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REQ: Extra ru8miseis gia modem gia megisth taxutht


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Brhka kati den xerw kata poso isxuei.....se win98 pou to dokimasa doulepse alla den xerw an einai allh8ina auta pou leei kai pragmatika....eikonika pantos to 115.200 bghke...check it ..... !! se winxp den mou doulepse giati polu apla den brhka auto to key sto registry twn win...


How to Overclock Your Modem

(the right way)



First, you will have to do a little registry editing for this to work...but if you've never done any before...it's a piece of cake!


1) Go to start button>run , and type "regedit". Your computer's registry will appear before you, ready to be hacked....


2) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>System>CurrentControlSet>Services>Class>Modem and find the modem you are using (if you only have one modem installed, it will be the only one there...)


3) Under Modem there should be a folder called Responses...it may be different for some modems, but you are looking for the folder with the dial-up codes in it. Click on each folder until you see the one with the codes.


4) As you scroll down the connect codes, you will see a string of numbers that looks like this:


02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


These are your connection codes for your modem to make a connection with the ISP. These are the numbers you want to change.


5) First, find the highest connection speed that is on the list. It will probably be 115200K. Now, look out beside it at the number code. My modem's 115200K code looks like this:


02 00 00 c2 01 00 00 00 00 00


This tells the modem to connect at 115200K when it dials up, and if that connection speed is not available, the ISP's server will give you the highest connection speed they've got...


6) Now, your job is simple. Right click on each one of the connection speed titles that the code string begins with 02, and select "modify". When the modify box pops up, change the number you see to match the number for your 115200K connect code. Do this for every connection speed offered, and only the one's that start with the 02 string, so that they all read the same.


7) Reboot, and your done! It takes a little time...about 10 minutes...but the end result is worth it. If you mess up a number, or want to put your modem back the way it was, that's easy, too. Just go to Control Panel>Modem, click on your modem and hit remove. Now, when you reboot, your computer will detect your modem, reinstall it for you, and all registry settings are back to normal.




When you dial up to the internet, your modem contacts the server for your ISP. It asks the ISP for a connection speed that it can connect with, and the ISP returns with a code for a given speed.Your modem checks it's registry codes for a code that is close to what the ISP gave it, and returns with an answer. This negotiation continues until a common code is reached, and you are allowed to connect. What you just did above narrows your modem's options. It will continue to send a 115200K connection code until the ISP reaches it's highest connection speed, which your modem will then settle for, and you will be connected. Since this is the highest speed your ISP will let you connect at, you really can't ask for more!




Although I have tried this on more than one computer and seen it work, I am not responsible if it doesn't work for you. Like I said above, you can always reset your modem back to factory defaults with little problem, and I've never seen or heard of a modem becoming damaged by doing this...but just for my piece of mind, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE!



Απ'ότι ξέρω, τα 115200 Kbps είναι η μέγιστη ταχύτητα επικοινωνίας της θύρας COM με το modem και όχι η ταχύτητα επικοινωνίας του modem μέσω της τηλεφωνικής γραμμής, η οποία καθορίζεται από το πρωτόκολο που χρησιμοποιήται. Πειράζοντας το registry απλώς τα windows μας εμφανίζουν αυτή την ταχύτητα και όχι την πραγματική ταχύτητα σύνδεσης.


Mafia μούφα μου φαίνεται αυτό και καθώς το δοκίμασα μόλις τώρα μούφα είναι. Τα download upload rates τα ίδια είναι. Περίμενε να βρω κάποιες καλές ρυθμίσεις που χρησιμοποιώ και θα ξαναποστάρω.




Αυτές είναι οι βασικές ρυθμίσεις που χρησιμοποιούν τα περισσότερα προγράμματα που υπόσχονται να κάνουν boost την σύνδεση σου.



;Click "Start / Run" -> type "regedit" (without the quotes) -> highlight "My computer", click "Registry" -> select "Export registry file..."

;& save it somewhere.


;BROWSING SPEEDUP [+] tested and works


This tip works on ALL Windows 95/98/ME and NT4/2000/XP systems with MS

Internet Explorer 4/5/6 installed.


This Registry fix speeds up internet/remote (using Windows Explorer and/or

Internet Explorer) browsing process considerably on most MS Windows 32-bit

machines connected to a network and/or remote computer(s).

This actually fixes a BUG in MS Windows OSes that scan shared (remote)

folders/files across the network for Scheduled Tasks, and can add a delay as

long as 30 seconds (!), because it uses extra time to search the remote

computer(s). :(

To do this, run Regedit and go to:




In the right hand pane highlight the {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}

Value and delete it: right-click on it -> select Delete -> click OK.



This Registry change takes effect immediately.

Just start MS IE while connected to the network/internet to see the

difference. :)


NOTE: Upgrading to a future MS Internet Explorer release or reinstalling it

may add this value to your Registry *again*, therefore you may need to delete

it *again* after (re)installing MS IE. :(


FYI: More info:- MSKB:


- InfoWorld:



;FASTER INTERNET [+] tested and works


"It seems that in addition to the deleted entry of ie's scheduled tasks

in the MSTCP parameters, as well as all the described Registry fixes below, not only

improves the speed of the nternet connection, but also dramatically improves

the browsing speed if you add these three new entries under the "MSTCP"

Registry key, as shown in this REG file:


-----Begin cut & paste here-----








------End cut & paste here------


Copy this text in Notepad, save it with the .REG extension, then

right-click on it in Explorer and select Merge.

Here are the recommended values:


- Tcp1323Opts String Value Value: 1

- SackOpts String Value Value: 1

- BSDUrgent String Value Value: 1


;All above settings (and more) are described in this MSKB article:"



;NOTE: MSKB incorrectly lists "Tcp1323Opts" as DWORD Value for Win9x/ME.


;HTTP SERVER REQUESTS [+] tested and works


This Registry hack works with ALL Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0x, 5.xx and

6.xx 32-bit releases for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP.


First, close ALL MS IE instances.


Then open Regedit and go to:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

or to:

HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

if you are the main or only user on this computer.


In the right hand pane you need to create these DWORD [REG_DWORD] values

because they are not present by default [don't type the quotes though :)]:


- "MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server": defines the number of simultaneous requests to

a single HTTP 1.0 server. Double-click on it and type any integer value

between 8 and 32 (I use 16) in the Decimal box. Default is 4.


- "MaxConnectionsPerServer": defines the number of simultaneous requests to a

single HTTP 1.1 server. Double-click on it and type any integer value between

4 and 24 (I use 8) in the Decimal box. Default is 2.

Exit the Registry Editor when done.


CAUTION: Requesting too many connections at the same time can slow down your

browser, even if you're surfing on broadband (Cable, xDSL or Satellite).




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