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Windows kai DUAL CPU


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ftiaxnotnas to new pcaki (anavathma tou paliou 733 se 2x733)

proekipse to exhs

ola kala ola oraia,drivers gia to mobo, tpt den douleyei kai sosta sthn arxh alla den variesai, den kaname format toulaxiston

tha to kanoume se liges meroules


pos mporo omos na po sta xp (h se opoia win) na douleyoun kai tis dyo cpu???

allaxa kai mobo fysika, ta xp thn eidan, einai sta devices h 2h 733 alla den thn douleyoun

apla zestainete <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />


ston taskman bgazei mono thn mia

format tha kano alla variemai tora, se liges meres


epsaxna mia lysh etsi grigorh

any ideas??


μόνο σε linux και win2000 server/advanced server εχω δει δικάναλο.


για xp θα σε γελάσω αλλά δοκίμασε στα environment variables εκει που έχει το path, πιο κάτω να δεις αν έχει κατι του στύλ number of processors.


Start->Settings->Contol Panel->System->Advances(tab)->Enviroment Variable->Στα system variables στο Number_Of_Processors τι γραφει;; 1 ή 2;;


Aν λεει 2 εισαι οκ, αυτο που λεει ο φιλος ποιο πανω ειναι σωστο, ειδικες εφαρμογες κανουν χρηση dual cpu.



pyro douleyoun me 3dmax,photoshop,rhino3d,maya,lightwave,premiere (+ta perrisotera apo ta tools ths adobe) kai me diafores alles efarmoges


alla prepei prota na ta doun ta win

ta win nt4,2k,xp ypostirizoun dual cpu (kai perissoteres, se special ekdoseis omos)

thelo na to doun ta xp xoris na kano format

na valei dual kernel dld an den kano lathos


to 3dmax pou eipes einai apla mia trelh periptosh...

einai to mono prog pou vlepei TERASTIA veltiosh me dual, ta alla exoun kalhteres epidoseis, alla to 3dmax me dual spaei kokkala

ta magkakia ths kinetix kai pleon ths discreet den paizoun... zografizoun me source code <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


fatman exo dei kai ftiaxei pc me dual se nt workstation kai server, 2000 prof kai server, kai se xp prof (ta home den mporoun na exoun dual)

oti ginete ginete, to format na glitoso


an tous dei apo to setup sou vazei ton sosto kernel kai douleyei kai tis dyo cpu


skywalker tha pao sto pc to meshmeri kai tha to koitaxo

vlepei kanonika thn 2h cpu sta devices, den thn douleyei omos

kai sto system kai ston taskman leei mono mia cpu


Στην θεση σου θα εβαζα Windows 2000 Server , τουλαχιστον ολες τις υλοποιησεις με dual Που εχω δει σε διαφορους χωρους , ειχα ν το συγκεκριμενο λειτουργικο πανω!


tha valo win2k prof sto epomeno format

server einai arketa vari kai den exei nohma

fortonei services kai processes pou pote den tha xreiastoun kai trone polla recourses


apla psaxno na tou po oti exei 2 kai na tous douleyei kai tous 2 <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


skuwalk 1 grafei sto enviromental variables

to evala 2 alla sto restart to ekane pali ena

(den zhthse restart, ego tou ekana mpas kai allaxei tpt)


pao gia format dld?? molis enas mhnas perase apo to palio <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />


Mando mono me format tha dei pleon to OS ta 2 CPU. Iparxei kai proxeiri lysi, alla to pio swsto einai to format na exeis kai to head sou isixo... <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />


pesthn thn proxeirh re sky

na xavalediaso ligaki dld <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


variemai na kano format kai thelo na do ligo to photoshop sta forte tou


den tha evaza pote home... den to antexei o psixikos mou kosmos <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />


dystixos sta xp den pianei ayto pou eipe o skynet...


FORMAT to savko paidakia, den variesai <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


Prwta ap'ola ti leitourgiko exeis? WIndows XP home,professional h ton diseyreto server? an exeis ta prwta dyo DYSKOLO/API8ANO na tous kaneis tous dyo na pai3oun mazi [mono me e3wteriko programma kai pou 8a tous ekmetalleyete aytous mono afto] Gia ayto vres ta win2k advanced server h vale linuxaki netBSD [koryfh sto multiprocessing] h SUNos[=solaris] to opoio einai my favorite.Just choose ;-)


paidia ta winxp prof exoun support gia dual

ta win2k prof/server/advanced server exoun support gia dual

ta nt 4.0 exoun support gia dual


to provlhma einai pos tha ta doulepsei xoris format, oxi an ta douleyei... ta douleyei kai me to parapano, alla prepei na ton formaro kai variemaiiiiiiii


ta advanced server einai aisxra gia single pc... tsampa services fortonei

exoun ton idio kernel me ta ypoloipa 2000, no changes!

ta xp server exoun thn onomasia Windows .NET kai den exoun bgei akoma, mono se beta


winxp home, 95,95a,95b,98,98se,me den exoun support gia dual!

thats all


ta xp prof aneta ypostirizoun dual kai malista douleyoun kai poly kala se dual <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


tespa, tha kano format shmera ayrio mallon


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