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Kalytero multiplayer game


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Gia adrenalinh egw 8a pshfiza unreal tourn/quake/counter/tfc


Gia ateleiwta ta3idia 8a pshfiza ultima on-line ( dystyxws,

einai to mono pou exw pai3ei <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> alliws 8a htan kai alla

sthn lista )


Ta FPS exoun to kalo oti sto mpam mpam teleiwnoun ( h kako,

opws to blepei kanenas )


Ta RPG 8eloun apeires wres gmt... alla einai porwsh :P

  • Απαντ. 58
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Ti na po re pedia, oute to quake maresh oute to cs, apotan epexa online to aom....den exw pexi allo game online mono aom...ma kala giati exw faei toso kolhma den mporo na katalavo!!!Pantos ginonte kati apisteytes maxes online sto aom, arketoi apo edwmesa xeroun, mou kanei entiposh pou den to yposthrizei kanis me logia...isos den xriazete h vathmologia to rixni pantos to game!!


Tha ta ftiaxoun kapia stigmi pou tha paei...idi tora etimazoun ena poly isxiro patch...(epitelous tha vgenoun pio grigora oi toxotes ston hades) kai tha veltiothoun ta bugs, pantos liga exoun mini akoma...kai to bag sto water map den einai gia loki einai gia thor :P


Goustarw ta perissotera paixnidia tou pol.Kai latrevw to Diablo2.Omws nomizw pws to monadiko paixnidi pou ksexwrizei se multiplayer einai to Counterstrike...einai apo ta pio daskedastika,einai grigoro kai sou epitrepei na kontraristeis face-to-face me opoion amfisvitei to skill sou.headshot,maxairakia,triponta me grenades ktl,ktl


Proswpika, den pisteyw oti to counter kanei gia na

kontraristeis me ton allo gia ena kai mono logo:

H sfaira, polles fores, kanei ta trella ths...


Gia kontres 1000 fores na pai3w Unreal h Quake <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


linos sorry pou kathisterisa na apantisw...pantws to water bug einai gia loki...(ta ploia voithoun sto na emfanizontai ta bonus myth units, enw eprepe na ginetai afto mono apo tous hersirs)

Den kserw an esi anaferese se kati allo <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


Ok exeis dikio alla opos eipa kai pio pano tha to ftiaxoun ayto idi opos exoun proanagili to kainourgio patch gia tin allh deytera kai tha periexei peripou ayta:


Set lose their initial animal strength so they become too weak to be good anymore.


Loki Bug fixed


Ra are given their good priests back and will be good contenders once more.


Isis won't have the early rush threats anymore so will be viable like b4.


Loki are over screwed meaning they can no longer rush effectively, so there is little point choosing them over odin.


Odin have their heroic units sugarbeansed...... BIG DEAL.


Thor aren't changed but can now have a chance vs loki so there will be loads of thor players.


Poseidon i see becoming the top civ, maybe reduced militia again, FREE UNITS SUCK.


Hades get stronger and will own norse


Zeus will be the alternate choice to poseidon for those who like more variety.



Kapou sto forum tou aom ta phre to mati mou, shmera vgalan kainourgia anakinosi pou leei oti epidi telika proekipsan kapia provlhmata tha argisoun ligo na to vgaloun.


Καλύτερο Multiplayer Game,Iss Pro Evolution 2! <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Μακράν το καλύτερο... <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

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