paravatis Δημοσ. 14 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 14 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Freeloader Trial Account Limits 1. One month Freeloader limit. Freeloader accounts expire after one month. We hope that testing our service for at most one month provides sufficient time for you to become familar with Streamload and the great service we offer. If you choose not to subscribe, all Freeloader files and account settings will be deleted one month after the original sign-up date, and the username will be available again for new people to use. 2. One Freeloader trial account per person. Please only create one Freeloader account. 3. 10 MB downloadable file-size limit. Freeloader trial accounts can only download files less than 10 MB. You may upload and store files of any size to test our system, but please note, you will need to purchase a Streamloader subscription to be able to download these files. 4. 100 MB or 25 file download limit. Trial Freeloader accounts are limited to download 100 MB or 25 files (whichever comes first) during their one month trial, and no single file download can be greater than 10 MB (see #3 above). 5. Storage is not guaranteed. Freeloaders' files may be deleted at any time, and will be deleted when the trial account expires. ***** Site Usage Policies About Split files: 3b. No split archives (e.g. ZIP or RAR files) with segments less than 10 MB. Split archives with segments less than 10 MB created explicitly to circumvent the 10 MB Freeloader download restriction will be deleted. If an archive happens to be less than 10 MB or the last archive in a series of larger archives happens to be less than 10 MB that's ok, but split archives in which all files are less than 10 MB are not ok. For example, a 50 MB file split into three 15 MB files and one 5 MB is ok, but it's not ok to split that same 50 MB file into ten 5 MB files. prosopika denpistevo pos einai polla 5 evra to mina... ego ta plirono edo kai kairo
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