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GeforceFX... μάπα το καρπούζι παίδες


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  • Απαντ. 78
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Για το ποια έχει καλύτερη απεικόνιση νομίζω ότι μια ματιά στο άρθρο του Anandtech θα σας λύσει τις απορίες...


Η κάρτα είναι τελική έκδοση, οι drivers δεν είναι...


Στο FSAA σε ποιότητα 2Χ,η ΑΤΙ είναι πολύ ανώτερη,φαίνεται ότι υπερτερεί και σε FSAA 4X,Παραπάνω φαίνεται να μην υπάρχει διαφορά αλλά όταν ανοίγει 6Χ η ΑΤΙ και 8Χ η nvidia,η ΑΤΙ χάνει ένα 40% performance ενώ η Nv30,60%!


Το θέμα είναι όχι μόνο τα FPS αλλά και η απεικόνηση στο 8x ή το 6x που έχει η κάθε κάρτα... Η nVidia έχει χειρότερη...


Brwmogaze->Oson afora to AA quality ta eixa analysei se allo thread... En oloigis,

Voodoo5 = Rotated Grid SuperSampling

NV10 = Ordered Grid SuperSampling

NV20 = Ordered Grid MultiSampling kai Ordered Grid SuperSampling (ta 4xS/6xS/8xS einai blend kai twn 2).

R200 = Programmable SuperSampling (Eixe kales prooptikes alla katelhxe patata...apo apopsh apodwshs toulaxiston)

R300 = Rotated Grid MultiSampling kai Rotated Grid SuperSampling (an kai oi drivers kanoune expose mono to prwto) + Gamma correction.

NV30 = Ta idia me to NV20

Na pw twra sta grhgora ti paizei me to kathena.

Ordered Grid = To pio isorophmeno mode. Kanei AA ola ta jaggies to idio.

Rotated Grid = Poly pio apotelesmatiko se orizonties/kathetes grammes (sxedon 2 fores pio apotelesmatiko) alla exei ligoterh apotelesmatikothta stis ypoloipes. Ama ftiaxtei me maestria omws de fainetai auth h diafora (Nomizw o anand sto review tou gia thn r300 eixe dokimasei to AA se grammes pou sxhmatizan diafores gwnies).

SuperSampling = Kanei render olh th skhnh se pollaplasia analysh kai pernei samples. Kanei AA olh th skhnh (dhladh meiwnei kai to legomeno texture aliasing) alla exei megalo fillrate kai bwidth hit (Sygrinete 4x kai 8xS sta benchies ths fx, skefteite oti me to color compression ths fx to hit eprepe na mikrainei oso anevainei o arithmos twn samples kai tha katalavete ti ennow....h apla boreite na sygrinete AA metaxy 8500/Ti4200 )

MultiSampling = H exelixh tou supersampling an kai einai katwtero tou se merikous tomeis. Psaxnei gia "sygrouseis" metaxy twn textures kai pairnei X samples apo kei kai kanei AA (oxi tipota oso exeligmeno oso to FAA ths matrox vevaia). Prwto meiwnektima einai oti den kanei AA ta alpha textures (an kai gia auto yparxei hdh ena workaround sto OGL). Deyteron, den peirazei ta textures (H Nvidia/Ati/Matrox vasizontai sto anisotropic filtering gia to "texture AA" kai sto AA gia na diwxnoun ta jaggies). Apo thn allh meria, einai poly pio grhgoro apo to supersampling dioti prokalei poly mikrotero fillrate hit.

Oson afora ta perissotera chipakia se mia vga den einai kai h kalyterh lysh, kai apo apopsh apotelesmatikothtas alla kai apo apopsh kostous... (Fadasou twra 2 FX me 256mb mnhmh...tha ekane antagwnismo sth 3dlabs meta h nvidia <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> )

(Giati mou exei ginei synithia na grafw gigadia posts edw pera ? <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> )



oi plirofories poy feroun tin NASA

na ekane kapoies sxediastikes allages tis telefteas

stigmis (logo ton oikonomikon perikopon sta diastimika programmata) sto columbia

krinonte os anakriveis kai anaxiopistes .... <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />



Deite auto pou sas elega sthn praxh sto http://home.attbi.com/~brentjustice2/index.htm

Ta test ginane apo ton Brent tou Hardocp. H nVidia eixe pei vevaia oti xrisimopoiei diafora filtra META ton framebuffer sto 2x kai sto quincunx ths fx opote kalo tha htan na mh lavete ypopshn sas ta sygekrimena test. Nomizw oti ta screenies milane apo mona tous...


Poly mamato AA h radeon e? <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />


akoma kai to 8xS tis FX den akoumpaei tin radeon...

Kamia mellontikh ptwsh tis 9700 pro provlepetai? <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


apo warp2search

The Gainward FX Ultra is now on pre-order sale for £431.34 inc VAT - that's $710.50 USD!!! Maybe its worth it, I let you make that decision but on this page you can get a Radeon 9700 Pro for £232.64 inc VAT & Delivery NOW. Please let me know if you find a cheaper one.


Brwmogaze->To giati h nvidia den xrhsimopoiei rotated grid akoma den to exw katalavei. (Daxei, h ati kanei kai gamma correction alla ama ekane rgms/rgss h nvidia de tha htane toso dramatikh h diafora). Opws exoun ta pramata to AA ths ati einai apiasto. Vevaia, gia na eimaste antikeimenikoi, opws exhghsa prin gia to ti paizei me ordered/rotated grid ama zoomareis tha deis oti stis 45 moires h nvidia kanei ligaki kalytero AA. Parola auta, kata th gnwmh mou, overall to 4x ths Ati pairnei to 8xS ths Nvidia aneta...

Toufas->Nothing new there <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Ekproswpos ths creative eixe pei oti ekei tha keimenontai oi times edw kai arketo kairo. Mono tromaktiko ths ypotheshs einai oti osa $ tha exei sth us, toses £ tha exei sthn eurwph :o Logiko einai na exei psilotrelh timh sthn arxh pou tha einai limited to stock kai oso auxanetai to availability na peftei kai h timh ligaki.....panta etsi ginetai <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />




Brwmogaze->To giati h nvidia den xrhsimopoiei rotated grid akoma den to exw katalavei. (Daxei, h ati kanei kai gamma correction alla ama ekane rgms/rgss h nvidia de tha htane toso dramatikh h diafora). Opws exoun ta pramata to AA ths ati einai apiasto. Vevaia, gia na eimaste antikeimenikoi, opws exhghsa prin gia to ti paizei me ordered/rotated grid ama zoomareis tha deis oti stis 45 moires h nvidia kanei ligaki kalytero AA. Parola auta, kata th gnwmh mou, overall to 4x ths Ati pairnei to 8xS ths Nvidia aneta...

Toufas->Nothing new there <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Ekproswpos ths creative eixe pei oti ekei tha keimenontai oi times edw kai arketo kairo. Mono tromaktiko ths ypotheshs einai oti osa $ tha exei sth us, toses £ tha exei sthn eurwph :o Logiko einai na exei psilotrelh timh sthn arxh pou tha einai limited to stock kai oso auxanetai to availability na peftei kai h timh ligaki.....panta etsi ginetai <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />



My80s-Toufas...Poia einai h kaltyerh Rad 9700 PRO?Tis hercules?Poies oi diafores tous apo marka se marka?Tin exei dei kaneis fthna Uk?Gyrw stis £270 thn vriskw...


My8os: trexw 1024x768 @100hz me to 17"ari Sony CRT monitor mou...Se idia analysh me 32bit kai Ola ta goodies enabled se Rad 9700 posa fps average pisteyeis 8a pairnw se ena game san F1 2002?h CMR 2 px?exeis ypopsin sou?Giati proswpika me tin ti 4200 kai ta goodies ola enabled paizw xwris probs MOHAA alla games like racing sims 8elw full eye candy kai polla fps gia pio accurate kai smooth odhghsh me to timonaki...Vasika den mporw na pw oti i ti 4200 den einai arketh...alla se racing games 8elw parapanw...


Oles to reference design akolouthoun. Apo kei kai pera gia OCing oi gigabyte/hercules/tyan lene. Twra oson afora ta racing....den einai kai ta kalytera coded games (cmr2/nfshp2 to name a few...me apokoryfoma, an to ennoeis racing, to gta3 <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> ) Se nfshp2 xtypaga gyrw sta 35 me 4xAA/16xAF anoixta...kai na fantasteis oti sta idia settings, sto ut2k3 pianw 55-80 me vsync sta 80 <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> (kati hxere h ea pou apelyse to team pou to eftiaxe....oxi oti ta alla teams tous einai kalytera...)

F1/cmr2 den exw testarei (alla tha testarw to cmr3 otan vgei me to kalo) Sto warp2search eixa diavasei oti h crucial 9700pro exei 232.64 pounds me fpa/metaforika mesa.


H monh pou mou gyalise to mati einai h Hercules ystera apo merika reviews...me tis psyktres all over the place <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> ...alla £300...den ksanadinw tosa fraga ...


isws otan ftasei konta stis £250 na ginei kanna conne


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