disabled

Resources Controlled By / Auto (ESCD)

IRQ Resources - Press Enter

PCI/VGA Palette Snoop / Disabled

FDD IRQ Can Be Free / Yes



PC Health Status


Shutdown Temperature / Disabled

CPU VCore 1.48v

+1.5v 1.52v

+3.3v 3.34-34

+5v 5.08v

+12v 11.96v

-12v -11.78v


Memory Voltage 2.52v

5VSB(V) 5.13V

Voltage Battery 3.26v

Current SYSTEM Temp. 30C

Current CPU Temp. 43C

Current CPU FAN Speed 2909 RPM

Current SYSTEM FAN Speed 1500 RPM




Thats all Folks!


Wraios re mitsara...


Auto Detect PCI Clk / Enabled

AGP Clock / Synch.


Afta ta 2 ti alla settings pairnoun?Mporeis na mou peis?Einai sto Frequency voltage menu...



Sotiri an 8es elafry clocking tote to mono pou exeis na kaneis einai na kleidwsoume ta pci kai agp sou kai na paiksoume me reymata-fsb-kai ram afou to MULTIPLIER EINAI KLEIDWMENO giafto kai mhn to allazeis <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Oso peri kapsimatos dont worry...den 8a ftaseis sto stadio afto....8a koitaksoume na krathsoume tin ram sou mesa sta specs tis kai 8a anevasoume tin cpu ligo xwris na anevasoume reymata logika...apla na ksereis 8a mas parei ligo afou 8a prepei na trexeis prime 95 torture tests afou to pc sou 8es na einai rock stable giati einai gia tin douleia sou.


Pes mou omws an ksereis i ram sou ti typos einai...apla mia 333 h einai tipota marka pou shkwnei pio agria ram timings?


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