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H Canonical μετατρέπει σε closed-source τμήμα του Ubuntu


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Canonical makes the big decision - Closed source userspace - Enterprise tools


Ubuntu, this year, is going to turn 6 years old. After many releases, using the respectable Linux kernel, Canonical has made a difficult, we would say, decision

regarding the fact that Ubuntu has to compete, in fair terms, with the other, widely used

operating systems, like Windows NT and Mac OSX.


From the next release, Ubuntu 10.10, the major part of the userspace - including the UMS graphics' stack, the desktop environment based on GNOME 2.x, the tools and the Canonical based applications for web and cloud - will be closed source and will be developed internally within the company, by developers with high expertise.


Closed-source and refinements - The role of the community


Despite the fact that we are going to make this great proportion of the Ubuntu ecosystem closed-source, we encourage the community to continue using our distribution, by upgrading, by October, to Ubuntu 10.10. The major difference is that the tools used on Ubuntu, within userspace, are not gonna have their sources distributed and their code is going to be altered - while respecting GPL, LPGL, BSD licenses accordingly - in order to make the tools' integration better.


The reason for this decision is not only one. The main one though would be that we need to code the internal core of Ubuntu on our own, without upstream changes, which change our plans every few months.


More news and feedback for the new changes are going to be published within April and May. Follow us @twitter, facebook, identi.ca and Ubuntu One web distribution cloud.


We hope that this will be for the best,


Mark R. Shuttleworth


Πηγή: http://www.ubuntu.com/blog


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