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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Δηλαδή θες να μου πεις ότι δεν περίμενες να τον σκοτώνεις στο MW3 ??


Τι άλλο θα μπορούσε να γίνεται δηλαδή..


Ήδη το έχουν παρατραβήξει..

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Ε ναι, δεν ήταν δα και η τεράστια έκπληξη νομίζω. :P


Νικάνε και οι Αμερικανοί στο τέλος; :P


Oκ σοβαρά όμως, μην ξεχνάτε τα spoilers, γιατί κόσμος τα "ξεχνάει" και σε games όπου υπάρχουν twists κλπ και μετά... -_-


ρε παιδια εκανα κατι αλλαγες που διαβασα για το lag και μεχρι τωρα παει καλα φτου φτου...


λοιπον ερωτηση βλεπω στο leaderboard εμενα με χχχχχχ σκορ και απο κατω κατι ατομα με χχχχχχχχχχχ σκορ και με 5 παιχνιδια ας πουμε.

η καθε νικη ειναι 50.αρα 50χ10 κιλ τοσο σκορ 500. πως ο αλλος εχει τεραστια διαφωρα???


Δηλαδή θες να μου πεις ότι δεν περίμενες να τον σκοτώνεις στο MW3 ??


Τι άλλο θα μπορούσε να γίνεται δηλαδή..


Ήδη το έχουν παρατραβήξει..


έχει περάσει τόσος καιρός που τερμάτισα το 2 που ούτε που θυμόμουν τον τύπο, αλλά με το όνομα μου επανήλθε η μνήμη..


Έχει να κάνει και με τα objectives, το σκορ. Αν πχ σε ένα domination κάνεις assault βάσεις κτλ παίρνεις extra πόντους.


Μιας και αναφέρθηκε το lag, έμαθα από το forum ότι αν κάνεις private match και φτιάξεις μία κλάση σου δίνεται σαν επιλογή στους dedicated servers. Οπότε παίζεις λίγο άμα έχεις κάψες με iwnet για κάποια titles/emblems και μετά παίζεις σε όποιον server βρίσκεις με χαμηλό ping και ησυχάζεις. Βρήκα την υγειά μου, cant blame lag now :P


Έχει να κάνει και με τα objectives, το σκορ. Αν πχ σε ένα domination κάνεις assault βάσεις κτλ παίρνεις extra πόντους.


Μιας και αναφέρθηκε το lag, έμαθα από το forum ότι αν κάνεις private match και φτιάξεις μία κλάση σου δίνεται σαν επιλογή στους dedicated servers. Οπότε παίζεις λίγο άμα έχεις κάψες με iwnet για κάποια titles/emblems και μετά παίζεις σε όποιον server βρίσκεις με χαμηλό ping και ησυχάζεις. Βρήκα την υγειά μου, cant blame lag now :P


δεν ειναι να κανεις κλας αμεσως στα δινει αντι για play πατας server.


εγω ειπα οτι μαλλον εφτιαξε το lag στο μ@λ@κο steam...


Να τα βάλω σε μια σειρά. Τι εννοούσα δηλαδή. Οι dedicated servers όταν μπεις πρώτη φορά, έχουν τα 5 έτοιμα custom classes. Οπότε όταν πρωτομπήκα ξενέρωσα γιατί νόμιζα ότι επίτηδες δεν σε αφήνουν να φτιάξεις class (για dedi) και να παίξεις όπως θέλεις. Κάτι που δεν ισχύει. Πας στην επιλογή private match και απλά πειράζεις τα classes εκεί και αυτά είναι τα specs που θα πάρεις μαζί σου στους dedicated servers. Είναι διαφορετικά specs από αυτά που παίζουμε στο iwnet. Τα classes για τους dedi έχουν τα πάντα ξεκλείδωτα. Του iwnet προφανώς ακολουθούν το xp μας τα unlocks μας κτλ.


Τι πετυχαίνουμε τώρα με αυτό. Καταρχήν να παίξουμε όπως θέλουμε (spec) σε dedi server. Και το σημαντικότερο για μένα που έχω σιχαμένο latency στο iwnet, να παίξω lagfree (μπαίνοντας σε ένα server με μικρό ping).

Αν κατάφερες btw να κάνεις το NAT open θα με ενδιέφερε η διαδικασία που ακολούθησες κι εμένα.


δεν μας λες και τι αλλαγες εκανες και εφτιαξες το lag??


γιατι εκανα δοκιμη μηπως και δεν ειναι σωστα γιαυτο δεν το εγραωα απο την αρχη


λοιπον εκανα αυτα με χρωμα και επαιξα πρωτη φωρα και δεν μετανιωσα τα λευτα που εδωσα.

το βραδυ χτες τα ιδια σκατα θα πειραξω και αυτα που λεει στο επομενο κομματι για το config_mp να δω.


αν οντως ισχθει το


""The MW3 engine tries to balance the matches by adding lag to people with high-performance computers and connections - which means: if you have high FPS and GPU usage and low ping or host, the game will see this as an advantage and add latency to your client. This means that the more GPU usage you have - the more time advantage your enemies will have over you!""


απλα ειναι για τα μπαζα οι μ....

ειναι απο το φορουμ εδω το φορουμ



(Please Sticky!) How to reduce the "lag compensation" MW3 adds to your client!

Straight from user Infinity7 in the game optimizations summary-thread! He works with IW and has provided many solutions. The most important are listed in this thread!


The MW3 engine tries to balance the matches by adding lag to people with high-performance computers and connections - which means: if you have high FPS and GPU usage and low ping or host, the game will see this as an advantage and add latency to your client. This means that the more GPU usage you have - the more time advantage your enemies will have over you!


To fix this and make the hit detection spot on, with high fps and low amount of added lag compensation you need to reduce your GPU usage by limiting some of the variables in the config_mp.cfg


Ingame - set your resolution to whatever your monitor is and antialiasing to 2x, shadows and depth of field and soften smoke edges to OFF, ambient occlusion to off, image quality to native and textures to high to prevent streaming


Now close the game and go to your config_mp.cfg and change these


seta cl_packetdup "0" - makes hit detection more spot on

seta r_depthPrepass "All" - replaces depth of field with a less GPU hungry variant

seta r_distortion "0" - removes distortion from muzzle flash and fire and explosions

seta r_preloadShaders "1" - reduces the performance hit by not loading shaders as you play

seta sm_maxLights "0" - stops using gunfire and explosions as light source for shadows

seta r_texFilterAnisoMax "2" - better look than 4 (default) and less GPU usage

seta r_texFilterAnisoMin "2" - better look than 4 (default) and less GPU usage

seta snd_enableEq "0" - stops the game from making additional sound processing


Try using these and it will feel like you are playing on a dedicated server again!


It also helps to set the iw5mp.exe priority to low in task manager!


here is the proof



Originally Posted by Infinity7 View Post

Antilag and GPU-usage:

This game's antilag feature will slow down your updates from the server if your GPU-usage is too good because of the way the game engine ties in completed frames with uploaded packets. If you find the enemy is seeing you before you see them better try to reduce your GPU-usage. GPU-usage can be decreased by lowering the amount of AA used and possibly by reducing some Specular effects and maxlights. GPU-usage is more steady with less up & down spikes if Depth of Field is set to no. The amount of antilag effect you experience will vary from game to game (rather than from game lobby to game lobby).


Game's Advanced Video Menu:

Anti-aliasing -- 2x -- 2x is the game's default, actually aliases the lines very well, and works well with the other graphics options. Higher amounts of AA increase GPU-usage and would theoretically improve your gameplay if it weren't for the game's antilag feature which may slow down your updates from the server to compensate for your improved performance. Higher AA values such as 8x or 16x can be set in the game's config file too but if you find the enemy is seeing you before you see them better reduce your AA values.

Sync Every Frame -- No -- to keep your maxfps from being capped by your display's refresh rate

Shadows -- No -- set no only if it is slowing your performance

Specular Map -- Yes (?) -- lights reflect off objects. Some people say performance is better with this off, some say the opposite.

Depth of Field -- * No * -- Yes is default. GPU-usage is more steady & less spikey with dof disabled. As an alternative to having this on try r_depthPrepass config file tweak.

Ambient Occlusion -- * Off * -- set off only if it is slowing your performance

Soften Smoke Edges -- No -- try setting this to no only if your fps drops too much when viewing smoke

Bullet Impacts -- Yes

Image Quality -- * Native * -- highest quality setting & better looking than Extra. It will remove blurriness as well. Native is the only choice that uses your display's native resolution. The other texture quality choices will scale up 720p graphics to be that size. As an alternative to this see "Running the Game in a Window" section below.

Texture Quality -- Manual or Automatic (the next 3 things will not show up if this is set to Automatic)

Texture Resolution -- Extra -- increases GPU-usage and is the best-looking

Normal Map Resolution -- Extra -- increases GPU-usage and is the best-looking

Specular Map Resolution -- Extra -- increases GPU-usage and is the best-looking


^ specular is the most GPU using texture

which is why it should be on high (preloaded) instead of extra (streamed)


Config File Tweaks:

seta cl_packetdup "0" --- number of duplicate packets you send to server. "2" is default.

seta r_aaMaxQuality "0" --- this value works with the aaSamples value. The default value is "0". Higher values make for higher-quality graphics rendering.

seta r_aaSamples "2" --- this value works with the aaMaxQuality value. The default value is "2". If this is set to "2" then you've got 2x AA. Increasing the amount of AA will increase the amount of GPU-usage however the game's antilag feature may slow down your updates from server when it sees the improved performance. To understand how aaMaxQuality and aaSamples work together see URL: http://developer.nvidia.com/csaa-cov...g-antialiasing

seta r_depthPrepass "All" (same as setting "2") --- use this as an alternative to having Depth of Field turned on. It gives an added depth effect and may not slow performance very much. If you set the value to "World" (same as setting "1") then the depth effect is only for the background scenery that is way off in the distance far beyond the playable map area. "0" is default and should be set that way if Depth of Field is kept enabled.

seta r_distortion "0" --- disables a blurry visual effect

seta r_dof_enable "0" --- same thing as disabling Depth of Field in game's menu

seta r_imageQuality "0" --- highest quality setting (same as setting Image Quality Native in game graphics menu)

seta r_preloadShaders "1" --- makes all shaders load up before the game starts rather than some loading up later

seta r_rendererPreference "Default" --- olders card may benefit by changing to "Shader model 2.0" instead.

seta sm_enable "0" --- same thing as disabling Shadows in game's menu

seta sm_maxLights "0" --- will reduce number light flashes, may improve fps some claim. "4" is default.

seta r_texFilterAnisoMax "2" --- max Anisotropic setting, "4" is default but a value of '2" here combined with an AnisoMin value of "2" gives a better look than defaults.

seta r_texFilterAnisoMin "2" --- min Anisotropic setting, "1" is default but a value of "2" here combined with an AnisoMax value of "2" gives a better look than defaults.

seta snd_enableEq "0" --- stops game from processing sound equalization

** Note ** about modifications to config_mp.cfg file: Backup config file 1st, commonly found at 1 of these 2 locations:

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 3\players2\config_mp.cfg

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 3\players2\config_mp.cfg

"Open With..." and select Wordpad (not Notepad). When you're done making changes do "Save" rather than doing "Save As" so that the file extension won't get changed.

This actually helped me get my first above 5 KDR match to earn the star player challenge and the mastodon title, try it!

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