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Hang Up Internet Connection Prog


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Hiiii... Xerei kaneis an yparhei kapoio programma pou na eleghei ta dedomena pou katevazei to modem (p.x. apo kazaa) kai otan peftoun katw apo kapoio pososto na kleinei th syndesh.

Elpizw na katalavate ti ennow, thelw molis teleiwnei kapoio downloading na kleinei th syndesh.



Kati toso geniko oso les esy den exw dei (ektws apo to "hang up when connection may not be needed" twn win9x, alla afou rwtas tha ypothesw oti den exeis 9x) alla gia analogws me to apo pou katevazeis olo kai kati yparxei. Gia http links/anon ftps yparxei to flashget, gia ftps genika to flashfxp, gia irc links ama thes apla vale to exhs sto remote sou

;on *:FILERCVD:*.*: { /run C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t 30 }

kai opote thes na to xrhsimopoihseis kanto uncomment (vgale thn ; sthn arxh), gia kazaa to speed up kanei auth th douleia...auta mou erxontai sto myalo twra...



An pas sta properties ths syndeshs sou, sta options, exei mia epilogh 'idle before hanging up'. Balto sto 1 lepto. Etsi an teleiwsei to katebasma meta apo ena lepto tha kleisei h syndesh sou.


P.S.: Den to exw kanei pote gi'auto dokimase to na deis an pragmatika kleinei.


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