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Μαθήματα windows+soft-hard ware


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Σκοπεύω να αρχίσω μια σειρά μαθημάτων σε ένα φίλο μου, ξεκινώντας αρχικά με τα βασικά των windows και συνεχίζοντας με μερικά απαραίτητα προγράμματα όπως και κάποια γενικά πράγματα για το hardware.<BR>Έχει να προτείνει κανείς καμιά σελίδα που να έχει κατηγοριοποιημένα μαθήματα για windows basics κ.λ.π.;;;


clopy apo ena biblio (twra esy xexorizeis ti na tou matheis prota - pano se software panta. se hardware einai pio eukola ta pragmata):<P>Windows 98 From A to Z<P>Table of Contents:<P>{A}<BR> * Accessibility Options <BR> * Accessories <BR> * Active Desktop Environment <BR> * Active Movie Control <BR> * Add New Hardware <BR> * Add Printer Wizard <BR> * Add/Remove Programs <BR> * Audio Compression <BR>{B}<BR> * Backup <BR> * Broadcast Data Services <BR> * Bus Mouse <BR>{C}<BR> * Calculator <BR> * CD Player <BR> * Channels <BR> * Character Map <BR> * Check Box <BR> * Clipboard <BR> * Clipboard Viewer <BR> * Codec <BR> * Communications <BR> * Components <BR> * Compression Agent <BR> * Control Panel <BR>{D}<BR> * Date/Time <BR> * Desktop <BR> * Desktop Themes <BR> * Dial-Up Networking <BR> * Dial-Up Server <BR> * Direct Cable Connection <BR> * Discover Windows 98 <BR> * Disk Cleanup <BR> * Disk Defragmenter <BR> * Disk Management <BR> * Display Options <BR> * Document Templates <BR> * Documents <BR> * Documents Menu <BR> * Driver Converter (FAT32) <BR> * DriveSpace <BR> * Drop-Down List Box <BR> * DVD Player <BR>{E}<BR> * Emergency Boot Disk <BR> * Explorer (Windows) <BR> * Extranet <BR>{F}<BR> * FAT32 Converter <BR> * Favorites <BR> * Files <BR> * File Management <BR> * Find <BR> * Folders <BR> * Fonts <BR>{G}<BR> * Games <BR> * Game Controllers <BR> * Getting Started <BR> * Group Policies <BR>{H}<BR> * Hardware System Requirements <BR> * HyperTerminal <BR>{I}<BR> * Imaging <BR> * Infrared <BR> * Installing Windows 98 <BR> * IntelliMouse <BR> * Internet <BR> * Internet Explorer 4.x <BR> * Internet Explorer Menu <BR> * Internet Mail Services <BR> * Intranet <BR> * ISDN Tools <BR> * ISDN Configuration Wizard <BR>{JKL}<BR> * Java <BR> * Java Console <BR> * Keyboard <BR> * LAN <BR> * List Box <BR> * Local Printer <BR> * Log Off <BR>{M}<BR> * Macromedia Shockwave <BR> * Mail <BR> * Media Player <BR> * Microsoft Chat 2.1 <BR> * Microsoft FrontPage Express <BR> * Microsoft NetMeeting <BR> * Microsoft NetShow Player <BR> * Microsoft Office <BR> * Microsoft Outlook Express <BR> * Microsoft Plus! 98 <BR> * Microsoft VRML 2.0 <BR> * Microsoft Wallet <BR> * Microsoft Windows 98 DOS and MS-DOS Prompt <BR> * Modems <BR> * Mouse <BR> * Multilanguage Support <BR> * Multimedia <BR> * My Computer <BR>{N}<BR> * Net Watcher <BR> * Network <BR> * Network Neighborhood <BR> * Network Printer <BR> * Newsgroups <BR> * Notepad <BR>{O}<BR> * ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) <BR> * Online Services <BR> * Online User's Guide <BR>{P}<BR> * Paint <BR> * Passwords <BR> * PC Card (PCMCIA) <BR> * Personal Web Server <BR> * Phone Dialer <BR> * Plug and Play <BR> * Power Management <BR> * Printers <BR> * Programs <BR> * Programs Menu Option <BR>{Q}<BR> * Quick Launch <BR> * Quick View <BR>{R}<BR> * Rebooting Windows 98 <BR> * Recycle Bin <BR> * Regional Settings <BR> * Registering Windows 98 <BR> * Resource Kit Sampler <BR> * Resource Meter <BR> * Run <BR>{S}<BR> * ScanDisk <BR> * Screen Saver <BR> * Serial Mouse <BR> * Serial Printer <BR> * Shortcuts <BR> * Shutting Down Windows 98 <BR> * Sound Recorder <BR> * Start Menu <BR> * Starting Windows 98 <BR> * Startup Disk <BR> * Suspending a Winows 98 Session <BR> * System Information <BR> * System Monitor <BR> * System Properties <BR> * System Tools <BR>{T}<BR> * Taskbar Properties <BR> * Task Scheduler <BR> * Telephony <BR> * Toolbar <BR> * Trial Programs <BR>{U}<BR> * Upgrading to Windows 98 <BR> * User Profiles <BR>{V}<BR> * Video Compression <BR> * Views <BR> * Virtual Private Networking <BR> * Volume Control <BR>{W}<BR> * WaveTop Data Broadcasting <BR> * Web-Based Enterprise Management <BR> * Web Publishing Wizard <BR> * WebTV for Windows <BR> * Welcome to Windows <BR> * Windows Explorer <BR> * Windows 98 Help <BR> * Windows Update <BR> * WinPopup <BR> * WordPad <BR>{XYZ}<BR> * X-Files <BR> * X Windows <BR> * x86 <BR> * Yahoo! <BR> * Zines <BR>Index<P>© {Copyright}, Macmillan Computer Publishing. All rights reserved.


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